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A Love in the City Novel

Falling for him was not part of the plan. 

It was the perfect plan. I would marry one of my closest friends and reap the financial rewards. He needed a savior right when I showed up on my white horse. We'd been friends for years, so now we'd be glorified roommates. No one had to know two straight guys decided to tie the knot. We agreed nothing would change. We'd just go on with our normal lives.

That was the plan until I started to notice more about him than just his laid back vibe. I started to look forward to coming home. I lived to talk books, art, and love. Suddenly, we were both feeling things that didn't make any sense. We didn't date men. We had to make a decision - act on the attraction or try to pretend it wasn't there.

One thing about perfect plans - sometimes you have to deviate.

Love in the City is a collection of standalone MM romances focused on the lives of men in and around New York City. It is intended for mature readers.

295 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 13, 2019

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About the author

Mia Monroe

62 books678 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews
Profile Image for Heather.
805 reviews12 followers
February 5, 2020
Friends to lovers is my favorite trope, and I really wanted to love this book...but I really didn't. The first 20% was promising, good world building, interesting characters, good pacing. Then it all went to heck. The next 70% of the book was just incredibly boring and repetitive, the same thing over and over. There was no steam, no excitement, and no chemistry between the two MCs. The will we or won't we thing was so annoying, and the double date with two women just to make sure the two MCs were really into each other was the final nail in the coffin for me. Hesitancy, juvenile indecisiveness, and 12 discussions about consent does not interesting reading make. This book could have stood to lose at least twenty thousand words, if not more. I really can't recommend it.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,568 reviews494 followers
September 3, 2019
A Joyfully Jay review.

3.75 stars

The book opens with Jason trying to wrangle his immense finances as he’s maxed out on deductions and the only areas he can’t take advantage of are the ones involving marriage. Jason hadn’t thought he would get married. His relationships are short lived and he’s fine with that. But the financial savings is what really attracts him to the deal.

Quinn is at the end of his financial rope. He hasn’t made it as an artist yet and he’s sold most of his possessions to make rent, but it’s still not enough. His friends would help him out, but he’s too proud to ask. The offer from Jason comes at the perfect time and, while he likes Jason, he never thought about marrying the man. Jason can appreciate a good-looking man, but never had any desire to date one, while Quinn’s story is a little different.

The beginning of the book was a little slow for me, but that had to do with the marriage of convenience aspect. We are told that the men have been close friends for years, but we are not shown much of that so it took a little while for me to become settled with the story. For a friends to lovers book, I wanted to see a little more connection than we were shown between them. Once the men started acknowledging their attraction for each other, around the 25% mark, things picked up for me.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for A Book Lover's Emporium Book Blog.
2,815 reviews167 followers
July 10, 2019
5+ Stars

Deviate by Mia Monroe is a beautiful love story. The idea of loving a person not restricted by their gender is explored and developed perfectly with Deviate. This twist on the traditional friends to lovers genre intrigued me from the start.

Quinn and Jason struggle through their emotions and preconceived ideas about life and love. Their chemistry builds over the course of the book and I felt the emotional tension escalate as though I was there with them. I found myself thinking about Jason's hesitation and bravery and Quinn's patience during the course of my day. This couple became like friends to me, they were so well written.

The sex scenes in Deviate are HOT AND STEAMY! Nothing was held back or censored. There was just the right amount sex to emotion ratio in Deviate, nothing was over the top or redundant. I often find the erotic aspect of M/M stories takes over from the romance and drama, but this was not the case with Deviate.

Mia Monroe captured my heart with this pair, I hope we see more of them in future books from the Love in the City series.
Profile Image for Shawna (endemictoearth).
2,239 reviews34 followers
November 19, 2023
DNF'ed at 10%. The premise is literally about a billionaire trying to pay fewer taxes by marrying a friend. (I mean, this is a billionaire who is actually paying taxes, which is a novelty in and of itself, but still YOU’RE A BILLIONAIRE PAY YOUR EFFIN’ TAXES, ALL OF ‘EM.)

I've enjoyed other books by this author, but I can't do this set up.
Profile Image for Kate.
191 reviews54 followers
July 15, 2019
Do you know what one of my favourite tropes is? Fake relationships. I can't tell you why it just is. Seeing two people grow together and fall in love when there is at least something there between them before they find themselves in the relationship (friendship, attraction, raw chemistry) does something to me. Now take that trope (well, more like a marriage of convenience) and add it to a first time same-sex relationship where two close friends transition to lovers before the end?


That's what you get when you pick up Mia Monroe's debut novel Deviate: A Love in the City Novel. You get this beautiful story of two friends who become so much more in what started out as a way for one to get a tax break turns into a meaningful lifetime love. Stop me right now, I'm waxing poetic about these guys and I can't help myself !!!

"I've never wanted a man sexually. Sometimes my brain asks why is this happening. Why do I want this." He smiles. "It's not that I don't though. Do you wonder why sometimes?"

Jason is a man with means. He's well invested, a driven and dedicated real estate mogul in New York who's frustrated at giving as much money in tax to the IRS as many of us are at paying taxes, but he has a giving heart and would rather donate that money and do things to help the people he loves than pay it in taxes. When he's offered for the millionth time the option of getting married to get that tax break with a marriage of convenience, he's skeptical. How could he choose to commit himself to anyone? He didn't want the potential to lose what he'd amassed in wealth, or his tax break, when the other party decided they wanted a real relationship that he couldn't give them.

And then there's Quinn. He's the quintessential starving artist, suffering for his creative process which itself is starting to suffer because of the feelings of failure and depression crushing down on him. He's flailing. He's been selling off anything he can just to make ends meet because he has yet to see success as an artist. He has the talent, Jason knows he has the talent, but he hasn’t broken through yet as one of the many artists in residence in New York. What starts as a suggestion by their mutual friend becomes the moment JPK becomes a pseudo knight in shining armour.

Can you tell, I always love these marriage of convenience/fake relationship stories when one character needs saving??? Can you??? Because I do!

These guys have been friends for most of their lives. Neither can claim best friend status with anyone else, but they can claim the closest relationship they have is with each other. And it's a relationship that grows deeper and deeper the closer they get. One thing I love about this book is that Mia Monroe doesn’t shy away from the fact that Jason is questioning. He's never felt this kind of attraction before, whether the fact that his attraction is to his "best" friend who is much more open and exploratory with his sexuality. I think that was probably one of the best parts of this book. That even though he's questioning where this is coming from, he knows that it feels right and that keeps going back with a willingness to explore the sensation and learn what feels good to him. The whole idea of being free to feel and to explore with each other was a prominent and beautiful part of Quinn and Jason's love story - and the physical aspect of that relationship was certainly hot while the emotional parts were incredibly rewarding.

Normally there's a lot of funny stuff in here but you'll find a lot more heart in my…

Favourite Lines -

"Too fucking proud. Especially to Jason. He's a year older than me, but it's like he's twenty years ahead. He's a fucking millionaire at thirty, and I'm still hustling to get grocery money."



"Yeah. His Investments."

"Doesn't make me feel better."

To rid myself of nervous energy, I stand and grab some paint before sitting in front of my latest canvas. I call it Before the Dawn in the hope this is my darkest moment and the sun is just around the corner. Maybe Jason is the sun.

"Nothing wrong with holding out for epic." He grins. "Just don't fall in love. I'm the princess in this story."

I haven't felt like this since I was a kid learning what turned me on. Quinn… turns me on. Why and how is confusing the shit out of me.

"Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor?" he asks. "You're still really pale."

"I'm Irish. I'm always pale."

"If you were a girl - " I shake my head.

"If I was a girl, what?"

"If I was a girl, you wouldn’t question our connection, right?"

"Wrong. If you were a girl and I felt the way I do, I would run."

I smile, "Same."

So then am I straight with an asterisk? Some exceptions apply? Fuck me. I have no idea.

"We thought our lives would just go on as they were, but the smartest people know it's ok to deviate, make new plans, adjust."

This was possibly one of the best M/M debuts I've had the privilege of reading. One-click this baby on July 15th and feel the real and beautiful story of Jason and Quinn as they move from friendship to something so much more.

Profile Image for ~BookNeeds~.
782 reviews14 followers
August 26, 2020
Fake fiancé is a favorite trope of mine, although the whole “tax break” was somewhat of a feeble reason to get married. Aside from that this book was fantastic. The struggle to come to terms was real.
Profile Image for Between the sheets book reviews.
199 reviews21 followers
July 15, 2019
WOW!!!!! You would not believe after reading DEVIATE that this is Mia Monroe’s first book... she seems like a well seasoned Author with years of experience. I absolutely loved this story, it is up there on my favourite M/M book list.

It starts out as two long time male close friends , Jason is a billionaire with everything money can buy and Quinn is a struggling artist who is finding it difficult to make ends meet. Both men are straight but at the current point in their lives are not wanting to date or settle down.
Insert a marriage proposal of convenience that is issued to Quinn to help Jason out for tax reasons and we are taken on such a beautiful journey of love, friendship, self discovery and hope . This story shows the face of pure unconditional , soul mate, everlasting love doesn’t have to conform to a specific gender norm, it’s how one heart, soul, desire, and true connection speaks to another regardless of gender, race or age.

I absolutely loved everything about this story , it gave me all the FEELS... I loved the slow burn , that navigation of finding ones true self, the push and pull aspect until you finally have to face yourself and ask: “What is it I really NEED in life to make me the happiest ME? Who knows me better than anybody else flaws and all and still loves me for me, won’t judge me, can’t wait to come home and see me , gives me butterflies just by a look or touch, relax with me, comfort me, go to batt for me, take the reins when sometimes life gets too hard and will help achieve all life goals just by being in my corner and supporting me”.... THAT person just might be who you least expect....

That person you have been searching for your whole life... could be staring you in the face .

I was given an ARC of Deviate for an honest review .

Loved this so much. Congratulations Mia on a truly beautiful story . It deserves the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for AlitaConejita.
491 reviews4 followers
July 22, 2019
Hmm - not the standard contemporary (M/M) romance.

I’ve gotten to the point I’m used to a certain pacing:
30% - initial engagement (or more physical if on the erotica end of the romance genre)
50-60% - full on physical engagement
75ish% romance crisis
80-90% resolution

This book doesn’t evolve that way. It’s more of a smooth flow ... the broadening and deepening of a relationship. Not angsts at all, and no big crisis point though the characters do have some things to work through. The different pace has me a bit off kilter. Not really sure how I feel the book overall, but I was happy with HEA.

Random comments: it’s the popular fake relationship trope (I really like that trope) - but not really because they keep the marriage secret for the most part (but not “dirty”/ashamed secret, just “personal”/private secret).

Also the popular friends to lovers trope (which I also like) ... but not the frequent version where one or both friends have been pining for the other and afraid to say anything because the other is straight and/or it’ll mess-up the friendship.

There is mention of some bdsm (domination, giving up control, etc) but the sex scenes aren’t about kink at all.

There are a handful of typos, but the writing is solid overall.

I like the characters, but they are not the standard romance guys. No alphas, no jocks, no nerds, no bros, etc. it’s a business billionaire guy - but he’s not controlling/domineering. It’s a struggling artist - but he’s not dark and broody, or ditzy and colorful.

Essentially, this book doesn’t fit the usual mold as far as pacing or characters. But it is a romance with a satisfying HEA.
Profile Image for Tina J.
1,294 reviews172 followers
October 3, 2019
POV ~> Alternating first-person POV

Jason and Quinn have been friends for years. Jason's thrived and excelled in the real estate market, so much so that his tax bracket is nearly killing him. Quinn, on the other hand, has literally become a starving artist and his friends have no clue just how bad it's gotten.
Just when Quinn faces eviction, Jason's friend and accountant, Charlie, hatches a plan. Marriage on paper only. Get a tax break, help a friend in need. Win-Win. Right?
Until Quinn moves in and they start to spend more time together. Until they start noticing "things" about one another. Until they start to "feel" things they have no clue why they're feeling them. Until they fall in love.
This story was fun and entertaining with just the right amount of feels. All it takes is a strong friendship and faith in one another to build something stronger and longer-lasting than either ever expected.
Absolutely enjoyable.
Rating: [R] ~ Score: 4.35 ~ Stars: 4
⭐ ⭐ **** Disclosure of Material: I borrowed a copy of this book from Amazon via my #KindleUnlimited subscription and am voluntarily leaving unbiased and unsolicited feedback. I was not asked, encouraged, or required to leave a review - nor was I compensated in any way. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". ***** ⭐ ⭐
Profile Image for Up All Night With Books.
1,157 reviews44 followers
July 8, 2019
4 Stars
Review by Allyson
Late Night Reviewer
Up All Night w/ Books Blog

An unpredictable, beautiful and tantalizing story.

Jason and Quinn have been good friends for quite a long time. Both in two different career paths but their friendship has stayed true. When one needs to ask the favor of a lifetime, commitment and bonds of friendship are tested; emotions and feelings rise.

Deviate showcases more than just a normal MM romance dabbling in love and lust. No, it broadens our horizons and teaches us to open our hearts and accept what we want in life even when it is more than what is to be expected.

"Something is happening to me. To us. I don't understand it yet. I don't know if I will. And if I take his suggestion and just go with it, how far will we go?"

Mia Monroe's writing was original and fresh. She is a new author for me and I can securely say that Deviate won't be the last book I read from her.

***ARC received in exchange for an honest review,***
Profile Image for Mindy Reader.
546 reviews45 followers
July 22, 2019
Easy friends to lovers romance

This was a sweet lighthearted friends to lovers romance in the M/M category. Sex scenes were nice (somewhat tame) and story was ok. Reminds me a bit of the hallmark movie Love comes Softly. Everything was pretty easy for our heroes with relatively zero drama/angst. I usually prefer my M/M romance to be more aggressive/intense. If you are looking for a quick lighthearted new age M/M romance then this may be for you.
Profile Image for Lily.
872 reviews57 followers
June 26, 2019
Must-read debut of 2019!

Omg is this really Mia Monroe’s debut? I loved it and read it in two sittings! I can’t remember the last time I stayed up late to finish reading a book. It was so good and the sexual tension between Jason & Quinn was off the charts! So happy I took a chance on this new author. I can’t wait for the next standalone book in the series!

Profile Image for Jen Zingaro.
1,099 reviews167 followers
July 23, 2019
4.5 stars -- Honestly.
I am blown away that this book was a debut from a new author.
This story has such a unique plot. A marriage of convenience to benefit to straight friends.
The writing was smooth. Interesting characters. Well-paced and I didn't want to put it down.
It's sexy and hot and just everything you want out of a good book.
202 reviews
September 18, 2019

I felt confused for a lot of this book. Jason said he wanted to be dominated and Quinn said he would and then he made Jason make all the decisions and moved. Jason’s character was also not very like able.
Profile Image for Essie .
966 reviews11 followers
August 25, 2019
3.5 stars
This was well written and it was definitely hot, but the whole journey was too smooth for me to love it completely. I would have loved to have some more drama and hurdles before the HEA....
Profile Image for Joanna Grosz.
173 reviews14 followers
June 4, 2024
I guess the book wasn't what I expected, I'm probably not the ideal person to review it.
It's a story about marriage for financial gain.
The guys are only "mostly" straight. One has bi-curious dreams, and the other has had full-on sex with a guy before, so it's not like the blurb is selling it: "two straight guys". I thought the blurb was misleading. It wasn't like that at all. It should be explained adequately, because some people might pick it up just for that reason, as I did, and it is a bit upsetting.

It also had some D/S vibes, but they were presented in an uneven way. For example, Jason expressed that he wanted to be facef*cked, tied up and pe*ged, even forced to take a d*ck, but that didn't happen, the sex was mostly just regular sex, which made me wonder why the author even started that way?
It strangely reminded me of another book I read years ago, about an omega and an alpha, and the omega showed up in the alpha's room with a bag full of BDSM stuff, for their FIRST time together, without even asking the alpha if he was interested in such stuff.
Here it was a bit different, Jason told Quinn about his dreams after they kissed and Jason said "one day I will fulfill them". He basically promised him the BDSM stuff, but we don't see it in the book (and good, because it would be a 1* from me) except for some "Go to bed! Yes, sir!" (and there is not much sexy times anyway, I think they have a-sex one time?).
What bothered me the most was the constant presence of women around = women who were interested in these men, I should add. If they weren't being massaged by one, they were having foursomes with others, then even after they had sex, Quinn pressured Jason to have sex with some random girl(he denied it, but anyway), and it was so annoying to me that I skipped a lot of that part. I read MM exclusively and it wasn't what I wanted to read about.

And the other thing. The way the book is written.
The style is very "tell" - not "show".
The dialogues are so super literal, the guys speak so plainly without nuances and hesitations, they just express what they want, and not much dialogue tags to show me what is going on in their minds and what shows on their faces.

And the last thing. Personally, I didn't feel the chemistry and love between the main character to the extent that I like to feel it. I need the subtle, deep descriptions of how one character feels about the other, and here we have some of that, but not much depth. What I look for in books is intense love and I need to FEEL that they have that intense love. And here the author failed to deliver that - at least for me. It may be okay for other people.

So in the end it wasn't a perfect read for me. And I blame the blurb. It should definitely be more explicit that it's not about "two straight guys", but only about one bi and one bi-courious. That annoyed me a bit, because that is exactly why I bought the book.
There are a lot of books about marriages between a straight guy and a gay guy, and I have no problem with that! But in this case, if someone is looking for two straight guys, it's just not it, so please author, don't market it that way.

It's 2.5** for me.

I didn't have a problem with the fact that the billionaire wanted some tax cut, as other readers do, some people work hard for what they have and Jason was actually NEW money, he was from a blue collar family, so he worked his ass to have what he had. The jealousy and hatred toward hard working people who earns money is a new, super-strange American thing. Commie vibes! And I was born in communism, in communistic country, so I have my strong opinion about that.
Profile Image for Amanda.
629 reviews
August 25, 2022
Jason and Quinn are good characters—Jason is focused on making deals and making money, but he’s thoughtful and loyal to his friends. He also really wants to save as much money from being taxed as possible. Quinn is creative and laid back and open to new experiences. Even though both men feel like they never want to get married and have children (thinking they are straight and marriage would be with a woman), and so, supposedly, don’t hold marriage as sacred, they both react to getting married for business purposes with more emotion than they expected. They immediately start doing things to take care of the other: Jason offers him space in his penthouse to live and do his art—as a thank you to Quinn for agreeing to the arrangement. Quinn responds by making sure Jason comes home to food on the table.

Even though they get married in the courthouse, they’re still prompted to kiss at the end of the ceremony, and that one kiss sparks interest in both of them. But it takes a long time before their physical relationship develops. Quinn is more open to it than Jason—It takes Jason longer to stop questioning why and what it means and to just go with his feelings. The nice thing about that is we get to see them become closer emotionally and intellectually so it’s clear this isn’t just lust.

I think this book gets better as it goes along. But it also feels a little unsure of itself. There are things that are made a big deal of early on that seem to be almost forgotten by the end. And some things are said, but never shown. Also, there are a lot of typos.

But overall, this really is a sweet, somewhat steamy, mm romance that made me smile. It was fun to see these two men grow into their love and relationship.
Profile Image for D.
970 reviews11 followers
February 9, 2021
Jason is a billionaire in need of a tax cut. His best friend Quinn is a starving artist. When a mutual friend suggests the two straight men should get married to improve both of their lives, they laugh it off - at first.

This is the second book my Mia Monroe I've read and for the second time I am impressed how well she writes dedicated, loving relationships full of trust and understanding. It warmed my heart to see how well the two men communicated, the two of them were just so precious. They were so accepting of each other, it made me want to cry. So much love!

It's also a great execution of the gay-for-you trope. And friends to lovers. And forced proximity. Does it get any better??

The only criticism I have (and it's a minor one), is that Jason's status as a billionaire didn't make sense. He is a realtor in New York but not even self-employed. MAYBE he could be a millionaire, if he did really really well and invested his money wisely but that he was supposed to be a billionaire just broke my suspension of disbelief.

The story is low angst but doesn't lack in tension at all. In fact this is an excellent example of how to create suspense in a romance without the characters fighting or outside forces keeping them apart.
Profile Image for Monica.
435 reviews
March 8, 2020
Marriage for a tax break? Yup, that's a thing and Jason decides that's what he needs to do when his buddy Charlie suggests he gets hitched for financial convenience.

In comes Quinn, a struggling artist who is behind on rent and on the verge of losing everything he owns. He and Jason are buddies going back to their high school days and when Charlie suggests Jason ask Quinn to marry him in return helping him financially as he continues his art, Quinn accepts. Oh did I forget to mention, they are both straight?!

Eventually Jason starts to feel something for Quinn and Quinn admits that in the past, he experimented with a man and enjoyed it.

They explore their sexuality and eventually remain married and in love in a HEA!

The experimenting was steamy but tame in a good way. Nothing extreme.

Great read, I recommend.
Profile Image for Tai.
656 reviews4 followers
February 16, 2023
4.5 stars. I really enjoyed the natural development of friends to lovers, but I'm giving this 1/2 star less because the story starts by mentioning a group of high school friends, but they only make a brief mention one more time. We only get to see Charlie from the group in more personal settings. I would've loved to see the other guys' reaction to the budding romance, and just more in general besides their names. I'm also disappointed that the series doesn't continue with the high school friends- the next book seems to center around a guy we don't meet until the epilogue and super quick at that, when the synopsis made it sound like it was going to be around their nyc friends. I hope the author gives the other friends in the group a closer look for future books. But I loved this story and will definitely be checking out other books by this author.
17 reviews
November 16, 2020
I love fake relationship stories but this one was a DNF for me. The entitled attitude for the one MC was over the top (whine... I don't want to have to pay my taxes). He describes going up to women at the bar as "I come in all alpha male and aggressive" after his friend softens them up. For me, there has to be something redeeming about the characters, and Jason is just a run of the mill dude bro.

The description of the guy who's struggling to pay his rent as having lots of free time and stress free. Just gah.
Profile Image for RE Reader.
1,152 reviews3 followers
December 22, 2021
I hate to give fewer than 3 stars to anything, and honestly, this isn't *bad*, per se ... it's just lackluster. I didn't really like Jason at all. Again, he wasn't necessarily unlikable, he was just boring -- and very controlling. He wasn't cruel, but he pretty ruled Quinn and steamrolled through his life. Quinn didn't seem to mind, which is fine, but I just kept feeling like Monroe tried to solve every problem with Jason's money, and it took any possible tension or angst our of the story.

So it was pretty boring, truth be told, and I didn't really sense any real chemistry, either. Meh.
Profile Image for Nathália.
514 reviews24 followers
March 22, 2022
Urgh, segundo livro da autora que eu tento ler e não dá certo. Eu estava MUITO animada no começo do livro, eram tropes que eu estava com muita vontade de ler, mas só fui me decepcionando a medida que fui lendo.

Novamente achei os diálogos muito artificiais! Parecia algo ensaiado, não da forma real como as pessoas falariam. E o desenvolvimento do relacionamento deles também foi decepcionante, estou até com preguiça de explicar. Enfim, eu terminei de ler, me distrai, mas não acho que vou ler mais nada dessa autora.
765 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2020
Jason and Quinn. Straight awakening of friends to lovers.

Both have always known they are straight right? Then there Charlie. Seems to be stirring the pot a little by suggestion that Jason needs to get married for a tax write off. In come Quinn who has been friends with Jason since school days who is having a rough patch in life. In ride Jason. Saving Quinn with a marriage proposal of mutual Satisfaction. They have their ups and downs but the ups are way better. Cute story
Profile Image for Claudia.
1,035 reviews5 followers
September 4, 2020
Hmmmmm, so, this started out pretty okay but the more it went on the more I had trouble telling the two leads apart because both had just started waxing poetic about their attraction to one another to each other or themselves basically all the time. And something about the way they came out to Charlie at the end didn't sit right with me; who shares THAT much about their previous intimacy issues with former lovers? That was just a little strange to me.
Profile Image for Jo Newton.
249 reviews2 followers
February 11, 2021
<3 beautiful

I always grow concerned over my reviews. I worry they're too short, too crazy, to rambling, just too everything! But I also just decided I don't care. This was one of my absolute favorites. I loved it! The story line, the characters, the world building. Just. So good! I can't wait for the next one and I'm starting to panic because I know I've almost read all of Mia's books and I'm so sad!
Profile Image for Valerie.
Author 20 books172 followers
November 24, 2022
While I feel the book took too long for Jason and Quinn to explore their feelings for each other, worrying about the other man missing out because of their arrangement, when they did admit what they felt for each other was much stronger than a friendship, especially with Jason identifying as straight, the book truly started for me. It was a good story of friendship turning into more and I enjoyed it.
1,069 reviews2 followers
September 29, 2023
Jason & Quinn

3.5 stars. This was a slow burn but in a good way, these two took their time while analyzing every move and all their feelings. Friends for years, they enter in a convenient arrangement that benefits both. They realize maybe their attraction is more and agree to explore. Some parts made me wonder if they were going to make it or scare each other away but they communicated openly and found their way. Good story over all.
1,046 reviews3 followers
May 16, 2021
DNF at 37%

Did? Did I skip to a completely different book? 37% in and they went from friends/fake husbands and Jason thinking he might be sexually attracted to Quinn to now he thinks he'd like to try being a sub and Quinn being his Dom. Can we say out of the blue! I have no idea how it changed so much, it seemed totally out of left field.
Profile Image for Lindsey Applegate.
76 reviews5 followers
July 20, 2021
So sweet

Absolutely loved this best friends to lovers story. Jason and Quinn are amazing. This story was so well written, lots of romance, laughs, and the character development was phenomenal. The author has never failed to impress me with her stories. So glad I took the time to read this gem.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 reviews

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