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Until Him/Her #8

Until December

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Gareth Black is drawn to December Mayson the moment he spots her across the room at her cousin’s wedding. When he approaches the beautiful woman, she captivates him with her shyness and wit, making him crave her.

With a pull so strong it’s impossible to ignore, December knows there’s something between her and Gareth. She just hopes they’re capable of jumping the hurdles ahead of them.

Two boys, an ex, a surprise that will change everything, and a disgruntled co-worker, guarantee these two will have their work cut out for them if they are going to find their happily ever after.

247 pages, ebook

First published July 29, 2019

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About the author

Aurora Rose Reynolds

86 books17.1k followers

Aurora Rose Reynolds is a New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author whose wildly popular series include Until, Until Him, Until Her, Underground Kings and Shooting Stars.

Her writing career started in an attempt to get the outrageously alpha men who resided in her head to leave her alone and has blossomed into an opportunity to share her stories with readers all over the world.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 734 reviews
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,585 reviews3,941 followers
July 16, 2019

I am a fan of all Aurora Rose's "Until Series" and I am sure I will read each and every book she releases in them until she is done...which I hope will be a long long time from now. I myself almost feel like I am part of the Mayson family...it is very comforting actually ;)

This time it is December's turn and those of you who have read the previous book, already a bit about how she meets her "BOOM".

boom gif - Google zoeken

I really enjoyed reading this book, I finished it in one go. It is definitely one of those "feel good" stories and I had a big smile on my face throughout reading it. Of course, there were also times when I wanted to plant my kindle against the wall... Some people really do need a high five in the face...with a chair...

hit with a chair gif - Google zoeken

Thankfully Garreth made up for all that frustration. What a delicious hunk of dad he is... and his kids were the absolute sweetest !! I am one of those people who actually doesn't mind kids in their books, but even for those who are not a fan...these kids were the bomb!

2 teenage boys - Google zoeken  cute couple beard - Google zoeken

I also had a lovely time revisiting old friends...especially November and Asher, since they were my very first read by this author, Until November. They will always hold a special place ;)

I highly recommend this series and the original one !!

An ARC was provided to
in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,966 reviews2,339 followers
July 30, 2019
Amazon US * Amazon UK
Enter Giveaway HERE.

December and Gareth gave me all the feels. Their relationship was seriously so adorable and I loved how easily they jumped into each other's lives. For the most part their story was a pretty easy and angst free read, which I thought really worked for them. We had a lot of time to focus on them as a couple and got to see all of the emotions from that, and I thought it was great. There was still a little bit of angst thrown in, though, so it wasn't all just fluff.

Gareth was the perfect Alpha hero with a little extra swoon worthiness when we got to see him being a great dad. I loved how he brought out a little bit of December's bad girl side that she mostly kept hidden. She's definitely not as outspoken as some of the other Mayson's but in this book we got to discover that she also isn't as much of the good girl that you might have thought she was from the previous books.

I definitely recommend reading this bookk and will also say that it could probably be read as a standalone since there aren't a ton of Mayson's that make appearances. Though, I also recommend reading the other books as well just because they're so good.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,490 reviews492 followers
July 30, 2019
I love how December gets her boom. Garett is amazing. I loved his dedication to his family, maturity, and his pursuit of December. December is one of the quieter sisters but Garett gives her the space and motivation to come out of her shell in the best ways.

The plot and pacing were good. They follow that distinct ARR style I’ve come to love. The characters showed growth and had distinct personalities. The secondary characters were used effectively.

I can’t wait to read what’s next!

Complimentary copy received and voluntarily reviewed.
Profile Image for Andrea Fleury.
979 reviews78 followers
September 18, 2019
Gareth and December

One look at the beautiful woman at the wedding and Gareth is smitten. December noticed him but her sister April gets dibbs. But next morning December wakes up and she isn't alone. Now her sister will kill her. But he is so sexy.. As always This was a hot sexy book with loads of hot sex and lots of Alfa make goodness
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,708 reviews484 followers
August 3, 2019

With a cover like that how could I not read this book?

Anyway cover aside this is a nice easy romantic read.

Gareth is a single day working two jobs to look after his two boys. Their mother flits in and out of their lives whenever it suits her. So all the responsibility falls on Gareth. He doesn’t have time to date. Until he meets December Mayson.

After a bit of a rocky start they soon fall into a groove.

Like I said this is a nice easy enjoyable read.
Profile Image for My Pink Fairytales.
622 reviews80 followers
November 17, 2019
Alpha ⭐️

There are authors out there who write the same book over and over again and ARR is definitely one of them. If you read any of the Until series, you can say you read them all. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad thing, I kinda like it. It feels like I can count on her for delivering some great, perfect pink fairytales. :)

I always pick Aurora Rose Reynolds’s novels when I’m the mood for a true alpha hero, the caveman style who leaves no room for any doubts when it comes to their love, protection and devotion to the woman they fall in love with.
The heroines some are stronger than the others, usually a little bit clueless to the fact they just met the man of their dreams and to the fact they he already laid his claim on them.

December is this first grade teacher, who meets Garrett at her cousin wedding, but also where her sister, April sees Garrett first and mentions how hot he is, so based on the pact the sisters made so long ago - if one of them is interested in a guy, he’s definitely of limits to the other sisters, no matter what. Funny thing happens, December and Garrett end up going home together and spending the night together. Next morning, she sneaks out of his bed and home. Consumed with remorse, December faces April who is super understanding to the whole situation, basically because she noticed Garrett’s interest in her sister during the whole event.

Garrett’s a single dad of two cute boys, but with his crazy selfish bitch of an ex showing up so stir some shit and cause a little bit of drama.

I enjoyed reading this book quite a lot. My kind of trope, good plot, so there you have it.
I won’t ever miss out on reading any of ARR’s Until-books! ❤️

It would be an absolute honor to have you as my guest on my blog too. Stop by anytime you want :)
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,869 reviews2,843 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
July 30, 2019
description I made it 3/4th of the way through before I gave up. I was bored out of my mind. I didn't like Gareth, and for the love of God can we try something new and stop with the psycho exes that cause issues....



Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
2,153 reviews473 followers
July 30, 2019
Spoilers ahead

Ok so this author is one that even my keypad recognizes 😂 I check on her releases so frequently it's a shame

Right soooo.....

This one started off pretty slow and I didn't think I'd like the H at all but maybe about 20% in? I got the usual ARR yumminess

Single dad
J/P hero
Little mini Alpha kiddos
Ex drama but H definitely wasn't interested

I did find for someone in his financial situation he should've been more careful with birth control, I mean he's thinking of her knocked up when he's juggling 2 jobs just to provide for the 2 kids he already had. That was a bit irresponsible.

I didn't think the H/ h had enough page space dedicated to them becoming a couple or maybe I'm just greedy and wanted more

I didn't enjoy this one as much as Cobi's books but most times this author's books hits the spot so I'm counting this one as a win.

Love the epilogue
Profile Image for Somia.
2,065 reviews165 followers
August 1, 2019
Single dad of two teens Gareth Black is drawn to December Mayson from the moment he sees her, and December (nicknamed Ember by Gareth) feels the same intense attraction, but her sister calling dibs leads to her sneaking out on Gareth, luckily once apologies are made and there’s a bit of tension the two get together.

I liked December’s interactions with Gareth’s boys, I just wish we had more scenes where we saw her bond/relationship with Gareth develop. Depth and layering were needed.

There is some drama from Gareth’s ex but nothing that puts a spanner in December and Gareth’s relationship.

I enjoyed the epilogue. A nice light fluffy read, but it’s not one that will stay with me, or one I see myself fiercely hankering to re-read.

Potential Triggers:
Profile Image for Gi's Spot Reviews.
1,121 reviews1,348 followers
July 30, 2019


5 ‘If you run or if you fall, I’d catch you’ Stars

The best of BOOMS in single parent romance PERFECTION!!! Heartwarmingly sweet, body sizzlingly scorching and soul touchingly realistic, Until December grips you in the most addictive of ways in an emotional journey where, doing justice to its origins - OG Mayson -, family is what matters most and the core of our beings. I couldn’t have adored more this brand new family of Gareth, December and his boys. I fell in love right along with them: Mayson phenomenon at its purest!

Everything about her and this moment is my undoing. 

What will you do if I run?”

Ms. Reynolds characters always spoke to the deepest part of myself, but never any as much as December. I was and am her! Such incredible world building in this Until universe, but even more masterful character creation. I rarely relate with a heroine as much as I did with every trait of December's. And Gareth... Holy mother of single dads! Not only him, but also his boys, completely stole my heart right along with hers.

“I’m a Mayson, Gareth Black. I know I’m not adventurous or very outgoing, but I’m still a Mayson.” His brows draw together, and I lift my hand to rub away the lines etched between them. “Family, love, devotion, and determination are what I grew up seeing all around me. I know what’s important. I know why it’s important. And I understand that sometimes, even when it’s scary, you have to do everything within your power to protect it. I love you.”

I can never get enough of this Mayson and all the Until characters, main or secondary. It's such an incurable joy to dive back into this world, and ARR always leaves me simultaneously warm and fuzzy in a happy bubble, but also craving immediately my next Until fix! Indeed I'm already dying for the next victim of the Mayson BOOM!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

“You don’t even realize that the roots you’ve planted have become something to cling to in a storm, a safe place to go to when the winds start to pick up.”

ARC kindly provided by the author via Give Me Books Promotions for an honest review

For full review with Release Blitz, check out my Blog post,
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,140 reviews2,578 followers
August 14, 2019
4.5 Stars

I loved this one! Aurora Rose Reynolds and the boom does it again.
Gareth and December get off to a bit of a bumpy start, but luckily they get past it pretty quickly.

Here’s what I loved:
December is super sweet and a great character. She actually reminds me of myself. I’d prefer my comfy couch and a book over going out any day of the week.

I enjoy single dad romances! Gareth’s focus on his kids and doing whatever he must to make sure they’re well taken care of is everything.

The addition of the kids was a nice touch. I loved seeing that aspect of the story.

My only minor critique was the romance, I wanted a little bit more. More wooing in the beginning would have been a nice touch after their little hiccup.

For more of my reviews:
My Blog: Book Twins Reviews
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Profile Image for Valentine.
274 reviews58 followers
August 2, 2019

This is how December answers every questions.


This is how a TEACHER answers every questions.


This is how a "strong indipendente" woman
answers every questions.

Um well um what can I um say more um about this um annoying book?
It was, um stupid, um too much ow drama with um absolutely no reasons.

I'm wondering: um why is so um hard to give a female character um a back bone?

It's difficult to read with all this ums right?
Fuck it I'm out.
Shelved as 'author-i-dont-want-to-read'
July 31, 2019
For the love of god! Please tell me this heroine doesn’t get kidnapped in this one? Why am I even asking when I’m not giving this author my money for the same recycled trope she writes in every single book.
Ex drama
Asshole hero
Weak pathetic celibate or virgin heroine.
And let’s not forget the good ol kidnapped heroine!

Moving on!
Profile Image for Heroesinbooks.
1,130 reviews337 followers
March 4, 2021
5 Gareth & December Stars

I loved this book. I was so looking forward to it & I devoured every page.
The Until series began with ‘Until November’ (November & Asher who are December’s parents) and that story will always have a special place in my Kindle heart because it was one of the first books that got me into reading contemporary romance and nurtured my love of stories based around families where each is a standalone in a series.

Gareth is a 32yo Dad of two boys aged 15 & 9. His ex left him years ago but she sweeps her toxic ass into their lives now & then , causes upset to the boys & leaves. He’s been over her for a long time & they have no emotional attachment. His focus is his boys. Then he crosses paths with December Maysen. She may be one of my most favourite heroines in these books. She is a Kindle obsessed first grade teacher with a delinquent cat. I loved that she was soft but showed her sass when needed. Gareth is really alpha and he falls hard & fast for December - he behaves like an idiot at the start but redeems himself.

I guessed the plot but I don’t care. I love these characters & it felt like meeting old friends. It’s not very angst ridden - but again , I wanted a low angst read to balance some other books I’ve read lately.

Looking forward to the next one!

HEA? Yes - gorgeous.
Cheating? No way.

Until her, I never believed in happily ever afters,

*Re-read (audio) in January 2020.
I’m binge rereading the Until / Until Him-Her series by listening to them on Audible. This story was a 5 star read the first time round and Troy Duran & Keira Stevens delivered the icing on my kindle cake with their fabulous narration. Loved every minute.

Re- Read / Listened to March 2021
I desperately needed a comfort read so picked up this all time favourite of mine and fell in love with it all over again.
Profile Image for Emily.
5,638 reviews530 followers
March 13, 2022
Gareth Black is a single dad who is done playing games. He has two boys who are his world and he works hard to give him the best he can. When he sees December Mayson at his friends wedding, he feels a pull he never thought he would and wants to take a chance, but he does not know that December is putting her sister first and ends up mucking it up.

December believes she lost her chance with Gareth but fate has a way of throwing them together and when Gareth realizes that December was not playing games with him he takes another chance with her. Should be smooth sailing but trouble has a way of finding the new couple and will the tests that are about to come their way be able to survive.

Another fantastic read by this talented author. I am always guaranteed two things when reading an Aurora Rose Reynolds, 1. Everything is put on hold while I devour the book and 2. It will be a fantastic read. Loved Gareth and had hoped he would get a book when I read about him in Harmony's book. Definitely reread worthy.
Profile Image for Tpagirl Loves Romance.
1,672 reviews180 followers
July 30, 2019
Until December was Aurora Rose Reynold’s eighth book in her Until Her / Until Him series.

December and Gareth met at a Mayson Wedding. They clicked immediately but had a few obstacles to get over before they could fully acknowledge their chemistry. It was a fun book with a little drama - but not much. One of the greatest parts was watching the relationship with Gareth’s sons develop with December. Reynold’s made them a vital part of the story, adding depth and complexity to the storyline.

All in all, it was a quick and enjoyable read. I’m not sure where Reynolds will take us next, but April should be soon. Either way, I’m all in.
Profile Image for Caroline.
195 reviews37 followers
September 29, 2023
5 Stars
Okay, guys ever since I got a teaser of Decembers story in Until Cobi I have been so excited to read her story and have been waiting patiently (or not) on this book. So when I got it on my kindle yesterday, I dropped everything I had in my hands, ran to my kindle and said screw the book I am reading this one is more important!

I am so happy I did that because December and Gareth's story was better than I expected.
This is a book about a struggling single dad who has two sweet boys that meet the kind teacher that shows them the love they deserve.

The connection between these two from the beginning is hot, and I could almost feel the pull as much as they could. I loved the drama in the beginning, and it made it a little different from the other books, which is only a plus in my book. Even though it is hot and there is some sexy time, there isn't as much as I remember in some of the other books because of the kids.

Gareths boys made this book so much more special. They were with them the entire way, and I even think they fell in love with December before Gareth did. They made the story funny, light, and did so that I could so relate to Gareth from the beginning.

There is a little drama in this book but nothing heavy as in some of the other Until books, but it didn't make it worse it just made me relax, sit back and enjoy the ride.

So are you craving a sexy single dad, a fun, relaxing book, a crazy family or just a book that will make your heart melt and set your panties on fire then this is the book for you
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,892 reviews766 followers
January 5, 2020
4.5 Stars!

I’m such a sucker for kids and that ending just got me in the heart. I also love a good single dad story. I actually wasn’t a fan of Gareth at first. I just wanted him to get his head out of his ass. What I did really like was that this couple didn't take long to just put it all out there. I love it when a couple is honest and don’t try playing games.

Seeing December show those boys what a mom should be like is where I got my true enjoyment with this story. She was a sweet heroine. She handled the ex with grace that just made me love her character more. Usually it’s the hero that has my attention but December was the one who shined in this book.
Profile Image for Maria....
428 reviews166 followers
August 2, 2019
Dammmmmm the cover is H.O.T!!!🔥🔥🔥

This was a sweet story! It didn't blow me away but it was ok, although I had a feeling that I was missing something from these characters. Loved the kids though!

I love this series so I keep coming back for more and more from this author! But the last books from her were just nice. So I'm hoping for the great ones to come since the Mayson family is huge!

Profile Image for Jac K.
2,415 reviews398 followers
May 19, 2022
2.5 🥱🥱Stars

I’ve been manically cleaning/organizing my home for the last couple weeks like an insane person… it’s like nesting without the baby bump. 🙄 (I’ve mostly been “rereading” via audiobooks) I actually read this one, but it was over a week ago, so this isn’t the freshest review… FYI

Until December is December (one of Asher/November’s month daughters) and Gareth’s story… and it didn’t really do it for me. It was ok but nothing special. December is an elementary school teacher that dresses wacky and says stuff like bull manure. Garreth is a 32-year-old single father of two boys. (16 & 10-ish) We know he’s poor, works as a mechanic and tattoo artist, and has a dead-beat ex-wife. I found them both bland.

My biggest grump was that I found this quite boring. The plot was stale, the characters were uninteresting, the drama was low, and there wasn’t any real action. December and Garreth felt flat, their chemistry was nonexistent, and the pacing was slow. The book opens with a hookup that’s immediately followed by a misunderstanding that takes roughly 40% to get over. So, we’re pretty much just following them around listening to their thoughts for the majority of the first half. 💤 The ex-wife doesn’t show up until 68% and is a nonevent.

Bottom Line- The ingredients were there, but nothing was explored. Age gap, baggage, teenagers, instant family… no problem. G goes from leery to all in/throw those condoms out with a snap. His money issues disappear… she immediately embraces a mommy bear role. We go from twiddling our thumbs for half the book to warp speed happiness with no real transition. I don’t think we’re even told how old December is, but I thought they were all mid-20’s and expected this to generate some drama. Asher has been so overprotective of his girls, but gives zero fucks that his sweet December is shacking up with an older man with half-grown kids. (??!!) Meh. Epilogue- a month, a year, then 8-months later.
Profile Image for Kayla Brunson.
1,565 reviews268 followers
July 29, 2019
Anytime ARR writes another book in this series, it honestly feels like coming home. I don’t think I will ever be sick of this series. After reading a snippet of this at the end of Until Colbi I was stalking her for info for when this would release. When I read about this having a single dad I knew I was a goner.

I don’t even know when I fell in love with this book. Maybe with Gareth’s relationship with his kids or when I found that December was a reader. I couldn’t tell you. I just know that my heart was stolen and this book was way too short.

We all know that I love single dad romance. Seeing December bonding and eventually love Gareth’s sons stole my heart. I loved Max and Mitchell and the relationship they formed with December was the best part of the best part of this book.

Seeing how easily the relationship between December and Gareth really added years to my life. After they got over the hiccup in the beginning, they easily fit into each other's lives. They had steam, chemistry, and the cutnesss that keeps you rooting for them. Of course, since it’s ARR, we do have some issues that our couple has to go through. So if you’re familiar with her books then you will feel right at home.

If you are a fan of this author and series then pick this up. If you aren’t, then pick it up and fall in love anyway.

I received an ARC for an honest review.

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Profile Image for bookmarkbelles.
324 reviews59 followers
July 24, 2019
I had the cheesiest smile on my face throughout this entire book and thats not like me, which is why this series remains my #1 series of all time!

Until December was completely perfect! I knew it would be because Aurora Rose Reynolds never lets me down. It had all the elements you except when it comes to this series.... a hot alpha man (and in this story a hot single dad), instalove and as always a mayson in trouble. Its not an Until Series book without the mayson family making appearances. Like, what more do I need to say? BOOM! Another phenomenal read!

I may have or may not have went on a hunt for a single dad in my neighbourhood immediately after finishing this book 🙊 no such luck but I did end up grabbing some fries and ice cream as a consolation prize 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Sara M..
563 reviews20 followers
May 17, 2020
Il mio preferito di questa serie😍
Quanta dolcezza tra le pagine, con una crescita emotiva mi ha trascinata all'apice della gioia. Mai scontato (cosa che ho sempre rinfacciato a questa serie) e carico di pillole preziose in ogni capitolo.
Gareth e December sono l'amore❤
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews864 followers
July 30, 2019
Aurora Rose Reynolds is one of my favorite authors to read. She writes the best Alpha males and the sweetest yet strong women who love them. Until December is no different. I was patiently waiting for this book as we had a glimpse of this couple in the last book in the series, Until Colbi.

Gareth is a single dad of two boys. He’s working 2 jobs to give his boys anything and everything they need. He has a strong support staff with his mom and Aunt which is needed since his ex is crazy. He’s noticed December around town but he finally gets to meet her during her cousins wedding. It’s evident from their brief interaction that these two have a huge spark.

December is a girl after my own heart. She’s an avid reader who doesn’t leave home with her books. She’s also caring, compassionate and fights for those she loves.

The pair got off on a rocky start. I wasn’t sure if they could and would be willing to give the other a chance. Thankfully these two stubborn adults were willing to fight for each other. I love how she melted with Gareth and his son’s. She was a strong female presence for his boys.

I love how the author blends real life scenarios with a little fiction to give the readers a truly enjoyable reader. There were a few tears shed while reading this so I would recommend reading with tissues near by. Although it can be read as a standalone, I would suggest starting from the beginning. I’m hooked on the series and can’t wait to read the next book!

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,615 reviews185 followers
July 31, 2019
Aurora Rose Reynolds is one of those authors you can never go wrong with. Since the first book of hers I have picked up she has been an automatic one click. And her until series is just perfect.

I love going into these books knowing I am going to get an over the top alpha, a take no shit woman, a few episodes of drama, some hot AF chemistry and a swoon worthy happily ever after. And with all of the until series we are going to get a few drop ins from some of the other masons.

I love that December was not your typical Mayson. She was quiet and reserved and a bit of a book nerd. But she still had the backbone and family values that I expect from an ARR character.

Gareth started out a little shaky and I was a bit worried he wasn't up to the normal standard of alpha. But once I got to know him more I understood his reservations. And he was such a great dad, I warmed up to him pretty quickly.

So of course I loved it. And naturally I read it in one sitting since I couldn't put it down. And if you're a ARR virgin this can be read as a standalone but I highly suggest that you clear your month and go back and read Until November. If you're already a fan you're probably just reading reviews while you wait for the pre-order to land. Don't worry you wont be disappointed.
Profile Image for Nicla.
416 reviews341 followers
August 1, 2019
Another enjoyable installment in this series. Really liked December and Gareth. However I did feel like it was missing something. It just felt a little bit too short and easy read for me. Still good just not my favorite in this series.

Any push/pull
Any couple separation
Angst Level: Low
Heat Level: High
Profile Image for Darlene I read WAY to many books.
3,565 reviews2,181 followers
July 29, 2019
3.5 ⭐

We back in the until series!!! And this was pretty good book.

We met this couple few books ago now its their turn.. we saw them in meeting in Until Cobi.. December feels a pull but her sister April lays she wants him.. so she avoids him until Gareth has enough and goes after December.. they spend the night together (no sex..just sleep) and she sneaks out making up a tiny lie since she thinks her sister wants him (sister doesn't no drama at all).. he was abit of a jerk to her when she text him that tiny lie.. and both decided that was it... Little did both know the world didnt think so.. Tattoos, and his kids bring them closer.. but i gotta say for a guy who moaned and bitched he didn't wanna play games.. i agree with December he was playing a game he was angry thinking she was on a date.. wasnt on a date.. i felt bad for her at that moment since he was being hot cold.. but was glad he stop pulling away and jumped with her :)

The couple and kids becoming closer was awesome i love the bond December has with the boys.. and how she handled The ex-baby mama... also Gareth handled his ex.. didnt want nothing and didn't get manipulated by the ex.. so good.

No om drama slight ow drama, sexy time, no cheating,Secondary chara, Drama-ish, no virgins


Push/pull from H
Safe sex
No condom
Single parent
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for  B.E.Love.
1,330 reviews130 followers
July 30, 2019
This was a great read. Possessive hero and a great heroine with a very enjoyable storyline.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 734 reviews

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