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Fom Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

I needed to escape.

To Run. Hide. Whatever it took to get away from my ex and his hold over my life.

Being a female in law enforcement had never been easy. Until the day I got an offer that gave me a chance to disappear. I took the leap without a moment’s hesitation.

Over the past few months, rogue bikers had been assaulting, violating, and vandalizing the Hero’s Pride MC’s women and their businesses. My role was to go undercover as the Enforcer’s old lady and serve as bait to draw out those responsible and bring them to justice.

I would live in the same house as Derek “Champ” Layton, a handsome, huge former pro boxer, and pretend he was my man. I had to let him hold me in public, ride on the back of his bike, and stare at me with those soulful eyes as though I was the very air he needed to breathe.

There was nothing fake about Champ… or his touch, his kiss, his everything.

Champ made it clear from day one that nothing between us would ever be pretend. He was in it for more than the case—he was in it to win me.

What he didn’t seem to understand… I was no prize.

150 pages, ebook

First published March 3, 2020

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About the author

Audrey Carlan

229 books6,649 followers
Audrey Carlan is a No. 1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal best-selling author. She writes stories that help the reader find themselves while falling in love. Some of her works include the worldwide phenomenon Calendar Girl serial, Trinity series and the International Guy series. Her books have been translated into over thirty languages across the globe.
She lives in the California Valley, where she enjoys her two children and the love of her life. When she’s not writing, you can find her teaching yoga, sipping wine with her “soul sisters,” or with her nose stuck in a sexy romance novel.
If you would to hang out and learn more about my books, find me here:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for Marti.
3,145 reviews1 follower
December 21, 2020
Biker Boss is the fourth and last book in the Biker Beauties (at least for now) by Audrey Carlan. Tammy Hamilton is an undercover cop. She has left California to move away from her abusive husband to Oregon. She has been asked to pretend to be part of the Hero’s Pride MC to find the people who are harassing the “old ladies” of the Hero’s Pride MC.

Champ offered to look like he is in a relationship with Tammy, to get her into the club and part of the work they are doing to find the problem bikers. The problem - they both are in lust with each other. The other problem - she is determined to solve the problem bikers as a law enforcement officer and her soon to be ex has just figured out where she is.

BIker Boss was another quick read with an interesting storyline. I enjoyed the series and suspect that more books might be written in the future. The books were mostly hot, sexy and quick reads. Biker Boss by Audrey Carlan was a fun read.
Profile Image for Tammy Hamilton Green.
710 reviews16 followers
March 4, 2020
Whether or not Motorcycle (MC) romance is your favorite romance genre, #1 bestselling author Audrey Carlan delivers on her signature brand of steamy romance with a spin on MCs unlike anything you’ve read before. This is a 4-part series, each of novella length, with insta-lust/insta-love stories you won’t want to miss!

In “Biker Boss,” book #4 of the "Biker Beauties" series, Officer Tammy Hamilton goes undercover as bait to catch the rogue bikers who’ve been wreaking havoc on the Pride’s old ladies and their businesses. Tammy is paired with Derek “Champ” Layton, former pro-boxer and Enforcer of Hero’s Pride.

Things heat up quickly when Tammy “moves in” with Champ posing as his fake “old lady”.

“Swing on, baby,” Champ started up his Harley and the growl instantly put me at peace, my heartbeat settling to a more normal rhythm.
I palmed his shoulder, put my boot on the peg and swung a leg over. My body slid forward and my thighs tightened against Champ’s form. He revved the engine and I snuggled in, my body pressed tightly to his, the engine purring, his warmth seeping into my soul…
No place like it.
“Just like a glove.” He murmured while walking his bike backwards.
“What is?”
“The way you fit me, baby. Just like a fucking glove. Meant to be there. Exactly right where you’re supposed to be.”

But soon enough, “fake” feels very real. Remember insta-lust/insta-love.

“Want you to lay yourself bare to me, Tammy. Open every closet, every door, every window, right down to the darkest place inside of you that holds on to fear, and I want you to give it to me. I make love to you, and I own it from here on out. It’s mine. You’re mine. This is not a fuckin’ job. This is me and you becoming a me and you. Period.”

Alpha men with strong leading ladies, the “Biker Beauties” series delivers the sizzle, with an HEA for every couple. You’ll want to check out this entire series, cause’ when our Hero’s Pride bikers seal the deal, making their women their old ladies, it will be your new favorite
of romance!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
809 reviews5 followers
February 27, 2020
Live wild. Ride free.

Biker Boss is book #4 in the Biker Beauties collection. Audrey Carlan puts her own spin on MC and adds a huge dose of sexy! It contains all of your classic MC ingredients: alpha males, “old ladies,” “club business,” and lots of motorcycles! The stories are interconnected and fun! Biker Boss is by far the grittiest book in the series with some dark features and seriousness in the storyline. There was a nice recap of the previous Biker Beauties books. Biker Boss is fast paced laced with insta-lust/insta-love! This is Derek, aka Champ’s story. He is the Hero’s Pride club Enforcer.

Derek is a dedicated member of the Hero’s Pride MC. A former pro boxer, he is alpha, protective, possessive and hot!

“…when a biker falls, he doesn’t fall. He catches. He grabs. He snatches up the women he chooses and never lets her go. He claims her”

Tammy is an undercover cop brought in by the local Sheriff to help the Hero’s Pride. She is in need of her own escape from her ex-husband and this gives her an opportunity to escape.

My role was to go undercover as the Enforcer’s old lady and serve as bait to draw out those responsible and bring them to justice.

Derek and Tammy are hot together! He is so considerate, thoughtful and protective. Tammy is strong and compassionate. They start out working together but it quickly escalates into more.

Biker Boss is a fun & sexy read but has a surprising grittier story line. The unresolved issue from the previous story is the setting this time around. Things get real! I have enjoyed the Biker Beauties collection. They are definitely great poolside/vacation reads! I look forward to more stories in the future!

#AuthorAudreyCarlan #BikerBabe #BikerBoss #DereckAndTammy #Love #MC #Hero’sPride #Blogger #Sexy #BlushingBabesAreUpAllNight #HotAndSteamy #1Click #INeedMore
Profile Image for Ptiteaurel.
3,585 reviews58 followers
March 2, 2020
Il est temps de lire le dernier tome de la saga Biker Beauties même si les tomes peuvent être lus de manière indépendante, il y a tout de même un fil rouge que l'on suit plus ou moins depuis les trois précédents tomes. Nous allons donc avoir des réponses à nos questions concernant le danger qui rodait et qui est de plus en plus présent. Le plan décidé en fin de tome 3 est mis en place et nous allons donc confirmer ou infirmer nos hypothèses concernant l'origine des attaques.

un dernier tome qui m'a également conquis comme ce fut le cas pour Biker Brit. J'ai donc préféré les deux derniers tomes car ils nous permettent de prendre un peu plus notre temps pour apprécier l'intrigue et la sensualité. Le format nouvelle impose évidemment une histoire parfois trop rapide pour que le lecteur puisse complètement s'immerger dans l'histoire mais la saga d'Audrey Carlan a su me faire passer un bon moment de lecture.

Chronique complète à lire sur : https://thelovelyteacheraddictions.bl...
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,655 reviews222 followers
September 21, 2020
Ally - per RFS
Ormai la Carlan ci ha abituato a storie d’amore folli e originali, e questo terzo e ultimo capitolo non ci deluderà, dando un continuo alle storie dei protagonisti che abbiamo tanto amato in questa bellissima serie in stile Biker-chic.
Nel terzo capitolo, ci eravamo lasciati con l’agente Tammy Hamilton che si propone come esca per cogliere sul fatto i motociclisti che hanno preso di mira le Signore del Pride Hero’s MC, mandando in frantumi la sicurezza dei nostri amati bikers di Gran Pass in Oregon.
Tammy viene inserita nel club sotto copertura come la Signora di Champ. Lui si offre subito volontario appena vede la bella poliziotta, ma nessuno sa che questa tostissima agente sta scappando dalla California da un marito violento che non vuole accettare di averla persa e firmare le carte del divorzio. Così fugge in Oregon, lasciando lì sua sorella minore Michelle per finire gli studi in scienze infermieristiche, pur sapendo che, con lei lontana, sarà al sicuro l’unica parente a cui ancora tiene dopo la morte dei suoi genitori in un incidente, quando lei aveva diciotto anni.
Derek “Champ” Layton, ex soldato dell’esercito, è un fratello del Pride, dove ha servito per quattro anni ed ex Campione Mondiale di boxe, mondo che ha lasciato dopo un incontro finito nei peggiori dei modi. È un uomo sicuro di sé e, finché non incontra Tammy, non immagina quanto desideri una donna al suo fianco. Le scintille fra i due scattano a ogni sguardo e lasciarsi trasportare sarà inevitabile.
Così Tammy conoscerà la dolcezza e l’amore che prima le erano sempre state negate anche se le incomprensioni e gli ostacoli saranno molti. Le persone vittime di abusi hanno sempre dei muri difensivi che si auto costruiscono, ma Champ, con la sua pazienza e dolcezza, saprà come conquistare il suo cuore e rivendicarla come sua.
Da finzione a realtà è un attimo, ma l’agente non metterà da parte la sua missione, soprattutto quando verrà attaccata la Regina del Club, Megs. Questo farà scattare tutti i meccanismi e ci accompagnerà in azioni degne di un film di spie.
Quest’ultimo capitolo ci regalerà tutte le risposte ai misteri che si sono creati durante l’intera saga e ci darà un finale degno di una delle serie più sexy e avvincenti degli ultimi anni.
Adoro come vengono descritte la vita all’interno del club e le tradizioni in cui credono ciecamente, instaurate dentro i loro animi, così pure e belle da far venir voglia di farne parte.
Una famiglia simile trasmette una sicurezza che va al di là di ciò che vediamo nella società corrotta che ci circonda, e la speranza che esista qualcosa di simile nella realtà fa vedere il mondo un po’ meno buio e cattivo.
Audrey Carlan mi ha conquistata ma questo già lo sapete, se avete letto le mie recensioni dei suoi libri. Spero che le sue storie abbiano anche un briciolo di verità, oltre l’incredibile fantasia che ci ha regalato le vicende di questi motociclisti Harley-Style; non le dimenticherò mai.
Cazzuti, sexy e romantici. Che si può volere di più da un uomo che tratta la sua donna come la sua regina?
Motociclisti, azione, romanticismo, sesso, sparatorie e amore sono gli ingredienti del capitolo conclusivo della serie che si è guadagnata un pezzo del mio cuore e che mi dispiace da morire sia giunta al termine. Audrey ripensaci!
Profile Image for Treena.
1,343 reviews81 followers
March 5, 2020
I loved this novella!

Things come to a close, in terms of the overall story arc that began in book 1, with this one — Champ and Tammy’s story. Their fake relationship quickly turns into real love as they begin working together.

These two are fire together! Wow! The scenes that unfold as the plot progresses are not only hot, but man, they get intense, and full of emotion.

For a book with only 11 chapters, let me tell you, it sure packs a punch.

And if you haven’t read any of Audrey Carlan’s biker novellas, I’d totally recommend them. This four book series was one of my favorite MC reads. They’re quick and very engaging.
Profile Image for Sarah Reads "Reading in Sarah's Corner".
414 reviews35 followers
February 28, 2020
This was my favorite of all for short stories I do believe. I adored Book 3. But something about Champ and Boss. Made my heart swell.

When Champ, Derek Layton meets his woman Tammy Hamilton it is fireworks. She is undercover to help solve what has been happening to the Pride women. But to Champ, she is instantly more than a fake Old Lady. She is his Old Lady.

Champ has a heart of gold and knows Tammy has a past as well. He will do everything in his power to protect his girl. I loved that tug of war. That slow smolder this two were working at the very beginning.

This book started off with an explosive intro and never slowed down until the very last line. This one kept me flipping the pages. I had to know what would happen to the Pride, Tammy, Champ.
Profile Image for United Indie Book Blog.
4,578 reviews86 followers
February 28, 2020
Holy hell, each story gets better and better. Champ and Tammy, Champ new from the moment he set eyes on Tammy that she was going to be his old lady. Tammy was in Oregon to do a job with the help of the Hero’s Pride. Things haven’t been going as planned. Tammy’s soon to be ex is causing trouble, in the middle of the job. People are getting hurt and someone dies. This story was breaking my heart. I cant wait for Audrey’s next book. Thank you United Indie Book Blog for allowing me to read this book.

reviewer Maribel
Profile Image for Natalia.
1,134 reviews87 followers
March 4, 2020
Great couple...

Didn't read the previous books but was OK with the story.

No Ow drama or cheating.
Profile Image for Nicole Collins.
1,313 reviews13 followers
March 8, 2021

When an undercover operation turns into a budding romance with a biker all kinds of heat, mischief and drama ensues. I loved this story.
Profile Image for CzekMart.
288 reviews20 followers
March 3, 2020
This is such a fantastic, fresh take on the MC romance trope.
Tammy (Dimples) and Derek (Champ) start out as a fake relationship but it’s only matter of days before something so much more blossoms out of their arrangement.
As with all of Audrey Carlan’s books, Biker Boss is very well written, with incredible character depth, captivating story line and guaranteed HEA.
Profile Image for Mayas.
2,105 reviews49 followers
February 23, 2020
This was by far my favorite of the Biker Babes series. Tammy and Derek were my favorite and the drama around their pairing was over the top. I can not believe Audrey threw in those twist to break my heart like that. Out of all people why him? I couldn't stomach and and left the Pride's pain and anguish. That was just too much hurt. Only saving grace was Tammy's vision. That warmed my heart to no end. I am waiting on Bones story and Shadows.
Profile Image for Stella Girello.
294 reviews
August 25, 2020
Dal primo volume al quarto, a mio parere, ho visto il miglioramento. Questo ultimo della serie mi è piaciuto e, a tratti, commosso. Ritrovare nuovamente tutti i biker e le loro donne in "Baby. Dream" è stato molto carino. La storia di Champ & Tammy mi è piaciuta anche se c'è stato qualcosa che mi ha fatto storcere un po' il naso. Tutto sommato è stata una bella storia/novella.
Profile Image for Julie Jackson.
2,272 reviews10 followers
February 21, 2020
Tammy desperately needs to get out of town and away from her ex. She takes an undercover job but she doesn’t know that she is in for more than just a job. Champ is all alpha and he wants Tammy. Can she trust again? This book will take you on the ride of a lifetime. Excellent writing.
Profile Image for Gió Giò.
95 reviews2 followers
September 5, 2020
La Carlan non si smentisce col, credo, capitolo finale della serie Baby. Sempre stesso schema, ma scorrevole, intrigante con un pizzico di misterioso che non guasta la curiosità nel terminarlo. Qui vediamo Tammy, una poliziotta sotto copertura all'interno del Club, minacciato da atti di violenza a scapito delle Signore. Quindi fare da esca fingendosi una di loro, cade a fagiolo. E Derek, Champ per i Fratelli, non si fa scrupoli a proporsi, sia per il bene del Club, delle Signore, ma anche per se stesso, perché quelle fossette, quando lei sorride, lo hanno steso. La storia di Tammy e Champ si inserisce nel contesto della violenza domestica sulle donne, perché Tammy, come scoprirete ha un passato non proprio idilliaco. Anche Champ, ex pugile professionista, porta con se il fantasma di un passato che lo ha atterrato, come un gancio destro ben piazzato sul ring.
Consigliato per chi ha letto già i primi tre, perché inevitabilmente sono collegati tra loro.
Profile Image for Dorothy Bircher.
298 reviews5 followers
March 22, 2020
The book of Champ and Tammy!! What started out as a fake relationship turned into a fast love connection. Tammy needed to escape an abusive husband & Champ needed to help his MC. This story had my emotions on high and all over the place. Tears, laughs, smiles and more tears. Hero's Pride lives up to their MC name while creating memories and legacies. This story will touch you deep in your soul and will be a story that'll you'll remember for a long time.
Profile Image for Sparklin .
1,929 reviews
April 6, 2020
Throw in a ex boxer Champ. With an undercover agent Tammy. Sparks will fly between these two strong willed characters. Can Tammy do her job and help the Hero’s Pride or will feelings get in the way. This book is by far my favorite in this series.
Don’t miss out on reading Biker Beauties volume one to see how the Hero’s Pride operates.
Profile Image for Ansu.
931 reviews19 followers
August 24, 2021
After reading Wild Beauty, which I greatly enjoyed, this book annoyed me to no end!

I also hate being in the minority with my rating as I feel I am reading a different book from everyone else!

I know I am reading this book out of sequence, but the other books did not grab my attention as much as this one.

The subject of domestic abuse is very prevalent in this book, so I had assumed that we would get a kick ass heroine seeing as how she is a police officer.

So the opening scene, Tammy gets hit by her abusive husband in public on the street and just takes it 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡. Does this girl not know how to defend herself? So she kicked his instep, but he did get the best of her!

I am very sure that all police officers are taught basic self defense, but Tammy came across as this meek and helpless woman.

For goodness sake she has a gun, shoot the bastard 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬.

For a police officer who has been on the job for 10 years, I felt Tammy was weak and stupid.

I found it hard to understand why an intelligent woman, who is in the business of helping people would stay in an abusive relationship for 7 years!!!!!!!!

Her reason for not leaving him was because he threatened to frame her as a dirty cop ....... really 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄.

Oh and he threatened her sister and close friends.

REALLY, no seriously, is this girl for real?

Throughout the entire book I was plagued by this question - in the entire police precinct, where she was a cop for 10 YEARS(YES 10 YEARS) she had no one she could turn to.

I would have thought that the people she worked with will know her better and not believe this nonsense.

What about her boss or the hospital staff or someone, anyone, as it was told that she did end up in the hospital a few times.

I can’t believe fellow readers of this book did not get angry about this 😠😠😠😠

7 Years People !!!!!!!

So I moved on thinking I am going to see Tammy shine in her role as a police officer in catching the bad guys that are hurting the club women.

Nope, it did not happen AT ALL .

Well her plan to catch the rogue prospects was okayish, but it was not brilliant. But at least she had the foresight to wear a bullet proof vest, so I will give her some credit there.

I was just disappointed in Tammy from the the first page to the last.

I thought that Audrey Carlan would have given us a win on the entire domestic abuse angel that Tammy suffered through. Keeping quiet and having the Senator ask her to do so, just felt wrong to me.

I just wanted more from this book. I wanted justice for Tammy and for her to be a strong heroine but she did not fill this role for me.

Profile Image for Sara.
Author 4 books5 followers
May 5, 2024
Premessa: è una serie di bikers dove i protagonisti si innamorano velocemente grazie a un colpo di fulmine. A me non ha dato fastidio, anzi, è stata una lettura piacevole e divertente, ma la parola perfetta per descriverla è intensa.

Protagonisti maschili sono bikers tostissimi dallo sguardo intenso che sanno quello che vogliono. Prepotenti, ma giusti, sanno essere gentili e amano con tutto il loro metro novanta di muscoli, tatuaggi e sguardi profondi.

La figlia del presidente, l'insegnante di danza di sua nipote, la migliore amica di quest'ultima e un'agente sotto copertura sono le protagoniste femminili, donne toste che esterne al mondo biker se ne innamorano ed entrano a farne parte come se ci fossero nate.
Un animo biker che non fatica a emergere, attirate da un mondo che è folle, caotico, dove si folleggia tutte le sere ma composto anche uomini dal cuore grande, ex militari, forti e protettivi e non posso non menzionare Mags, Regina biker moglie del Prez che fa da matchmaker per tutte le coppie!

Tammy e Derek sono i più assennati del gruppo. Lei deve risolvere il mistero che sta facendo impazzire il club – sì, c’è una storia crime che fa da filo conduttore a tutta la serie – lui è la sua copertura. Come? Lei deve fingersi la sua signora, ma forse… fingere non serve

Lui è un ex pugile e militare che ha un radicato senso del dovere nei confronti del club e delle persone che ama. Lei è una donna di legge con un matrimonio vi0lent0 alle spalle da cui è sfuggita.
Insieme, cureranno i loro cuori spezzati e risolveranno il mistero che sta facendo soffrire anche il club

Tutto procede in modo veloce, ma i biker sono così. Sono intensi e non perdono tempo, una serie che va presa per quello che è, se non vi piacciono le storie che si svolgono troppo velocemente, allora questa serie non fa per voi

Profile Image for Misty’s Corner Reviews.
263 reviews11 followers
March 4, 2020
My oh my. This one has all the feels! Biker Beauties Volume 2, comprised of Biker Brit and Biker Boss, are by far my favorite novellas within the erotic romance series that I have ever read! What I LOVE the most about them is that they aren't just about the sex (although let's face it, Audrey Carlan has a real knack for ...um... "setting the scene") there's a true love story behind them! The love of a biker and his old lady extends far beyond the couple, right into their family - the Pride. When brothers of the Pride fall, they fall HARD and FAST!

Biker Boss illustrates the true meaning of a boss babe and a biker beauty! Tammy barely escapes her ex with her life, only to fall head-over-heals while undercover with The Hero's Pride enforcer Tank! I applaud the skill it takes to bring such depth vulnerability to a novella, Tammy's strengths and weaknesses, utterly SHINE right alongside her old man's.

Audrey cleverly connects the reader to each individual storyline, the instant love and lust attractions do nothing to deter the reader from falling in love with these biker beauties and their men! Thank you to the author, Audrey Carlan, and Give Me Books for this complimentary copy of Biker Beauties Volume 2 in exchange for my honest opinion. I'd recommend these to anyone looking for a short, yet captivating adventure, with several sweet spots thrown in for good measure!
Profile Image for Consuela Rossetto.
493 reviews12 followers
March 10, 2021
Quarto e, spero non ultimo, romanzo della serie Biker Beauties di Audrey Carlan.
A me questa serie senza pretese è piaciuta molto, mi ha permesso di passare ore piacevoli e rilassanti.
Sono romanzi brevi, che si leggono bene, poco impegnativi. Il livello di violenza, rispetto a libri di questo genere, è molto basso. Mi sento di consigliarli quindi a chi vuole avvicinarsi al mondo dei bikers senza eccessivi spargimenti di sangue 😁😁
Il linguaggio è scurrile, le scene di sesso molto dettagliate .... Ma stiamo comunque parlando di uomini che fanno parte di un MC Club.
🤨🤨🤨 e a tutte le lettrici che hanno scritto lunghe recensioni critiche sulla serie (e altre del genere) tacciandola di maschilismo rispondo ..... Non si tratta di un capolavoro della letteratura e visto l'ambiente in cui vivono i protagonisti non si può pretendere un linguaggio aureo e impeccabili maniere.
La domanda che sempre mi pongo in questo caso è "Perché leggere libri su un genere che si disprezza? Solo per demolirli? Per demonizzarli avvisando i lettori di NON LEGGERLI ASSOLUTAMENTE?".
Come sempre vi consiglio di tenere relativamente in considerazione le recensioni ... SOPRATTUTTO LE MIE.
Si tratta di gusti personali, non siamo tutti uguali (grazie al cielo).
Profile Image for Tracey Vuolo.
698 reviews18 followers
March 3, 2020
Biker Boss has this soul-consuming intensity that will have you holding onto your seat until the ride is done! Derek and Tammy may start off because of a unique situation that effects the entire club, but they are destined from the start. Tammy has a heart of gold and makes me grin when she gets all bossy with Champ. She takes quite the pounding in more ways than one, but I love how strong she is and she doesn’t let it kill her spirit. I lost my breath and had tears in my eyes and you don’t want to miss a single second. Any girl would be lucky to have Derek or “Champ” fighting for her freedom; little did he know that his bossy cop would save him from his past demons as well. Biker Boss takes second chances to an extraordinary level and I hope Audrey Carlan continues this Biker Beauties series for years to come!!!!

Tracey, Life Reads With Friends
301 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2020
Beauty in every way!!

Reading the last book out of a series is always bitter sweet for me. I want to know what happens but I also don’t want it to end. I really slowed myself down reading this book and savoring every word of love and pain. My heart was tight for Tammy and all the she goes through. Champ is a hunk of a man with a huge sense of pride and protection for those that he loves.
Their story is heartwarming and so so good that I’m hoping in the future Audrey can add a few more stand alone books so we can continue to enjoy the Biker Pride family! They are badass, just like you are lady!
Thank you Audrey for the powerful, encouraging and fantasy laced with so much reality books that you write. Very inspiring and a series that should be read by all men and woman included! Well done!!

Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends

Profile Image for Ashley Snider.
166 reviews4 followers
March 17, 2020
A novella written as part of a series but can be ready as a stand-alone. Audrey has done it again with this series!

I think that so far this was the best one yet. I love how Tammy worked through her own issues and came out on top. She always puts others first and I’m glad that Champ realized what she sacrificed before it was to late.

Tammy was brave to offer herself up as bait to the worst one percenters mc ever. What is she thinking? And how will things work out with Clint now that he knows where she is? The sheriff and his deputies are there and you know what they say....the best laid plans. Thank god for Shadow.

Champ had his own inner demons to work out. He had to deal with his previous loss before he could move on. His proposal was sincere and so very true! I loved how he took Tammys worries seriously but was still able to get his brand.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,041 reviews33 followers
May 28, 2020
Voici donc le quatrième et dernier tome de la saga Biker Girls ! J’ai passé un bon moment avec les tomes précédents et j’avais hâte de lire ce dernier étant donné les événements auxquels ont fait face les personnages dans Biker Brit.

Cette fois l’histoire se concentre sur le personnage de Champ, un des membres du Hero’s Pride qui va devoir former un « faux couple » avec Tammy Hamilton, une policière californienne qui se rapproche du club pour enquêter sur les personnes qui s’attaquent aux femmes de la famille.

Si la relation doit être une couverture, vivre ensemble va forcément rapprocher Champ et Tammy et comme dans les autres tomes, tout va très vite entre eux…

J’ai passé un bon moment avec ce roman et même si j’aurais aimé que l’enquête soit un peu plus présente, Audrey Carlan a su ménager le suspense concernant le coupable !

Si vous avez aimé les autres séries de l’auteure, je vous conseille celle-ci qui je pense, saura vous faire passer un bon moment de lecture ! ♥

Profile Image for Ames Hart.
Author 1 book4 followers
March 6, 2020
Champ and Dimples are real, raw and incredible!

After so much had happened to the women of Hero’s Pride, Tamm, a deputy from Cali, comes to Grants Pass to go under cover as a club Old Lady to draw out the men attacking them. In true Club fashion, Champ takes his position as her Old Man seriously and falls for her hard. Can they get past each other’s past and stubborn nature to make them work? Audrey writes their story so perfectly that you feel all the emotions and intensity. Get ready for a wild, emotional and heart touching ride as only Hero’s Pride and Audrey can deliver!
Profile Image for Corinne Akers.
1,058 reviews6 followers
June 26, 2021
Biker Boss

Biker Boss was just as thrilling as the other 3 books in this series. Tammy and Derek are thrown together for an undercover operation, but an attraction builds between them quickly and right from the start you know that there is something special between them! This book deals with physical abuse though and it gets pretty emotional at times and hard to read, especially if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of it! But the author does an amazing job — using her writing skills for good — and gives us a lot of good feels in the epilogue! I hope this isn’t the end of this storyline as I’ve kinda started to fall in love with this gang!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
1,142 reviews7 followers
April 8, 2020
Tammy is under cover with the MC after their old ladies have been attacked. She is posing as Derek "Champ" Layton's old lady. She is running from her abusive ex and nicely surprised to learn that Champ is the kind of man to worship his woman.

Love this series by Audrey Carlan. The men of the MC may be rough around the edges but they are truley good men. Biker Boss gives you some laughs and a little suspense. This is a fun series of novellas that are easy reads. Hope that Audrey adds to this series in the future.
Profile Image for Mari.
247 reviews3 followers
May 11, 2020
Holy hell, each story gets better and better. Champ and Tammy, Champ new from the moment he set eyes on Tammy that she was going to be his old lady. Tammy was in Oregon to do a job with the help of the Hero’s Pride. Things haven’t been going as planned. Tammy’s soon to be ex is causing trouble, in the middle of the job. People are getting hurt and someone dies. This story was breaking my heart. I cant wait for Audrey’s next book. Thank you United Indie Book Blog for allowing me to read this book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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