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Cocky Hero Club

Jilted Jock

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He was someone who belonged on the cover of Sports Illustrated instead of in my small beach town.

A sexy, cocky Australian soccer star named Finn was the last person I expected to be living with for two weeks.

He showed up at my brother’s house on his wedding night, hot, drunk, and very much not married. Next thing I knew, we were roommates, spending nights watching TV and getting to know one another.

Those two weeks turned into more than either of us bargained for.

He was fresh off a broken heart and I had a boyfriend.

I wasn’t supposed to fall for the jilted jock, especially when I knew we’d be going our separate ways.

All good things must come to an end, right?

Except he’s not letting me go without a fight.

231 pages, Unknown Binding

First published June 28, 2020

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About the author

Rebecca Jenshak

52 books5,511 followers
Rebecca Jenshak is a new adult romance author.
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 198 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,360 reviews35.5k followers
October 21, 2020
2.5 stars

I'm a huge fan of Rebecca Jenshak's sports romance books so no one is more bummed than me that I didn't love this one. I enjoyed the first half to give it at least a 3, but the drama towards the end really brought down the enjoyment for me. On to the next...

October Audible Escape listen #20
Rating: 2.5 Stars
Genre: Romance
Narrators: Rupert Channing and Muffy Newtown
Length: 6 hours and 50 minutes

Profile Image for Syndi.
3,429 reviews984 followers
July 12, 2020
Is thos suppose to have a cocky hero? Well I can not find that Finn is a cocky hero. Instead he is sweet, soft, teddy bear.

I do like Miss Jenshak writting style in this story. She is a talented NA romance writer. Especially with sport romance. Jilted Jock is OK read for me. I want to see more angst/ drama with the story.

Overall this is OK read for me.

3 stars
Profile Image for nikki.
793 reviews106 followers
August 13, 2020
Read over my past reviews and you will see that I’m a huge fan of Rebecca Jenshak; in fact, I would go so far as to say she is one of my absolute favourite authors. She writes sports romance so brilliantly, so I was super excited to find out she would be writing this story for the CHC world.
From page one, I was hooked. JILTED JOCK is different to anything Rebecca has written before in the sense it’s slightly more “adult” and is hot AF!!! Everything about it was absolute perfection and i became so invested in Finn and Adele’s story.
If you’ve read COCKY BASTARD by Keeland and Ward, then you will have met Chance and Aubrey already, and these two feature quite heavily in this story as Adele is Chance’s sister. Finn McCash is our Australian soccer star and I love him SO HARD!! He is an absolute sweetheart and I was routing for him the whole way through. Don’t get me wrong, he messes up MASSIVELY, and at around 84% I was sobbing as my heart broke for Adele, but he’s not one of these arsehole alphas and was able to see where he went wrong and set about to get his girl.
Without a doubt this is one of Rebeccas best books to date; her writing just seems to get better and better with each new release and I’m so excited for everyone to read this gorgeous story.
Profile Image for Carmen Rae.
1,622 reviews184 followers
June 28, 2020
I signed up to review this before the blurb was release just because I have a massive fan girl crush on Rebecca Jenshak’s writing. And I was super excited to get my hands on any of her words that I could. But I have to be honest and say that when I read the blurb I was reluctant. And if I had read the blurb first I probably wouldn’t have jumped on this quite as quickly. I would have one clicked it, but I would have been selective when I was brave enough to jump in.

All that said, the things I was dreading, just never happened. And I am so glad I didn’t focus on the blurb and had to read this now. As expected it is written in the perfect Rebecca Jenshak way and I was hooked from the first page. It's told in dual point of view but in large chunks of each person's so we only get the one side of each event.

Finn was amazing. I fell in love with him from the beginning. There he was being the perfect fiance, only to be ditched at the alter. And even though he was devastated, he didn't do anything stupid and he was such a genuinely good guy. I kept picturing him with this adorable Bengal kitten, seriously is there anything hotter than a man doting on a baby animal?

Adele was awesome too. I liked that even though it sucked she did the right thing. And when she realised she had made the wrong choice she didn't run and cry. She pulled up her big girl panties and started in on plan B. But mainly I loved that she realised she was living her life in a safe bubble and went about popping it so she could live her life to the fullest.

The chemistry was sparking off the pages. And Finn was such a great hero. He loved hard and he went balls to the wall to prove it, even when he thought it was pointless. I really enjoyed this book so much. I would love to see Foster get a book of his own. But for now I guess it's back to praying for Rebecca to write faster.
Profile Image for Angie.
1,298 reviews219 followers
June 24, 2020
He kissed me so tenderly and softly, but it felt like the force of a thousand tons slammed into me. I forgot to breathe or think or be. I was soul and lips alone and they’d both been claimed by Finn.

I can always count on Rebecca Jenshak to deliver a sweet romance with broken but fierce characters. Finn is probably one of the sweetest heroes I've read about in a long time, and I loved how he was willing to go all out to prove his love to Adele. Adele has been through some shit--a victim of rape and a recovering addict--but neither of these things defined who she was. She wasn't a weak character by any means, but embraced her past and let Finn inspire her to move forward and live life again.

My biggest complaint about this book (and what held me back from fully enjoying it) was the POV switches. The first half of the story is told exclusively from Adele's POV, while the second half is told from Finn's POV. I feel like this prohibited me from connecting with the characters on a deeper level because we didn't get both character's views and thoughts throughout the story, and as a result, I didn't fully understand Finn's infatuation with Adele in the beginning while I felt that Adele didn't deserve or reciprocate Finn's love or complete devotion at the end. Other than that, this was a sweet story of hard-fought love and second (and third) chances ♡

*ARC provided by GMB in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,854 reviews1,354 followers
July 2, 2020


Rebecca Jenshak has become one of my go to writers for light, fun, and steamy. I genuinely enjoy her writing. She writes fun and interesting characters, and I love her plot lines.

The audiobook was a great listen. I enjoyed both narrators voice and pacing, and they complimented each other well.

Definitely worth a listen and read when it comes out in other forms.

Profile Image for Inna (Semi-Hiatus).
1,632 reviews376 followers
September 10, 2020
2 stars. I’m disappointed by this book... so much potential for these characters but it really flopped.

This is the story of Finn, a soccer player, who is left at the alter by his super model girlfriend. He goes to stay with a friend for the night, and then ends up staying with his friend’s little sister, the heroine Adele. Adele is older (by 7 years), was an addict in the past, lives life in a safe zone, and barely communicates with Finn. Somehow though, their three-ish interactions (in the 2 weeks that they spend together) cause Finn to fall in love with her. He’s so in love with her, he basically forgets his fiancée who just jilted him. Let me just state something clearly here: they barely talk in those two weeks. Oh but that’s not all folks. Adele has a long term boyfriend of over 2 years, they have been long distance for a while, but he suddenly asks her to move to NY with him. And at least part of the story is believable because Adele doesn’t just dump her bf in favor of Finn’s two week in the making revelation.

So I’m going to stop the replay there, except to say that even when they finally get together, the author drags out the ending by having Adele get all flighty. She runs from everything. It’s not a trait I personally like in a MC. Finn has to chase her big time to convince her to be with him. And here I’m sitting and thinking... WHY FINN? WHY? He is such a catch and she’s... just not. I was never convinced that she was anyone special, no matter how much the author may have said it, it was never shown. She literally lets a guy stay with her and plays with his cat, she does ok at work. She’s a survivor, and that’s admirable. But she’s overall just this ordinary person, I never understood his obsession with her. I think it would have been much more compelling if she wasn’t just living a “safe” life but actually getting out and trying to accomplish all her goals. Just my 2 cents though.

Safety is meh, heroine is in a relationship for a good chunk of the story. She and hero kiss once while she’s still in a relationship, but she pushes him away and leaves. I don’t really feel like she cheated, because it wasn’t her making any moves. Was she emotionally cheating? Maybe. She checked out the hero and had inappropriate thoughts about him. But I don’t feel like she crossed any huge lines while talking to him. It’s all very gray area. The hero has a few hookups right after he gets broken up with. He continues to date even while pursuing the heroine, to “try to move on”. It’s unclear if he continues to have sex with random women during this time, but the author made it mostly seem like he didn’t. They are faithful once they officially get together. TW: heroine was a drug addict and alcoholic and she was raped.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,862 reviews1,528 followers
July 5, 2020
Admittedly Cocky Bastard is one of the few Vi Keeland/Penelope Ward books that I haven't read. Still, I picked this book up because I have become a big Rebecca Jenshak fan, it was another sports romance (my ultimate Kindle crack), and I've been so curious about these Cocky Hero books - it seemed like the perfect opportunity to check one out.

I was so impressed. I swear if I didn't know I was reading a Rebecca Jenshak book, I'd have sworn this was written by Vi/Penelope themselves! Even not having read the original, I felt dropped effortlessly into their world, with their characters, and the delicious, angsty, completely addictive writing that is hallmark for these authors. Ms. Jenshak did them proud. This story was utterly unputdownable. Even in the moments where I felt out of my comfort zone, into the places that I felt like I maybe didn't want to keep reading - I kept reading. And my heart ached and fluttered and went a little bit crazy for Adele and Finn.

This story is a little insta in that the feelings grow strongly very quickly. However it started organically and I was drawn to the warm flirty banter between Adele and Finn. I got their connection instantly. I loved how their lives could not have been more different, and yet they identified and empathized with each other. I loved their sweet, unexpectedly heartfelt conversations. I loved their chemistry that burned low and sweet before catching flame. I really enjoyed every moment I spent with these two!

Well, almost every moment. I had a moment during the conflict that pulled me out of the story. I was angry with Adele and I didn't understand her unwillingness to bend and work for her relationship with Finn. That said, I fell in love with Finn all over again over the course of those pages. They were difficult for me to read, I found tears tracking down my face, but in the end - it made their reunion so much sweeter and more fulfilling. I'm glad I forced myself through the tough times. Worth every bruise delivered to my heart!

This was another Rebecca Jenshak hit for me! And, on top of that, it made me excited to go back and read Cocky Bastard to get Chance and Aubrey's story! If you're already a fan? You definitely won't want to miss this one! ~ Shelly, 4 stars
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,986 reviews207 followers
July 30, 2020
Jilted Jock was pretty easy to fly through. In it, you will meet Finn and Adele. They were definitely all kinds of cute and a kitten most definitely brought them together. It kind of sounds like a hallmark or lifetime movie, right?

Well, Adele is dating someone when she meets Finn. They know each other because of her brother Chance. It didn't take long for Mr. Wrong to walk out of Adele's life. I was all kinds of happy because it was Finn's turn to step in. They had so much chemistry and again, they were adorable together.

Of course they have their fair share of drama because what relationship or book doesn't? Luckily for everyone involved, they found their way back to one another. I mean.. Adele came back to her because she loved him. Heck he loved her.

That being said, I liked them and enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for Veronica Ticker.
901 reviews57 followers
June 12, 2020
After so many instalove stories, it was quite refreshing to read about a slow burn. Well, not too slow, but at least it took time for the characters to consume their relationship. I really enjoyed how it builds and develops. There’s a lot of intimacy, and almost no lust; it’s cute and heartwarming. But when it’s hot, it’s scorching.

Addiction viewed through the ex-addict’s feelings and thoughts, and through the people who have to navigate around it, was an interesting perspective, and unusual. It influences the relationship and is the main conflict in the story.

I loved Finn’s way to love Adele. He’s passionate and considerate and devoted, if a little bit clumsy at times. Richard–Adele’s actual boyfriend–doesn’t stand a chance. Or does he?

Good writing, perfect pacing and tiny meaningful details give life to a beautiful love story, with a bit of passion and a lot of heart.


- Series: standalone (but part of the Cocky Hero Club collection)
- Hashtags: #sport romance #forced cohabitation #best friend’s sister #older woman-younger man #ex-addict #jock
- Triggers: mention of substance abuse, mention of rape
- Main couple: Adele Bateman & Finn McCash
- Hotness: 4/5
- Romance: 5/5
- + addiction, a tough subject I hadn’t read about yet in romance
- – not a lot of sport in my sport romance
Profile Image for Jenn Amy.
897 reviews82 followers
July 12, 2020


I just LOVED Adele and Finn! This was a delicious, sexy slow burn romance between Adele (sister of Chance, from Cocky Bastard) and Australian Soccer Star, Finn. Finn had my heart right from the beginning. The book begins with him being left at the altar on his wedding day and my heart broke for him immediately. Adele is in a relationship with another man so when Adele and Finn meet their connection was one of friendship at first and I just loved the conversation and banter between them. Finn has an enormous heart. He can’t shake the connection he and Adele had as she prepares to move away to New York and is relentless in trying to prove his love and devotion to her. My heart soared at all the sweet, swoony moments between them. These two were not without their flaws and a few times I wanted to shake Adele for not seeing how madly in love Finn was with her but when she finally does their chemistry was explosive and sinfully steamy. Rebecca Jenshak writes sports romance with angst, emotion, and heat and I loved it all. The narrators, Muffy Newtown and Rupert Channing complimented each other well. Their voices were in sync and the story flowed nicely with dual narration.
Profile Image for Amy Dickinson.
1,438 reviews40 followers
June 28, 2020
Overall Grade: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2

Rebecca Jenshak has done it again. She’s written another romance where you can’t help but fall deeper into the story. Even more, as I have done with her other books, I picked up Jilted Jock and could not put it down. The struggles of her hero and heroine, Finn and Adele, feel real, as one tries to find a new normal after being spurned and the other tries to maintain her normal when she feels compelled to shake up her life. Now, if you haven’t read Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s Cocky Bastard, the book that inspired Jenshak’s Jilted Jock, that’s okay. Jilted Jock is a complete standalone, and Jenshak has done a fantastic job of alluding to Cocky Bastard in laying out Adele’s story. However, to really feel drawn into this story, reading Cocky Bastard before reading this book adds layers to Jenshak’s Jilted Jock. It makes you appreciate Adele’s struggle even more. Why should you read Jenshak’s story? Here goes:

*Finn is a special kind of hero. From chapter 1, you know that his heart has been broken, and his life has been upended. Jenshak has shared this chapter, so it isn’t a spoiler to know that. His journey from devastation to falling for Adele holds so much of the beauty of this story. He is the impetus for Adele’s transformation, and Jenshak crafts him as a hero who adores his heroine. There is no doubt about his faithfulness or interest in Adele. Once he sets his mind to her, that is it, although Jenshak does make you nervous at times when Finn has been snubbed by Adele.

*Adele’s story. If you read Cocky Bastard, you know Adele’s background, and Jenshak has carefully created a realistic story of her that revolves around controlling her fear. Jenshak was so thoughtful in creating her story that it feels like Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward could have written it. For me, Adele feels like the most real character in this book. Through her characterization, I think most readers can understand the need to control all aspects of life to protect against passion leading to poor choices. That feels more real to me than a star soccer player who gets left at the altar. Most of us live lives of control out of a fear of something. Jenshak captures this reality well in Adele’s character.

*Of course, it’s “old home week” with Jilted Jock. Adele’s brother, Chance, and her sister-in-law, Aubrey, whose story is immortalized in Cocky Bastard, find their way into Adele’s story. I’m thankful that Jenshak didn’t shy away from incorporating them. I will say that Chance disappointed me a bit in this story. He is incredibly overprotective of her (which makes sense given her past), but it feels like a detriment at times. That being said, Jenshak’s articulation of his character makes sense in the Cocky Hero world. This shows Jenshak’s talent at finding another author’s voice and adapting it to her story.

If I had any criticism of Jilted Jock, it would be the very last part of the story. For me, it felt rushed. Jenshak’s narrative feels well developed for much of the story, but the last part doesn’t feel as careful. I’m not sure why. Maybe I simply wanted more of their story towards the end. However, it didn’t stop me from bulldozing right through to the end.

After seeing the spate of Cocky Hero books, it’s clear why Rebecca Jenshak was tasked with Jilted Jock. Jenshak is a romance author who finds the right kind of balance between crafting compelling characters, elaborating on the sports of her characters, and writing a story that pulls you in and engages you until the very last page. She has written such a fantastic story for Chance’s sister, Adele. I only wish I could spend a bit more time with her and Finn.
Profile Image for Thuy Taylor.
1,371 reviews19 followers
June 28, 2020
What a good addition to the Cocky Hero World. From the moment the story started, Finn had me hooked. Jilted at the altar on his wedding day, Finn is in a daze, he is dealing as best as he can with the help of his friend, Chance(from the original Cocky Bastard). This is where Adele, Chance's sister and she offers him a place to crash for few weeks. Adele lives her life in a certain bubble. She has a past and she has overcome alot, so being in a safe, mundane, trusting relationship is what she needs, and she doesn't want to disrupt that. Even though Finn is making her feel all these things she really shouldn't be feeling.

I really enjoyed their story. Its a bit out of the norm than what Rebecca usually has been writing, and it was really nice to see older characters. Finn is so loyal, wants love, loves LOVE. Finn will pull at your heartstrings, his emails, his drive to have Adele in his life was soooo darn sweet. But, in true Rebecca fashion, there will be the moment that'll wreck your heart. But, we do get the big happy ever after moment. I loved seeing him realize his feelings for her. Love seeing characters from the Cocky Bastard book and Sweet Spot.
Profile Image for Jen (jensdreamylittlereads).
933 reviews116 followers
June 28, 2020
Jilted Jock was a very entertaining sports romance. It’s engaging storyline had the right amount of drama to keep me engaged. I can always count on Rebecca Jenshak to deliver a sweet romance with imperfectly flawed characters.

Adele and Finn are both strong characters individually, but perfect when they were put together. They complemented each other so perfectly. I truly enjoyed reading the connection that Adele and Finn had.

Jilted Jock was an intense slow burn, sexual tension fueled, emotional story that touched on some very raw topics with empathy and honesty. I really enjoyed this captivating and sizzling romance.
Profile Image for Rochelle.
1,624 reviews
June 29, 2020
This is another great addition to the Cocky Hero Club series. I am a sucker for a sports romance and I loved this one. Finn and Adele were so good together. Great chemistry between them. Their story pulled me in from page one and didn’t let go until I was finished. Highly recommend.

I read an early review copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

Profile Image for Karin.
144 reviews
October 23, 2020
i really enjoyed the first half but the drama in the seond half didn't make any sense, no real explaination either and that was really disappointing
i absolutely loved the female narrator, she's one of my favorites.
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,274 reviews606 followers
June 13, 2023


I’ve never read a book by this author but after reading this story and stalking some reviews from previous books I can see I have been missing out on some serious word wizardry! I was so caught up in the plot that I didn’t see the end coming! Okay, not the actual event, sorry, just that the story was ending. WHY must stories end?! *cries*

I like this author’s style and voice, at least so far. It was an easy read, slow burn with good chemistry and the story unfolded nicely. The conflict was not one of our hero’s finest moments, but his recovery made me root for him and like him even more. I enjoyed this entire story and would rec it to anyone that asked!

(one tiny sidenote (lol): someone please explain to me this attraction authors have to putting men doing some sort of half strip move with their shirts on their covers? it just makes me laugh every single time. i'm not so put off that I won't one-click over it (because i'm a cover snob) but just why? lolol)

AUDIO BOOK >>> June 2023

Almost three years later and this story still made my heart soar and put a huge smile on my face! Muffy Newton (aka Erin Mallon) and Rupert Channing did really great with this narration. I appreciated the fact that the first half of the book was in Adele’s POV and the second half was in Finn’s a lot more while listening than reading this story. I don’t even think I thought about it while I was reading, but with the audio, it made a difference, in a positive way. I think that going back and forth from Finn (Australian) and Adele would have put to much emphasis on how different Muffy & Rupert sounded when narrating Finn’s character and could possibly sour the whole listening experience. So, because it was more like half and half, that difference didn't really register.

I’ve had many experiences with the two different formats where one really changes my perspective on the story one way or the other but not this time. I was just as happy while I listened than while I read. Okay, those are my thoughts :) Do with them what you will :)
Profile Image for Caroline F.
2,314 reviews46 followers
June 28, 2020
God! Loved this story so much!

"Right now it felt like he saw me in a way I hadn't been seen in years."

Adele Bateman meets Finn McCash on the day when he is jilted at the altar. Unwilling to go home, when he and his cat can't find a hotel to stay at, Adele impulsively offers him the spare bedroom in her apartment for two weeks. He is everything that she has avoided for years, playing it safe with her straitlaced, by-the-book, long-distance boyfriend. After a rocky few days, they start getting into the rhythm of living together and begin to get to know each other.

"How had I gone from patching his broken heart to him filling the cracks in my life I hadn't known existed?"

This was a fab story! Finn loved hard and big, and I adored that he wanted to know and understand Adele. I loved that he wanted to introduce and experience new things into her life. His eagerness to protect her was sweet, although it took him a while to figure out the right balance on how to do this without making her feel pitied. I loved his determination and tenacity in working his way into her heart. Adele had a past - one that she pushed behind her by suppressing her natural instincts and living a safe life. She was full of doubt and also stubborn, but she needed to work her way to her own acceptance.

"He kissed me so tenderly and softly, but it felt like the force of a thousand tons slammed into me."

Living together in close quarters was challenging for Adele and Finn when it was obvious that there was mutual attraction between them. Their chemistry was thrilling and I loved that Finn didn't hold back - it was just what Adele needed to feel normal and desired. A gorgeous, humorous and sexy story from one of my fave authors!
Profile Image for Anelise | 2kidsandagoodbook .
433 reviews20 followers
June 9, 2020
Finn and Adele shouldn’t have met. Finn was supposed to be on his honeymoon instead of stumbling into Aubrey and Chance’s house drunk on the night of wedding. But Adele was babysitting CJ when Aubrey brought him stumbling into the house. But things don’t always go as planned and one thing led to another and Finn ends up staying with Adele. It started with a truce of sorts, then a friendship began and the chemistry was there whether it was accepted or not. But Adele has a past that keeps her shying away from the unpredictable life that would come with accepting that chemistry. But Finn never gives up even when he tries to forget or regroup.

From the very beginning I don’t think it was possible to not fall a little bit in love with Finn and feel everything he did through the rollercoaster of his life. Finn and Adele grow a lot as people in this story. They took control of their lives instead of letting their past define them. Adele was such a strong character, she accepted her flaws and stood her ground for what she thought was the best. Finn learned to live again after being challenged, how to face his past and showed his unwavering loyalties. I couldn’t get enough of either of them and the evolution of their relationship from strangers to being in a strong relationship.

Getting to read so much about Chance, Aubrey and CJ was a bonus as this book seamlessly weaved into Cocky Bastard and the Cocky Bastard short Christmas story.
Profile Image for Jenifer Briggs.
1,481 reviews178 followers
June 27, 2020
I think this is more of "It's me, not the book" but I just didn't like it as much as I wanted to.

The beginning was really good: our male lead Finn is on his wedding day ready to marry the girl of his dreams, only to be left at the alter. Our heroine, Adele (Chance's sister!) Is a recovering addict with a truly heartbreaking past who is in a boring yet stable relationship, offers to let Finn stay with her until he can find a new place since his ex-fiance and his ex-best friend will now be living in his old house (ouch, right?)

Anyways, these two do have a unique and profound connection, but that's where it started to fall flat. For the majority of the book Adele stays with her boring boyfriend and tries denying who she really wants to be with, while Finn is convinced that after a week of knowing Adele that she's the one for him. I just didn't buy it.. yes they had a connection, and shared some cute moments, but I never felt the love the author tried so hard to portray.

Obviously I'm in the minority here, and that's fine, but this just was a miss for me.

**I received an ARC of this book and these are my honest opinions.**
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
11.4k reviews92 followers
June 29, 2020
Finn appears to be living the dream as he is a successful professional soccer player and is ready to celebrate his wedding day when the woman he is marrying becomes the runaway bride with a fellow bride. After drowning his pain in alcohol, he winds up at his friend’s Chase’s home only Chase isn’t there, but his sister Adele is.

Adele has overcome a past riddled with mistakes and has turned her life around and is now involved in a relationship with a man totally unlike those in her past. When Finn appears at the door her heart goes out to him especially when he has no place to call home so when she agrees for him to become her temporary roommate shat could possibly go wrong?

The timing for Adele and Finn to find each other couldn’t have happened at a more difficult time as they both have their issues to work through but the way they support each other shows that they are much stronger together than apart.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,879 reviews593 followers
June 26, 2020
Jilted Jock was another great addition to the Cocky Hero Club. Although I enjoyed it, it’s one of those books where my feelings were mixed. There were points when I thought I would be giving a four-star rating, but, in the end, I couldn’t quite bring myself to round it up. In the end, this one is a rounded down three-point-five-star read.

Although I really enjoyed this one, I never really felt the emotional connection between the characters. The reason for this is simple, and it’s one of my peeves. One of the main characters spent half the book in a relationship with someone else, which prevented me from ever viewing the characters as more than friends. I certainly enjoyed their friendship, but even after they were both single, I found it difficult to feel any love between them.

Despite this, I did enjoy the story and was hooked throughout. I’m sure many will have less trouble with the aforementioned than I did, but it just made it difficult for me.
Profile Image for bookspaced.
831 reviews15 followers
June 28, 2020
Chance and Aubrey from cocky bastard are one of my favorite couples so to see a (another) story for Chance‘s sister Adele is very much appreciated.

This story features a very hot, young, aussie soccer player (Finn) who get‘s left by the alter by his fiancé. Adele and a very drunk Finn meet eachother for the first time ar Chance‘s place hours after the almost wedding. Since Finn was living with his ex he needed a place to stay and Adele invited him to stay with her. And that‘s the beginning of their love story.

Because Adele also is in a relationship during this book, the characters strike up a kind of friendship first. Their feelings for eachother definitely don‘t come over night. We get to see alot of different sides to these characters. We see their struggles, their happiness and everything that makes them them.

It‘s a slow burn, kind off angsty story. In times of instalove it was very refreshing to read a love story that doesn‘t happen quickly. Rebecca sucked me into this story and I couldn‘t stop reading. - That was probably (100%) Finn‘s fault😅

5 ⭐️

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
8,232 reviews163 followers
June 27, 2020
Jenshak steps out her comfort zone in hopes run off with your heart. Jilted Jock is everything that I have come to expect from a Rebecca Jenshak novel. Sexy, sassy, sweet and heartaching collide to become an irresistible romance.

Profile Image for Reckless Readers.
1,707 reviews89 followers
June 28, 2020
One thing I love about this collection is being introduced to new authors. Rebecca is a new author to me, I thoroughly enjoyed jilted jock! I loved the Aussie connection, I loved how sweet this book was. I was quickly captivated and devoured this story. It's a fun read that is well developed, swoon worthy and hot! You won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews161 followers
June 8, 2020
Finn can be a patient man, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed I’m going to miss an opportunity to have *** in the changing room of various Los Angeles stores, but I’ll be alright. Tonight, though, you’re mine.” I liked this book, I loved Finn
Profile Image for Paula White.
593 reviews34 followers
June 28, 2020
I was gifted an ARC for an honest review.

Everyone needs a Finn - loved him! This was a bit different as it wasn't the woman getting stood up but the man - but she did him a favour! He was alpha and was a great guy. Adele was with someone so wrong for her, everyone could see it but her. She had been through a lot a felt she needed 'safe' but what she needed was Finn. He did make a mistake and he did beat himself up over it but Adele took the time to find herself and we were given a great HEA and epilogue.
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,521 reviews13 followers
June 28, 2020
Y'all another fabulous book by Rebecca and it sure didn't disappoint. When Finn gets left at the alter by long time girlfriend Cindy he struggles ... entering in Chance and Aubrey(who I love) saving the day by rescuing him. I really liked Adele and I could relate alot to her but I also wanted to smack her and say girl you really aren't happy. I really wanted Finn and Adele together and thought it was gonna be awesome but boy does he goof it all up. But I will say they both grow and learn alot while they are apart. I really enjoyed the ending.
Profile Image for Emma Johnston.
931 reviews28 followers
June 9, 2020
I love Rebecca Jenshaks books and there hasnt been one yet that I havent devoured. And Jilted Jock was the exact same!

Finn was a brilliant leading man, he knew what he wanted and wasnt afraid to go after it. Adele was rightly cautious but there was no doubt about her love for Finn.

These Cocky Hero Club Books are brilliant and I love how they tie in with the original bookm
Displaying 1 - 30 of 198 reviews

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