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The plan was never to fall in love... The plan was to avenge my father's death.

Hell, I knew better. Never fall in love with the mark.

For ten years I have plotted and planned my revenge against Rafe DeMarco. He took the most important thing in my life away from me and I meant to return the favor.

Except, I was wrong...

Now, I need his protection. And I'm the fool who went and fell in love.

The best laid plans and all.

(Deeper is the finale of the Deep Duet. Start the duet with Book 1, Deep.)

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 29, 2018

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About the author

M. Malone

87 books1,491 followers
M. Malone is a NYT and USA TODAY bestselling author, a RITA® Award winner, and a member of RWA's Hall of Fame.

She lives with her husband and their two sons in the picturesque mountains of Northern Virginia even though she is afraid of insects, birds, butterflies and other humans.

Since starting her indie publishing journey she has sold over a million books and her titles have hit the NYT and USA Today bestseller lists more than a dozen times. She also holds a Master’s degree in Business from a prestigious college that would no doubt be scandalized at how she’s using her expensive education.

-JOIN MY MAILING LIST HERE - http://www.mmalonebooks.com/newsletter/

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Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,354 reviews1,546 followers
January 25, 2018
 photo deep_deeper_crbanner_zps62praome.jpg
🌟🌟🌟🌟 STARS
So Deeper is the second part of The riveting "Deep duet" by M. Malone and Nana Malone.
And after where we left this I have been gagging to get stuck right back into this enthralling story and I just have to say Deeper certainly didn't disappoint, it just keeps getting better and better.
So we start back off here exactly where Deep left us with Diana on the move along with that ever so revealing flash-drive and with Rafe not far behind in hot pursuit.
and Instead of being in self-preservation mode after realising Dianna has lied to and used him all he can think about is her safety.
Which is just so heart-stirringly hot.
Rafe just comes across as such an absolute keeper, I actually loved him even more here, there's just something so very sexy about a man who is willing to lay his feeling so bare, leaving himself completely vulnerable and open.
I must admit though, I am bloody glad he has finally woken up and smelt the coffee and realised Dianna is not quite what she actually appears maybe now they can start to move forward in regards to trusting each other.
I hope also that Diana realises just how lucky she is that Rafe was prepared to give her a second chance.
So I would love to say that the evasions of truth are so over, but this is Dianna that we are talking about and although Rafe seems more than willing to lay all his cards on the table now, Dianna herself doesn't seem quite able yet to break the habits of a lifetime and still seems to be dragging her feet slightly in regards to full disclosure.
So right from the start here, We are thrust back into the action and this time around we also get to spend a lot more time with Rafe's extended family, which was fabulous.
We also get to see a much softer side to Dianna, which really helped warm me up to her.
I think I got a bit more of an insight here into what actually makes her tick and why she can come across as a bit cold at times.

I am also very pleased to say that the disconnect I was feeling in "Deep" is no more, I can now feel Dianna and Rafe's connection, so all's good on that front too.
what else, well we also get to experience a lot much action in this instalment.
and also whereas in "Deep" I would say there was more sex, less talk, in "Deeper it was, in my opinion, the opposite which really helped me to get more of a feel for our pair's dynamics.
So I think that about wraps this one up. I found Deeper a great read that kept my interest right till its satisfying conclusion and I would be happy to recommend this well-written duet.

I received an arc of Deeper of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

   photo Deeper Coming Soon 1_zps5cudks4r.jpg

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,711 reviews1,409 followers
January 28, 2018
“I belong to you. You belong to me. And I will maim or kill anyone who tries to hurt either of you. Understood?” - Rafe

So if you read the last book, you know that Diana figured out how totally wrong she was about Rafe. The man she had gotten to know was nothing like what she believed him to be and really, Rafe was exactly as he seemed - honorable, respectful, kind, considerate and protective. So… did I like her better this go around? Well, not at first. Despite knowing that Rafe was one of the good guys, I hated that she treated him as one of the bad ones. It wasn’t clear at first what her motives were, but once they became clear, I definitely took a shine to her after that.

However, my heart and all of my attention was for Rafe. He was the end all to be all of this story. He was absolutely fierce and resolute in his determination to protect those that he loved and I respected him a heck of a lot more than I already did. I think it’s obvious that I believe Rafe can do no wrong and in this part of the story, he just kept proving me right.

These authors had my heart galloping a mile a minute at some parts of this book. I really didn’t know how things were going to turn out and I was tense. Thankfully they broke things up with humor, which took some of the edge off. I couldn’t get enough of Rafe... again… obviously… but I was thoroughly entertained by the side characters as well. I feel like I need to know them better so I’ll be adding their stories to my TBR. Fear is next and I can’t wait!!

Release: Jan. 29, 2018 | Genre: Romantic Suspense | POV: Dual - 3rd person | Heat: 3.5 out of 5 | Book #2 of The Deep Duet

Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,884 reviews2,845 followers
January 23, 2018


descriptionDEEPER picks up right after book one. Diana is on the run after stealing from Rafe. Some new knowledge has her rethinking everything she thought she knew about her life and that leads her back into Rafe's arms. Rafe is confused and angry but still very much in love with Diana. He wants her to trust him enough to tell him what she is hiding. When Diana's past comes knocking on the door Rafe and company step up to the plate to help take them down.


So I enjoyed this one marginally more than I did book one. The writing was still fantastic. The pace was perfect, and the plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. 

I loved Rafe in book one and I continued to love him in this book. The guy was a SAINT to be honest. He had to be to put up with Diana. I honestly think he should have been way way angrier...

Diana...sigh. I hated her in book one and I only liked her slightly more in this one. She was just such a lying b!tch. I hate when a simple conversation would clear the air and we have a character that continues to evade and be dishonest all the while claiming to "LOVE" the person she is treating like crap. That said, she gets a little more palatable as the book goes on. 

This one was fairly light on side characters. Many of the guys and couples from the previous series pop in and out but the focus stayed mostly on Rafe and Diana.


Medium. There were quite a few sex scenes, and they were fairly hot. 

Low to Medium. I didn't find it particularly angsty. There is a bit of pushing away by the heroine, but not too much. I expected more anger and angst aimed the heroines way after what she did to Rafe, but nope, like I mentioned above, he pretty much forgave and forgot instantly every time she pulled a stunt. There was some OW drama which in my opinion was super pointless. It leads nowhere and caused ZERO issues so I am not sure why we needed a jealous woman Rafe had a fling with back in the day acting totally unprofessional and b!tchy. *shrug* There was no OM drama.

I liked this one. Mainly because I love this writing duo and I love these characters and the world they inhabit. That said, this duet was my least favorite so far. I wish Rafe had gotten a better heroine. C'est la vie though. I am certainly still onboard with the series and can't wait to see what guy is bitten by the lovebug next.description



Profile Image for Laura.
2,515 reviews111 followers
January 28, 2018
***ARC Provided by the Author***

2.5 Stars

At the start of this, I was really engaged with the story and wondering where things would go for Rafe and Diana. I wanted to know what was going to happen, and how they were going to sort things out, while allowing Diana and Rafe to have their happily ever after.

It was intense and engaging. And, then, it wasn't.

For some reason, about 50% into this title, I felt like I had read the story before. It didn't feel fresh and I felt like I knew what was going to happen before it did.

I usually love titles by this author, so I am going to assume this was a one-off and I am looking forward to the next title.

I don't totally recommend this title, but as it is the resolution of the cliffhanger in the first book, I can't say it isn't worth reading.

***This and other reviews featured on our blog Booked All Night http://bookedallnightblog.com/***
Profile Image for Tanaka K.
897 reviews7 followers
December 9, 2024
Deep did not really impress me much but it ended with a cliffhanger and I had to know what happens next. Deeper was so much better in terms of plot and characters. What I got in Deeper was a bundle of thrilling suspense packed with nail biting and perilous charged plot. I felt the adrenaline and palpable action coursing through out the book. I was really pleased reading the conclusion to such a seductive and highly charged series. M. Malone and Nana Malone are a dynamic duo who gave a focused and mind bending story that had me on the edge of my seat.

Rafe is completely a swoon worthy character. He may appear all dangerous but he was someone willing to go above and beyond for the woman he loves and that takes serious balls in my book. I did not like Diana in Deep. I hated her and I could not sympathize with her at all. But in Deeper, I found myself liking her a bit. I praised her strength and bold nature that made her the perfect partner for Rafe. Yes there are attributes, I still do not like about her but she really proved herself a bit.

M. Malone and Nana Malone can write. The writing just flowed and I found myself so drawn. This is my first series from them and certainly not the last becuase theri writing held charm and definitely enticed me.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Cheryl Whitty.
903 reviews14 followers
January 29, 2018
Reviewed on behalf of http://bookaddict.live,
Wow what a book, I really enjoyed this Duet especially Diana and Rafe they were great together. “ O what a tangled web we weave when first practice to deceive “ I think that describes Diana’s part in a large portion of the Duet. This has excitement, suspense hot sex and I loved Rafe. I’ve decided that we would all love someone like Rafe. The chemistry between Rafe and Diana is combustible I felt the sparks through my kindle.
I don’t want to give anything away, but this part of the duet is action all the way. I think all the guys Noah, Matthias, Jonas and the girl were great fun, and I can't wait for Jonas and JJ's book.
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for honest review.
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
8,231 reviews163 followers
January 14, 2018
Malone squared has become adept at setting the stage to leave readers wanting more. The Deep Duet is the latest example in their nailbiter storytelling. Deep left me at the edge of a cliff and Deeper had me diving right in. Diana and Rafe stepped into a maze of dangerous secrets. Rafe is no superhero, but like Batman his secrets run deep and his soul is quite tortured. A thirst for the truth has landed Diana in over her head. Vengeance drove her, now danger haunts her and only a ghost can save her. The tale of the dark warrior and his avenging angel is an enigma that began in lust and ended with love. A thriller from beginning to end.
Profile Image for Rosie.
1,535 reviews32 followers
January 30, 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed the wrap-up to Rafe's Story. Throw in bad guys and a secretive government agency, add a man on a mission to thwart the bad guys and mix it all together and you have the ingredients for a TV Spy Series. Best of all, the heroine was a bad-ass! Book 2 of 2

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
Profile Image for Vivi Chatzikiriakou.
277 reviews24 followers
January 12, 2018
"The adrenaline rush Deeper delivers is so powerful and many times brutal that competes equally the sizzling romance between the main heroes. The Malones ends the series with the most unforgettable story."

"I received a complimentary copy of this book and have volunteered to leave a review."

After reading Deep it was impossible not to read Deeper and I am very thankful that Miss Nana Malone trusted me with an advanced review copy of that last book. I was intrigued after Diana's and Rafe's story ended with a cliffhanger so reading the following book of their story wasn't under consideration. It was a necessity! Now, after I finish reading Deeper, I'm absolutely positive that the Malone's are meant to create the most unexpected, unforgettable romance stories. And I know that they aren't finished with the tough, brutally hot assassins of Blake Security. It's going to be more....

Deeper this time is focused more on Diana's and less on Rafe's welfare. Diana after leaving Rafe's apartment having in her hands some highly confidential documents that she stole from him, is now hiding from anyone who is after her. Reading the documents she learns the truth behide her family's business and how wrong and mislead she was by them. Her only and right choice is to put these files back to where they belong. And at the same time, to place herself to where she always meant to be, with Rafe.

This time Diana and Rafe have to deal with outside threats. Their insecurities, however, are still present and clearing the view of how they feel for each other is the first priority for the plot to move on. The story never dulls revealing one by one scenes so intense and gripping that it was utterly difficult to put the book down...not even for a moment. Diana's bad-ass attitude is a sight to watch in this book. She has a lot to say in this story and it is nice to see her both strong and vulnerable. She is a woman deep in love and ready to go deeper for keeping the ones she love safe and alive.

Rafe this time is more caring, way more human and less his cocky self; a detail I loved in him from the beginning. He knows the rules and plays at the rim of the rule yet when it comes to Diana he is ready to cross any of them in a heartbeat. The action-packed scenes he is into are in a highly dangerous level and he is as hot as he is in the bedroom. Well, almost as hot. In the bedroom he dominates the scene. He is the master of seduction and satisfaction. He aims to please but he is a killing machine nonetheless. So watch out bad guys!!

Deep duet has one of the most exciting plots I ever read. A story with a sizzling couple that has a dangerous background story and many steamy hot moments, is meant to be an interesting story. The Malone's idea to deliver two books than one is very smart. While the story unfolds in a time of few months, Diana's and Rafe's relationship blooms slowly. Too many things happened these months between them and each one needed a quality space to complitely unfold. I like when an author makes that kind of decisions in the first place. They give value and human perspective to their heroes and their story. A special detail that Malone's narration delivers efficiently. The happily ever after ending is as expected as it can be but how happily is going to be?

I hope I intrigue your imagination a little and make you grab the book, finding out what's really happening to them in the end because there is no way to tell you myself.

Until next time, enjoy your free time reading great books with the most unforgettable stories.

Profile Image for Marcia.
494 reviews6 followers
January 30, 2018
Deeper picks up right where Deep left off and takes us to the end of Rafe and Diana's story. Deeper is a very good addition to this wonderful series about reformed assassins!! Deeper was a solid conclusion to the Deep Duet, but it wasn't as action packed as I thought it was going to be. I found Deeper to be more focused on setting the record straight between Rafe and Diana...and there was a lot to set straight. Whoa!! Now, don't get me wrong, I wholeheartedly enjoyed this one, but I will say I did expect more, especially after having read Deep and all of the other books in the series, and most especially since this is badass Rafe's book, and I love me some Rafe!! I think I sort of missed the interactions with the other guys, but I completely understood why there wasn't as much, since Rafe does have a somewhat frosty and tenuous relationship with the other guys.

Truthfully, I guess my biggest issue with Deeper was that I really did not understand Rafe's reaction to Diana and her betrayal of him, or her continued lack of trust in him. I have to say I liked Diana more in Deep than in Deeper, because she really started to irk me somewhat with her behavior and her inability to trust Rafe, even knowing all that she knew about her family, and I began to want him to have a better heroine, one who really deserved him. Yes, it truly confused me as to why Rafe was always blaming himself for things.

Having said all of that Deeper is a well-written story by two extremely talented authors, and I cannot wait to read the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Nadia Debowska-Stephens (Obsessed by Books).
1,076 reviews28 followers
January 28, 2018
Deeper is the concluding part of this diet and they must be read in order. Diana is on the run, after following through with her plan, she discovers that the truth is far from her perceptions. Coming to terms with the revelations she has stolen from Rafe’s safe she must accept that her belief that Rafe was responsible for her predicament was totally misplaced. Finding out the harsh and crippling truth about her family she soon realises that she may need to switch teams but is she too late to tell Rafe who she really is?

All he knows is she is his. Regardless of what or who she may be his driving instinct is to protect her, love her...keep her. Rafe will stop at nothing to endure her safety. Struggling to come to terms with her duplicity Rafe spends a lot of this story confused and emotional worried that she may leave him. His alpha side comes out to play at times to keep her safe. His whole world becomes focussed on her. Working together to bring down her family and end the game of cat and mouse can they fall any deeper for one another?

This part two contains all the answers to the questions we had in part one. It’s full of action and angst, with the characters expressing more emotion and opening up with their truths. Drawing more of Rafe’s family into the story the dynamic changes and makes it a warmer story. Danger and intrigue wraps up the plot nicely with a happily ever after that made me smile.

A four star let the truth set you free read.

~*~ Reviewed on behalf of Obsessed by Books ~*~
Profile Image for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty.
3,985 reviews362 followers
January 29, 2018
The Malones definitely took things up a few notches with Deeper. The way this story came together was enthralling. The first book in this duet set the story up well and then this book kicked things into gear. This has been my favorite book of the series so far.

Secrets are exposed, the risks are greater, and things are about to turn deadly. Diana needs to learn to trust and Rafe needs to learn to let go of control. Diana was incredible. Tough, smart, brave. I am in love with Rafe. He was so hard, yet we got to see how soft he could be. The progression these two went through was interesting to witness. Just as the characters progressed so did the story. The increase of action was exciting and the intrigue that the mystery created had me tearing through the pages.

I’m hoping there will be more from this series. The men of Blake Security have stolen my attention and I can’t wait to see what the Malones have in store for the rest of the group.
Profile Image for Karen.
403 reviews11 followers
January 29, 2018

I jumped on this book as soon as it hit my Kindle, but as it was during my move, I had to re-read it in order to write this review. No hardship. I love these Blake Security books. So. Hard.

In Deeper, we see the conclusion to Rafe and Diana's story. It picks up just after Diana has absconded with Rafe's safe contents, and he's waking up from being drugged. It's not just any woman that can get one over on master assassin Rafe, so he's pretty confounded and pissed.

Meanwhile, Diana is in more trouble than she can imagine, since she's taken some pretty sensitive information. Not only does she discover more about Rafe's involvement in her past, but she learns the truth about her family.

Now other parts of her past have reared their ugly heads and are threatening her life, while Rafe is hot on her trail - and she's got a flash drive that has information that puts hundreds of other people at risk. That doesn't sit well with the powers that be, so she'll have them to contend with as well.

All in all, it's not the best situation, and once Rafe catches up with Diana, it's just a matter of time before he has to decide whether love wins out and her safety is paramount.

Man, these guys and their women are delightful to devour, and I can't wait for more.

I give Deeper 5 missing diamond stars.

Profile Image for Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read.
3,440 reviews112 followers
January 29, 2018
Like the first part of this duet, Deeper is a bit dark, a lot steamy, and emotional. It's also action packed and there's even a couple of surprises along the way. Rafe is hard as nails and unyielding except where Diana is concerned. I did have a hard time with how many things he seemed to overlook with her, but there's a chemistry between them that is undeniable. It took me awhile to warm up to Diana, and while her actions don't always make sense, the reasons for them do. Some of my favorite parts of this one were the interactions with the many other characters. The camaraderie between these men is obvious and their banter is often quite funny. Love them or hate them, all the characters are certainly interesting and the story is impossible to put down.
Profile Image for Marieke ~ Marieke's Books.
454 reviews25 followers
January 29, 2018
A few weeks back I’ve read Deep, which ended in a huge cliffhanger. Luckily, the wait for Deeper wasn’t that long, because I really needed the second part of Rafe and Diane’s story. Part One was fast-paced and all, Part Two is even better.
“He didn’t know what the fuck she was doing, but he was going to get her. Because after everything, he sure as shit wasn’t letting her go.”

Deeper starts right were Deep left off and shows us two confused lovers. Rafe doesn’t know what to make of Diane’s actions, all he does know is that she’s important to him, and that she’s his. Diane is shocked by her discoveries, and she’s a mess when it comes to Rafe. She wants the man, but then again, she’s sure they’re no good for each other. Between solving secrets and lots of action it’s one rocky road to a Happily Ever After for these two.
“I do love you, Rafe. It’s not a good idea, but I just can’t help it.” “Good. I don’t want you to.”

Like Deep, Deeper is fast-paced with lots of action (no, not just hot sex) going on. I really enjoyed reading this second part of the Duet, it gave me the answers to all the questions I had. Does Deeper contain some clichés? Yes, it does, but I absolutely don’t mind, the rest of the story makes up for it. I’ll definitely pick up other books by these authors.

Boy, oh boy… I love Diane for her bravery and determination, but sometimes I want to shake some much-needed sense into her. You know what Rafe is capable of, you know how he feels about you (and you about him), do not try to fight your demons alone! I love Rafe; he feels deeply for Diane, even though she pulls quite a few stunts. For such a bad-ass guy he’s pretty unsure when it comes to love and all, thinking he’s not good enough. Diane and Rafe are an awesome couple once they’re on the same page, I love them together.
“Happiness wasn’t something I thought was possible for me. But somehow that’s what you do. You make me happy.”

Profile Image for Vickie.
1,651 reviews63 followers
January 19, 2018
I’ve been dying for this book after the ending of Deep and I don’t think I put this down once.

Rafe finally gets a clue as to what Diana has been up to and he doesn’t react quite like I was expecting. With now both her life and countless others in danger, Rafe has no choice but to ask for the help of his family and team. Rafe is a sweetheart in all his possessive, alpha glory. I mean the guy’s just about perfect anyway but with his protective instincts kicking in big time, he’s one hot, dominant and surprisingly sweet guy that I couldn’t help crushing on.

A good conclusion to Rafe and Diana’s story that’s got plenty of action and hotness.
Profile Image for Cindy Fong.
1,921 reviews
January 16, 2018
Oh my goodness, this book.... Deeper picks up right where Deep left us readers waiting and wanting more. This addition to the duet did not disappoint!. It was sexy and sweet with a mystery and drama. Rafe and Diana's biggest problem is themselves trying to protect each other against her brothers. Rafe is tough on the outside but a big marshmallow for those he loves. Diana is a resourceful smart woman. Can the Steele team protect them and take out the threat (as assassins are wont to do.) I am loving all of the assassin boys!
Profile Image for Liz.
3,638 reviews63 followers
January 25, 2018
I am truly loving the men of ORUS! This series has been great to read (interconnected standalone) and I absolutely loved Rafe's story! He has been through so much and deserved to find his HEA. Diana was truly his match! Another great read from the Malones!

Happy reading!
Profile Image for Amanda.
236 reviews17 followers
January 30, 2018
I received the ARC in exchange for a honest review.

Wow! This is even better than the first one! I was pulled in from the start and I honestly couldn’t put it down. I read the whole thing in one night. It was so damn good! It was incredibly steamy and so full of action. I just couldn’t get enough. Really excellent series! Five stars all the way.
Profile Image for Brittany Alexander.
577 reviews21 followers
March 2, 2018
I had high hopes for this book, but to me, it just seemed to fall flat. Maybe it’s because I was pressed for time to get this review done or maybe my expectations were to high. Regardless, I found myself often reading the same sentences over and over and over and over again, not firmly grasping what was going on.

And to me, there were just too many sex scenes. I actually didn’t read the last chapter of the book, anxious for it to be over. Everything was settled, and to be honest, this book has one of my least favorite things that happens in books. I can’t tell you what it is cause it’s a spoiler, but I. Freaking. Hate. This. If you know me well, you’ll know what it is. Because it’s so damn cliche for two people in love.

I feel that the big fight scene at the end could have been written better. It just seemed so scattered, but it’s something I would’ve enjoyed seeing from Rafe’s POV, too.

I loved the first book, so I’m rather disappointed that this one didn’t do the same for me.
Profile Image for Yvonne Daniels.
2,589 reviews18 followers
February 4, 2018
Deeper The Deep Duet Book 2
by M. Malone,‎ Nana Malone
WOW! I have to say, Deeper is a phenomenal book to read. It was suspenseful and entertaining and easily kept me on the edge of my seat; it's just an all-round great book to read. The Malone's books are flowing with details plus they are exciting to read. This story is well plotted and weaves romance perfectly with the suspense element that encompasses the story. This book is very exciting and challenging, it's also compelling. I am so surprise because there is nothing predictable about reading this book, I thought it would be easy to see where the plot was going, but instead I am anxious that a different outcome than the one I expected would happen. However, Nana and Minx proved me so wrong that these two ladies had me talking to Rafe and Diana as I read the book. Diana is a total surprise to me but Rafe being completely what I expected, yet they made it all still fit, plus they gave the book more drama, suspense and romance than I imagine they would. The story is based on revenge and deception and this time, Rafe is trying to be the good guy but his past is never very far behind. Diana has been planning revenge for long time. But there is a problem she is operating under a lot of misconception about her family. There isn't much build up to the sexy scenes. But there is the undeniable connection between Rafe and Diana that's wickedly sexy.

There is two things I would change about this series; one is I would give the evil (bad) characters more depth so that there is a contrast between the evil (bad) characters to make you fully appreciate the good characters and I would make the series into a one book for each couple story because I know I will read the complete series when they are all available,so that I don't have to wait to read the entire book.
But I must give the Malone's high praise for Rafe and Diana story. This series is full of sensual scenes which are extremely hot and interesting. These two ladies can write a story that has you wanting more and wishing that their next book release is available now to read. Oh my I really enjoyed how this story flowed, I hated this story to end I wanted it to keep going a little bit longer. I have enjoyed reading their HEA. This series is fascinating, addictive, suspenseful and a fun series that I have totally enjoyed and I'm looking forward for the next member's story.
Profile Image for Renee.
4,755 reviews66 followers
January 28, 2018
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

Deeper is the second book in The Deep Duet. You have to read Deep or you are going to be so lost. Plus Deep is absolutely amazing and you are not going to want to miss it.

For ten years Diana has plotted and planned her revenge against the man who was all shadow and death. He took the most import thing in my life away from me and I meant to return the favor. Except I was wrong. Now because of her mistakes, there are men intent on hurting him. But I will not run from this. I need to protect him just like he would protect me. Even if that means doing the one thing he doesn't want.

Deeper picks up just exactly where Deep left off. With Diana breaking into Rafe's safe and stealing his most important information. Information that could get her killed. Now he has to find her because she has a huge target on her back and probably even isn't aware of just how dangerous it is for her to have the information she has sound. Add in not finding the diamond and her crazy, psycho brothers who want to basically see her to her Uncle and you have a story that is going to keep you on the edge of your seat. I devoured this book and fell even more in love with Rafe and Diana. They are both in dangerous positions and Rafe is determined to protect Diana at all cost. However she is equally as determined to protect Rafe from his brothers. Add in the FBI and Interpool and I guarantee you, you will not be able to put this book down. This is an amazing duet and one I highly recommend. You do not want to miss either of these books.
Profile Image for Jae Mod.
1,717 reviews220 followers
January 26, 2018
**ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review**

Edgy, beautifully-dynamic finale in The Deep Duet series. A high impact intensity as I have yet to see this year. The epic duo of M. Malone and Nana Malone have achieved a fast paced, thrilling and crazy ride in Deeper. You will be pulled to the edge of your seat with this gripping story.

It’s imperative to read Deep, book one of the duet as you will be totally lost if you don’t. So much happened in the beginning that if you were to begin now, you would be scrambling to piece the puzzle together with missing parts.

The thrill continues where Deep left off without skipping a beat. Following Rafe and Diana and the ever alluding lies, betrayal and secrets. Now, we face the onslaught of Diana’s mishaps, but it’s time to face the music. But to make it right, just might cost her love to Rafe.

Rafe, ever the protector and forgiver. Occasionally, I had a hard time with the instant forgiveness towards Diana and her stunts she pulls, however I think it balances out his character development with the feisty heroine. Diana is her spirited self. Her character rocks the boat within this duet and her feistiness makes this book, I believe.

M. Malone and Nana Malone, again, are talented, excellent writers. They construct sound stories with meticulousness with their ideas on plots, their development of characters and the ever gripping emotions that arise between the pages. I am eager to see what this duo publishes next.

4 Stars
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,954 reviews419 followers
January 24, 2018
This is book two in The Deep Duet series. Make sure you read In Deep, a novella and Deep book one before you read this one.

After reading Deep I couldn’t wait to jump into this story. I wasn’t disappointed as it was a great read.

Deeper is an intense read that I literally inhaled. I couldn’t get enough of Rafe and his alpha male personality. Swoon.

I absolutely loved this series. This is probably my favourite book in the series. I’m looking forward to reading more from these authors.

Merged review:

This is book two in The Deep Duet series. Make sure you read In Deep, a novella and Deep book one before you read this one.

After reading Deep I couldn’t wait to jump into this story. I wasn’t disappointed as it was a great read.

Deeper is an intense read that I literally inhaled. I couldn’t get enough of Rafe and his alpha male personality. Swoon.

I absolutely loved this series. This is probably my favourite book in the series. I’m looking forward to reading more from these authors.
Profile Image for Le Ann Foster.
739 reviews5 followers
March 5, 2018
**Reviewed for CherryOBlossoms Promotions**

I gave this book 4.5 stars!!!

If you haven't read Deep then stop now and read it because this is the conclusion to it. M. Malone and Nana Malone has once again took us on a dark, twisted, angst, love, hate, filled road. Gosh I love books like that and this book defiantly didn't disappoint. I read Deep and just like that book I was sucked in and couldn't put this down, because I had to know what was going to happen. If your like me you will devour it in a couple of hours. I was so eager to see if Diane would actually get her revenge on Rafe or would she help him and the other take down her brothers?

I love this series and would love to see more from the secondary characters in their own books. I have read a lot from these two authors together and separate and they never disappoint.
Profile Image for Lisa Matthewman.
26 reviews2 followers
January 23, 2018

Reviewed for Cherry0Blossoms Promotions

Oh I was so excited to get my hands on Deeper, after the cliffhanger ending of Deep, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed.
Deeper, sees Rafe and Diana continue their heady,sexual relationship all though it’s not clear sailing. Diana, doesn’t want to put Rafe in any danger but that’s just what happens when her brothers show up. As evil as her father, the brothers cause pain and trouble to her, Rafe and friends.
Rafe and the black ops trained team, have their work cut out, as various plot twists keep the action flowing.
Plenty of sexual tension and hot sex scenes throughout the book.
Diana has plenty of grit is strong and knows how to look after herself, but Rafe is there as the Alfa male who will kill anyone who gets in his way so he can protect his woman.
Loved the Deep/Deeper duet.
Profile Image for Tai Nelson-Barnes.
2,832 reviews72 followers
January 29, 2018
This is the end of Rafe and Diane's story. Deeper picks up where Deep ended. Diane had just learned about her family and what she thought she knew is nothing compared to what she found out.
Rafe finds Diane missing with things from Rafe's safe. What did she take and will he ever find her and save her from herself?

This is fast passed, the story was strong and the characters kept things going well. I did enjoy this story and the final chapter.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy for my honest for my honest review.
Profile Image for Amanda  B Gillespie.
512 reviews15 followers
January 24, 2018
I enjoyed the finale to this duet. It was nitty gritty at times and a little over the top at others. Once Rafe knows the story behind Diana, he is balls to the wall determined to make her his. The way he goes about it is the reason to read.
Diana is determined to protect Rafe regardless of what it costs her. Will Rafe stand for it? Read on to find out how their story concludes.
Profile Image for Megan.
1,469 reviews28 followers
January 30, 2018
3.5 rounded up.

Deeper into trouble than she ever meant to go. Deeper in love than he ever expected to fall. Both Diana and Rafe are finding out just how deeply their trouble and love are interwoven in Deeper, Book 2 in the Deep Duet.

Rafe sees the security footage of Diana leaving him and it isn't until she's gone that he finds the bigger damage she's done. The safe is open and the files that could get men killed is with his little thief. And she's painted a giant target on her back. He has to get to her before anyone else does.

Diana finds more information than she ever expected. The kind of information that shatters her mission and her perception of her own family, makes her question herself, and the kind that could get her killed. So she does what she does best. She runs. Knowing that she's essentially holding a ticking time bomb she's prepared to go into the wind. But maybe, just maybe, if she gives the information back, she can disappear without bringing harm to the man she's come to love.

With Rafe's connections to both the FBI an ORUS on his back and threatening Diana time is of the essence and if he's going to save her from herself, he's got to do it quickly. Diana's family won't let her go and when they get to her she realizes that it's not just capture on their mind, it's her death.

Rafe's still a badass. His heart is huge, his confessions are tender and honest, and his love for Diana is his redemption. I loved his willingness to be vulnerable to Diana. His reaction to certain big news is so sweet, so unlike the man we first meet but so very true to the man he really is. With every moment in this story we see a melding of the boy he was, the man he is, the assassin he was, the protector he is, his past, present, and future, all of it. I'm in love.

There's a ton of drama in this one. It's intense and gritty from the outset as well as very, very sexy. Rafe is falling for someone he still doesn't truly know and isn't sure if she'll ever truly open up to him. It won't stop him from loving her and confessing his own sins to her, though. It's Diana's secrets that threaten to ruin everything.

Again, my feelings about Diana are quite mixed but on the more negative side of things. The entire story she continually holds back even after seeing that he can handle himself and her. He makes himself vulnerable to her by baring his past, his death, his resurrection, his heart and soul. In return? She's vague, secretive, and selfish. No, she's not doing it to hurt him, she's not callous, cavalier, or cruel about it, but it's still selfish. While she is undeniably badass when it comes to protecting what's hers and can throw down and defend herself and others extremely well, it doesn't give her a pass for withholding important information about herself that could have helped everyone protect her and give her a chance to be a vital part of the proceedings.

...Possibly a spoiler in the next paragraph, but by this point with the third story in the Blake Securities series it's kind of an expected outcome so I don't actually consider the content spoiler-worthy. But nevertheless, you've been warned...

Speaking of being a vital part of stuff going down, I'm kind of not liking that, yet again, the alpha men metaphorically bind the hands of the women they love and want to protect and, yet again, the woman goes behind their man's back to be bait. Please, please let the next book have the couple actually talk to one another and be a true team before the end with all the confessions and "I'm sorry I held you back/surprised you with my possible death."

...Possible spoiler paragraph over...

The whole story was fierce and fraught with anxiety whether from secrets, danger, or tension. The romance was pretty good with Rafe coming out way ahead of Diana in the character growth and development. I enjoyed the physicality of this one even though it was far more dramatic in the whole scheme of things. Diana's skills when they finally came out to play was really great. Her skill and dedication to protect was just as impressive as Rafe's in her own way. She was just as brutal and relentless in defending and safeguarding what she claims as hers.

When push comes to shove both Rafe and Diana will fight tooth and nail to protect what's important to them. They ended up as a better couple at the end once all secrets were shared and both of them allowed to let their fierceness shine. Their relationship drama was just as big as the drama surrounding it and while that was a pretty good balance, I was wishing for a bit more heart. All the heart really came from Rafe.

I'm quite excited to see who gets their story next. Will it be the quiet, deadly Matthias? The blonde German hunk Oskar? Whoever it is, their family is growing and I'm looking forward to see all of kick ass and meet their match.

Read and willingly reviewed this ARC from the author.
Profile Image for Mary Clark.
797 reviews7 followers
January 29, 2018
An excellent conclusion to this exciting and intriguing duet. Rafe is in love with Diana and no matter how much she betrays him it doesn’t alter his feelings for her. Once Diana knows the truth about her family, her only concern is to protect Rafe. It is not until the FBI and Interpol pull Rafe into the Vandergraff case that he recognises Diana for who she truly is. Now Rafe has to protect her while finding out the true events and consequences of why her father had been a sanctioned hit. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and would have no hesitation in recommending it. The various twists and turns throughout make it a compelling read.

After everything they have shared, how could Diana just walk out on him. The worry, self-loathing and rage makes Rafe wonder how he could have been so stupid. Who is Diana, because she is definitely not the helpless woman he ended up rescuing. Diana has lied, stolen, stalked and cheated to get revenge, but the moment she reads the file Rafe has on her family, everything changes. Rafe doesn’t know who Diana really is, but her brothers have used her ignorance and naiveté against her. While it is safer for Diana to run, she cannot just leave Rafe; despite everything, she still feels compelled to protect him. Rafe knew Diana was lying, but he still wanted to remind her of who she belongs to. No matter what Diana has done, or what she has been forced into, Rafe didn’t care; they were kindred spirits and now that he knew what it was like to love, he couldn’t imagine going back to his prior cold, hard existence. Diana had not run away because of what Rafe had done, but because of what she had done; she understood what it was like to do bad things for good reasons. Diana truly believed that Rafe had stolen from her and murdered her father in cold blood; if she had known she had been deceived by the men in her family, things could have been so very different. Of all the things that Rafe had done, he had never been a thief, but could he prove this? Diana’s brothers have been keeping a watch on her the whole time and would eventually come for her and Rafe; they would not involve anyone else because they considered this a personal family matter. What kind of monsters had her father raised, and what did that say about her; she has to do what she can to protect Rafe, even if it means leaving him behind. Rafe always has a plan, but then Diana had thrown him off balance. The information Diana has on Rafe could only have come from two sources, ORUS or the FBI. Rafe isn’t sure who to trust right now; that means he can only trust family. If Diana didn’t know the truth about her family before she infiltrated his house, she certainly knew now. There would be people in the BI who saw her as just one more criminal and try to find a way to hold her accountable for the actions of her family. Rafe was not going to let that happen; he has to find a way to keep her protected and what better way than an immunity deal. Even though Diana had come to the FBI to protect him, he is the one now protecting her. Diana had told Rafe as much as she could, while trying not to implicate him or get him killed, but she has no idea what her brothers intend, or how many people they were willing to kill or hurt. Diana’s disclosure is the biggest break in the Vandergraff case. Rafe has not been this angry in years, angry at everybody but mostly himself; he had not put the pieces together, or seen how much trouble she was in. Diana’s brothers want to recapture her; but they are too smart to just fall for anything; a trap to draw them out is what is required. Has Rafe found a woman who is just as relentless as he is? Diana suddenly sees an entirely different side to Rafe; one that shows her what it is like to be loved unconditionally and completely. A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 144 reviews

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