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From Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

The tragedy that controlled my past led me to move as far away from my home in England as I could get. With a degree in library sciences and a will to live life on my own terms, I crossed the pond and headed for the West Coast. I ended up in Grant’s Pass Oregon as the county’s much needed librarian.

I was amazing at two things in this life. Books and blowjobs.

Men were a fun past time, nothing but scratching a physical itch when needed. Until I attended a Hero’s Pride MC party and met Tank. The man was massive, and I wanted nothing more than to climb him like a tree. Turns out he was into fiery redheads with one thing on their minds.

We swore no strings attached.

Until we met up again and he decided he wanted another taste. The man had serious ability in the bedroom so I gave it to him. Again. And again. The lines between our no strings started getting knotted up with every new day.

Then someone started threatening the old ladies and Tank became more than my shag buddy, he became my protector. When the world around us got truly scary Tank decided things between us were going to change. Forever.

I wasn’t ready to be a man’s girlfriend or anyone’s old lady. My Romeo in jeans and leather had other plans for his silk and stiletto wearing Juliet.

In the end, I feared star-crossed lovers weren’t meant to be.

He believed otherwise.

The Biker Beauties is a collection of interconnected standalone novellas. They can be read out of order if desired. They are high in heat, but don’t forget the sweet.

147 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 2, 2020

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About the author

Audrey Carlan

229 books6,649 followers
Audrey Carlan is a No. 1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal best-selling author. She writes stories that help the reader find themselves while falling in love. Some of her works include the worldwide phenomenon Calendar Girl serial, Trinity series and the International Guy series. Her books have been translated into over thirty languages across the globe.
She lives in the California Valley, where she enjoys her two children and the love of her life. When she’s not writing, you can find her teaching yoga, sipping wine with her “soul sisters,” or with her nose stuck in a sexy romance novel.
If you would to hang out and learn more about my books, find me here:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews
Profile Image for Gió Giò.
95 reviews2 followers
August 27, 2020
Tank e Holly sono straordinari. Tank ha i suoi demoni, Holly ha i suoi fantasmi, ma entrambi, insieme, sapranno scacciarli. Tank è rude e dolce, un biker, un ex marine, e ora il Romeo di una Giulietta sfuggente, sfacciata, che non ci sta a farsi dominare. Holly è una bibliotecaria inglese, che si trasferisce in Oregon, insieme alla sua migliore amica Anya, già "Vecchia" di un altro biker. Sicuramente non vuole impegnarsi in relazioni serie, non riesce a fidarsi degli uomini. Ma Theodore "Tank" Bradshaw, non è più di questo avviso. Quella "rossa sexy" non può essere solo un'avventura, deve essere la sua Signora, e come lui "Live wild. Ride free".
Questo terzo libro mi ha appassionato più dei primi due. Sembra che la Carlan abbia dato più tempo ai protagonisti, senza quella velocità, parlando sul piano sentimentale, che caratterizza i primi due. È evidente, leggendo questo, che Tank e Holly procedono nella loro relazione più realisticamente. Non si conoscono di Lunedì e sono già innamoratissimi di Martedì. Ed è questo che, almeno a me, ha dato quel di più, che lo fa balzare al primo posto tra i tre.
4 stelle piene!
Profile Image for Tracey Vuolo.
698 reviews18 followers
February 2, 2020
Audrey Carlan is making a name for herself in the MC world with Biker Brit. This story is heart pounding, soul searching and full of shagging and I could not get enough. Tank and Holly bring their own demons to the table and it breaks your heart while it fills you with so much hope for them. They have this insane chemistry that will blow your mind and this protective pull that will capture your heart.
I hope Audrey writes Biker Beauty stories for years to come because they are explosive, enticing and full of love.

Tracey, Life Reads With Friends
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,655 reviews222 followers
September 9, 2020
Ally - per RFS
Come non amare i bikers dell’Hero’s Pride MC? Questi uomini sono super sexy e duri come l’acciaio, impossibile non amarli alla follia soprattutto dopo che scelgono la loro compagna di vita e raggiungono livelli epici di dolcezza, tutto sempre in stile maschio alfa.
In questo terzo capitolo, conosciamo meglio la storia di Holly Harfield, bibliotecaria sexy dai modi affascinanti che si è trasferita dall’Inghilterra a Gran Pass, in fuga dal suo passato che l’ha lasciata segnata e terrorizzata dalle relazioni. Una ragazza che ama divertirsi ed evita come la peste tutto ciò che è stabile con un uomo: lei è la migliore amica di Anya, che abbiamo conosciuto nel secondo libro, e la adora come una sorella.
Holly partecipa alla festa di rivendicazione di Shane e Anya e lì incontra Theodore Bradshaw “Tank” e fra loro sono scintille, fin dal primo istante. I due finiscono a letto insieme in un’indimenticabile notte di sesso stellare, che li lascerà vogliosi di ripetere l’esperienza.
Tank è un donnaiolo che cerca di combattere i demoni che lo perseguitano, dopo le missioni in Afghanistan, con sesso e alcol. Tutto cambia quando incontra Holly: bellissima, provocante e desiderosa di non avere legami. Perfetta per lui, se aggiungiamo che insieme fanno faville e starle lontano diventa a ogni incontro più difficile.
Ma due anime perdute possono curare le ferite l’uno dell’altro o si trascineranno nell’oblio?
Quando si incontra la persona giusta, dove si può trovare il coraggio per affrontare i traumi del passato e sfiorare finalmente un briciolo di felicità? E se lo si trova, come ci si può riuscire? Questa è la domanda a cui i nostri protagonisti, tra i più sexy della serie, ci aiutano a rispondere.
Li ho amati moltissimo, nonostante la trama non mi avesse particolarmente ispirata ma la Carlan non mi ha delusa e mi ha regalato la storia in cui sono stata in suspense più di tutte quelle lette finora. Stavo per piangere in una fase del libro, per paura di quello che sarebbe accaduto, visto come si stava svolgendo la storia, e non mi era mai successo così intensamente. Audrey Carlan mi ha trasmesso emozioni così profonde e inaspettate tale da farmi empatizzare come mai prima d’ora, tanto che questo racconto è diventato il mio preferito!
Non vi racconterò altro per non svelarvi tutte le sorprese e i colpi di scena, che solo un libro sui motociclisti può darci e, seguendo i binari delle storie precedenti, ci saprà donare un’altra bella storia d’amore fuori dalle righe.
Profile Image for Ginelle Blanch.
893 reviews26 followers
February 2, 2020
This was another book that was hard and fast. I have to say, that's really not my thing. But, for as fast as it started out, I really did enjoy watching the relationship grow between Holly and Tank. Both have some pretty significant demons to trust one another with and to work through. All the crazy danger that happens in the book...cause there is crazy danger...actually brings those demons from darkness into the light, allowing Holly and Tank to help each other heal.

These two are super sexy together and sweet at the same time. Looking forward to finding out what happens next in the series.
Profile Image for Dorothy Bircher.
298 reviews5 followers
February 14, 2020
Biker Sargent of Arms & the sexy Grants Pass librarian!! An unusual couple right?! What would they have in common you ask?! A dark pass and hidden demons within. They help each other while trying to fight the love connection that is obviously there. Threats are made to the MC and they stick by each other every step of the way. You'll fall in love with this unusually duo but they were definitely made for each other.
Profile Image for Chrissy.
1,389 reviews61 followers
April 14, 2020
Biker Beauties Under Fire

Holly is the best friend of the MFC in the previous novella in this series. She is a British librarian who likes to have fun and doesn’t trust men, so just has one night stands. She hooks up with Tank the club’s Sergeant at Arms, who used to (not at all obviously) drive tanks in the army. He served in Afghanistan and has all the nightmares to go with that.

After their hook up, they both find that one night isn’t enough and one night leads to more. At the same time as their courtship there are attacks against the Old Ladies of the club.

There is quite a lot of angst and some difficult scenes in this book. It’s not as sweet and light as the last one. It’s much more gritty and because it is, the book has more depth and feeling. It was nice to put some depth behind Holly’s initial 2 dimensional character from previous books. This series seems to have acquired some depth along the way.
Profile Image for Le letture di Anya.
462 reviews21 followers
September 22, 2020

Posso ormai affermare che i motociclisti sono la mia ossessione. Mi piacciono rudi e scurrili, stile vichinghi contemporanei, in grado di rapirti il cuore e non lasciarlo più andare.

Non credo sia facile scrivere un libro sui biker perché ci vuole la giusta dose di violenza e dolcezza per rendere la storia credibile e intensa.

È un equilibrio molto delicato che, alle volte, chi scrive non è riuscito a mantenere, facendo tendere l’ago della bilancia più da una parte che dall’altra…

Ma partiamo dal principio.

Holly è una adorabile e bella bibliotecaria con accento texano che, in seguito a una serie di circostanze, incontra Tank, un membro del club Hero’s Pride MC, che ha qualche problema con il suo passato da soldato…

Il libro è piuttosto leggero, i personaggi sono poco delineati e non molto profondi.

Non mi è piaciuto l’innamoramento istantaneo di Tank per Holly, l’ho trovato un po’ affrettato. Si sono visti soltanto due volte, in cui hanno parlato molto poco, e già lui ha deciso che lei sarà la donna della sua vita.

Penso inoltre, che le descrizioni dell’uomo super muscoloso e perfetto siano un po’ troppo sfruttate e stereotipate, sanno di già visto.

“Lui sorride, i denti dritti e bianchi, circondati dalle labbra più baciabili su questo pianeta. Labbra che ancora sogno la notte. «Come desideri, bellezza».”

Ho anche riscontrato una discordanza nella storia che mi ha lasciata un po’ spiazzata, quando Tank, all’inizio, aiuta la coinquilina di Holly a traslocare, ma un paio di giorni dopo Tank chiede a Holly dove abita, malgrado sia già stato a casa sua.

Diciamo che nel complesso è un libro carino e godibile, ma molto molto leggero.

Lo consiglio se cercate qualcosa di semplice e/o l’amore a prima vista.

Per me, 3 stelle e mezzo.

La copia ARC è stata gentilmente offerta dalla Casa Editrice
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Marti.
3,145 reviews1 follower
December 20, 2020
Biker Brit by Audry Carlan is the third book in the Biker Beauties. Grant’s Pass, Oregon is the home of Hero’s Pride MC. The MC a proud group of men who were all part of service in their life and now part of the MC. They are good men who are looking to ride and be free. It is here that Holly was hired as the local librarian and her start of a new life. She left Britain and here was her friend willing to help her. It is also where she met Tank. Tank is the Sergeant at Arms of the Hero’s Pride MC. Holley and Tank have mad chemistry.

However, there are some nefarious happenings. A group of bikers have come in and caused mayhem several times. They are not fooling around as more people are hurt. Now Tank has to step into his job and try to find out what is happening, but everything seems shrouded in a mist. Then the group went after Holly. Now Hero’s Pride MC are mad and things are going to happen, but we are left with Holly and Tank being a wonderful couple with lots of hot chemistry.

Biker’s Brit by Audry Carlan is a quick fun read.
Profile Image for Ptiteaurel.
3,585 reviews58 followers
February 21, 2020
J'ai pris encore plus de plaisir en lisant Biker Brit que les précédents tomes car je trouve que c'est le tome le plus abouti à mes yeux de la saga Biker Beauties. Même si chaque tome peut se lire de manière indépendante, on retrouve tout de même les autres membres des Hero's Pride et cette fois ci , en plus de la sensualité habituelle, nous avons le sens du danger et un côté thriller qui pimente encore plus l'intrigue.

j'ai passé un très bon moment de lecture avec ce nouveau tome qui me semble plus poussé que les autres dans le sens où l'intrigue prend de l'ampleur et touche non seulement les héros de ce tome mais tous les autres membres de ce club de MC. Audrey Carlan nous offre ici un tome où l'intensité, la passion , la sensualité et le danger formeront un cocktail plus explosif.

Chronique complète à lire sur : https://thelovelyteacheraddictions.bl...
Profile Image for The Bosnian.
1,298 reviews328 followers
February 21, 2020
 photo 20191026_164529_zpsnyqvf1pl.jpg
Not my first read by the author, and I really fell in love with this fast MC romance, check out my full review on my BLOG -> CLICK HERE
Profile Image for Camilla.
477 reviews12 followers
July 12, 2021
E con questo terzo capitolo, finalmente ci siamo!
Ho amato ogni singola pagina, l'ho letteralmente divorato, e forse perché le dinamiche sono leggermente diverse rispetto ai precedenti.
Holly è frizzante, fresca, schietta e soprattutto è sopra le righe, mentre Tank è sesso allo stato puro e insieme sono l'esplosione che ci voleva.
Il filo conduttore che proviene dai precedenti capitoli continua, la storia si fa più intensa mentre la storia d'amore impazza. Entrambi i protagonisti hanno i propri demoni da affrontare e mi è piaciuto come si sia basato ogni cosa sulla comunicazione.
Mi è piaciuto e tanto... Peccato sempre che sia stato troppo breve.
Cinque stelline.
Profile Image for Mayas.
2,105 reviews49 followers
February 3, 2020
Broken Brit

I knew Holly had a past but I was not expecting it to be that was and gut-wrenching. When I read her background I knew personally that I wouldn't have been able to handle that reality either. Along comes Tank with his dark days of war and you have two souls that need healing.

When the past meets the present for reasons unknown is when all he'll breaks lose and the Tank and his brothers are ready to explode. Truth be told, who wouldn't. Even while reading I was cursing Audrey for putting that rage in me. In the end, I hope, it will all come together. This series is getting better by the release.
Profile Image for Linda Kam.
680 reviews
February 5, 2020

Another brilliant book by Audrey.
Loving this series . Loved this storyline too.
Absolutely love the characters and the connection between them all. I love Mags to bits.
Really loved Tank and Holly. Loved their connection with each other and so glad they got their HEA. They both so deserved it.
Well done again Audrey.
Profile Image for Treena.
1,343 reviews81 followers
February 3, 2020
Out of the 3 in this series of MC novellas, I loved this one the most. It’s my favorite of the 3 because it felt like a full story, with good pace, and mostly because the characters drew me in emotionally into their lives. Tank and Holly are so good together.

Trigger warning:

Can’t wait for book 4, with Champ and Tammy!
Profile Image for Greyland Reviews.
2,760 reviews25 followers
February 3, 2020
3.5 stars
I enjoyed Holly and Tank's story so much! They reminded me alot of Robichaux characters Clarice and Brian (who deserve everything this world can give them). But it is very insta-love and alpha maleness.
Trigger Warnings: PTSD, war themes, assault, sexual assault, and mentions of rape
29 reviews
February 4, 2020
Audrey you did it again ❤️

Loved Tank and Holly! Loved their connection and their humor and how they helped one another through their demons! Love the Hero’s Pride MC! Strong family connection, unwavering love! Can’t wait to see where Champ and Tammy take us next👏🏻❤️
301 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2020
Holy smokes this book is HOT!! Biker Brit has everything you need in a book. The characters are insanely good. Holly, the sexy librarian and Tank, the protective military guy are a couple that sparks fire when together. They both have demons of their own but together they are very intense and have an amazing connection.

Audrey is so good with her words as always. The romance and suspense that she has created with this series is absolutely phenomenal. I can’t wait for Biker Boss!!
Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews161 followers
January 29, 2020
Tank is often left dumbfounded by his woman, “then why the eff do you have a coffee pot?” Tank doesn't care what others think, hes going to do what is best for his old lady, "...my woman would not be kept in the dark or misled by anyone in her world." I liked this book, I loved Tank.
Profile Image for Stella Girello.
294 reviews
August 11, 2020
Ho voluto dare un'ulteriore possibilità a questa serie di novelle e devo dire che il terzo volume mi è piaciuto molto di più rispetto ai primi due. Diciamo che il feeling con queste storie è partito con il piede sbagliato ma ora sembra stia recuperando... Tank & Holly mi sono piaciuti. La loro storia, da quando si sono conosciuti fino all'ultimo capitolo, è stata una piacevole lettura.
Profile Image for Dana zamora.
817 reviews7 followers
April 6, 2020
Bloody HELL

OMG bloody HELL Audrey, I have been on the edge of my seat the entire book, I'm beyond excited to finish this and waiting for Champ and Tammy, she's gonna be another badass and I hope staying with the pride, the love and devotion these men have for their old ladies is truly awesome, thank you bunches, Dana
Profile Image for Letture Sale e Pepe.
1,714 reviews45 followers
May 23, 2021

Letture brevi e sensuali, i libri di questa serie.

Il primo mi aveva lasciato molti interrogativi. Trattandosi dell’inizio della narrazione mi aspettavo maggiori dettagli sul mondo dei bikers.

Gli altri romanzi sono stati perlopiù completi, anche se sempre di dimensioni ridotte.

La brevità non ha svantaggiato la lettura, anzi l’ha resa veloce e scorrevole permettendo di andare dritti al punto.

Stiamo conoscendo i vari membri del gruppo, e la Carlan ce li sta facendo amare tutti, nelle loro sfumature.

Dal rude e possessivo Rex, passando per il protettivo e dolce Whip, fino ad approdare a Tank (ho ancora una cotta in corso, per quest’ultimo).

Non è una lettura impegnativa, è il classico romance che ti fa girare la testa per il bello di turno e sperare che anche lui bruci per amore.

La bibliotecaria sexy e il biker, che coppia!

E tra Romeo e Giulietta, giri in moto, qualche piccolo attimo di suspense, è il batticuore a scandire il tempo.

“Sono innamorato di te donna. Non riesci a capirlo? Ce l’ho scritto in faccia e presto ce l’avrò scritto sul corpo… per sempre.”

Lasciarlo entrare, per sempre… darle tempo e attendere.

“Alla fine, dovrai lasciarmi entrare, Holly. Va bene così. Sarò qui per sempre. Prenditi il tuo tempo. Sarò pronto quando lo sarai tu… Un passo alla volta.”


- Cara Z

Eccomi con un altro capitolo dei motociclisti dell’Oregon. Tank è libertino, dongiovanni, sciupafemmine fino a quando non incontra Holly, bibliotecaria e amica di Anya. Tra loro nasce una sorta di accordo, sesso senza impegno perché anche Holly ha una storia finita nel peggiore dei modi alle spalle: il suo ex ha stuprato e ucciso sua sorella. Tank è un ex militare affetto da disturbo da stress post traumatico, causato dall’aver assistito alla morte del suo più caro amico, per salvare lui e una decina di civili. Quando Holly viene aggredita da una banda di rider avversari, Tank non può stare a guardare e capisce che quella è la donna che vuole reclamare come sua signora, ma Holly si sentirà pronta per rivestire questo ruolo?

C’è un filo conduttore in questa serie, una storia cronologica e mi dispiace che l’autrice non lo abbia segnato in qualche modo: ho letto questo prima di un altro. Vero è che ogni trama ha una coppia distinta di protagonisti, ma la storia dei rider ha un senso logico. Comunque, fatta questa piccola precisazione, parliamo del libro. Come Baby Girl, la trama si sviluppa troppo velocemente: l’innamoramento di Tank, in particolare, è velocissimo, nonostante l’accordo con Holly sia ben preciso: sesso senza coinvolgimento emotivo. Un’altra cosa che mi ha lasciato perplessa è la leggerezza con cui l’autrice ha trattato il DSPT di Tank. Durante un suo incubo notturno Holly gli chiede di sfogarsi con lei e con due semplici parole, lei gli dà la soluzione al problema. Altro ancora è la violenza sfiorata per un pelo da Holly che fa riaffiorare il suo dolore ma che, anche questo, passa in una settimana, tanta è la voglia che ha del suo uomo. Non so, non ci sono mai passata fortunatamente, ma non credo siano traumi superabili così facilmente.

Comunque, finora, è la coppia che mi ha convinto di più, perché ho apprezzato la dolcezza di Tank, quel suo essere una montagna di muscoli, ma di saper anche ricoprire di attenzioni e delicatezza la sua compagna. Holly, invece, così minuta, è quella che fa un gesto eclatante come farsi marchiare la pelle con il nome del suo uomo, quindi la più forte tra le donne di questa serie.

Il mondo dei motociclisti, come nel libro precedente, è sempre in secondo piano e, a mio avviso, poco approfondito. La trama è raccontata dal pov di entrambi, un modo di scrittura che apprezzo sempre.

Oltre ai protagonisti ci sono tanti personaggi secondari che arricchiscono la storia e che la rendono più ricca.

C’è passione, tensione, chimica che sfocia in scene di sesso esplicite, ma che non risultano mai scabrose o volgari. È un libro che si legge in poco tempo ma che non lascia il segno.

Alla prossima!

- Barbara M
Profile Image for Stephanie.
809 reviews5 followers
February 24, 2020
Live wild. Ride free.

Biker Brit is book #3 in the Biker Beauties collection. Audrey Carlan puts her own spin on MC and adds a huge dose of sexy! It contains all of your classic MC ingredients: alpha males, “old ladies,” “club business,” and lots of motorcycles! Like the previous Biker books the story hits the ground running! It is fast paced and packs a punch! Biker Brit is the first one in the series that has a bit more grit and seriousness in the storyline. This is Tank’s story. He is the Hero’s Pride MC Enforcer or Sergeant of Arms.

Tank works hard and plays hard. He does not do serious. Holly is Grant’s Pass County’s much needed librarian and best friend to Anya. Always looking for a good time with no strings attached, Holly and Tank hook up at a wild Hero’s Pride party. Things don’t always go as planned and they can’t get enough of each other.

“Hard, wild, crazy, filthy shagging. I’m afraid that’s all I’m willing to offer, and Tank seems to know this about me. I see much of the same in him.”

I loved Tank and Holly. Holly is sexy, smart and full of life. Tank is hot but also sexy and caring. They both have heavy, dark issues that they are dealing with in silence. They slowly begin to lean on each other. I love how they evolved. Tank is so alpha and protective. Holly is so strong and supportive. I also loved all the British terminology used like shagging and going to the loo. So cute!

Biker Brit is a fun & sexy read but has a surprising darker storyline. The only thing I didn’t understand is that there is an unresolved issue in the story. I think it will be addressed in Biker Boss. The issue did not take away my love of the book or series, I was just surprised that it was not resolved. Biker Beauties are definitely great poolside/vacation reads! I look forward to Biker Boss which is next!

#AuthorAudreyCarlan #BikerBrit #BikerBeauty #TankAndHolly #Love #MC #Hero’sPride #Blogger #Libarian #BlushingBabesAreUpAllNight #HotAndSteamy #1Click #INeedMore
Profile Image for Ana Rita.
1,754 reviews41 followers
June 11, 2020
Yep... The queen has another book. Lol. The queen of books, of course.
This lady is the bomb behind a pen and the more I get, the more I want. I really can't stop...
Audrey Carlan is who I'm talking about. She's freaking awesome and her writing shows just that.
When she announced that she was writing goes an MC series I freaking lost it... What were the odds of having an oi there book from one of my favorite authors and an MC one...
I was on cloud nine.
Biker Brit is her latest release and it's the third book from the Biker Beauties MC series.
This new book explores the lives of Holly and Tank.
Holly needed to get away from her hometown due to a tragedy. She went to another country and meet Anya. Because of her, she goes to a party at the Hero's Pride clubhouse and she hooked up with Tank. Well, that should be just it, a hookup but...
Tank is the Sargent of Arms for the Hero's Pride MC, a brotherhood that he's proud of calling brothers.
He had a pass marked with a few tragedies but life is getting good. When he sees Holly for the first time...
Well... What can I say?
What can I shout for you to read this series? Not just this book but the entire series...
Well... It was another freaking awesome ride...
Superb plot, very well written, super engaging and intense, with a touch of hotness...
Dayum girls... A few scenes are so hot that I thought my kindle would burst into flames...
This lady knows what she's going...
The entire story is surrounded by a cloud of dark suspense and unknown and you'll see yourself hooked up in a way that it's impossible to stop.
The need to know more made me devour this book in no time...
And thank God I have the next book waiting for me...
I couldn't wait that long.
Seriously Audrey... You rock woman... Just saying.  
Profile Image for Misty’s Corner Reviews.
263 reviews11 followers
March 4, 2020
My oh my. This one has all the feels! Biker Beauties Volume 2, comprised of Biker Brit and Biker Boss, are by far my favorite novellas within the erotic romance series that I have ever read! What I LOVE the most about them is that they aren't just about the sex (although let's face it, Audrey Carlan has a real knack for ...um... "setting the scene") there's a true love story behind them! The love of a biker and his old lady extends far beyond the couple, right into their family - the Pride. When brothers of the Pride fall, they fall HARD and FAST!

I laughed and cheered (especially at the many one-liners, my favorite being: "There are two things I am an expert at. Books and blowjobs."), and binge-read my way through the suspense and tears as the old ladies were attacked one-by-one.

Biker Brit brings our sassy, yet sexy "librarian meets biker" fantasies to life with Holly and Tank! The town's beloved librarian teases herself into thinking that the one night stands she's had with her motorcycle man were just that, no-strings-attached flings. You can almost hear Holly's saucily articulated British accent through the pages!

Audrey cleverly connects the reader to each individual storyline, the instant love and lust attractions do nothing to deter the reader from falling in love with these biker beauties and their men! Thank you to the author, Audrey Carlan, and Give Me Books for this complimentary copy of Biker Beauties Volume 2 in exchange for my honest opinion. I'd recommend these to anyone looking for a short, yet captivating adventure, with several sweet spots thrown in for good measure!
Profile Image for Sara.
Author 4 books5 followers
May 5, 2024
Premessa: è una serie di bikers in cui i protagonisti si innamorano grazie a un colpo di fulmine! A me non ha dato fastidio, anzi, è stata una lettura piacevole e divertente, ma la parola perfetta per descriverla è intensa.

Protagonisti maschili sono bikers tostissimi dallo sguardo intenso che sanno quello che vogliono. Prepotenti, ma giusti, sanno essere gentili e amano con tutto il loro metro novanta di muscoli, tatuaggi e sguardi profondi.

La figlia del presidente, l'insegnante di danza di sua nipote, la migliore amica di quest'ultima e un'agente sotto copertura sono le protagoniste femminili, donne toste che esterne al mondo biker se ne innamorano ed entrano a farne parte come se ci fossero nate.
Un animo biker che non fatica a emergere, attirate da un mondo che è folle, caotico, dove si folleggia tutte le sere ma composto anche uomini dal cuore grande, ex militari, forti e protettivi e non posso non menzionare Mags, Regina biker moglie del Prez che fa da matchmaker a tutte le coppie!

Holly è una biker nell’anima, tosta perché la vita glielo ha imposto e anche Theo non è da meno, tornato dalla guerra pienodi incubi, ma insieme, troveranno la strada di casa.
Un romanzo molto carino, semplice, tutto si svolge abbastanza velocemente, ma secondo me è un po' la prerogativa di questo genere.

Profile Image for Ashley Snider.
166 reviews4 followers
March 17, 2020
This is a part of a series but can be read as a stand-alone. Audrey has done it again with a hot mc romance novella!

Being exposed to the biker work and meeting Tank has kept Holly occupied and left her wanting more. Can you see the sweet town librarian with a big bad sexy biker? That’s the latest gossip zinging through the high school these days. Holly has convinced herself she doesn’t do relationships but Tank has other ideas.

When things go down and Holly finds herself prayer to her deceased sister her life spirals out of control. She fully blames herself for what happened To her sister. Will she ever let the guilt go? She has to before it destroys her and Tank is there to help her through it.

While Tank is there for Holly she is also there to help Tank battle his own demons. Can they get out of their own heads and make this work? Or will Holly stop Tank from forever claiming her?
Profile Image for Corinne Akers.
1,058 reviews6 followers
June 25, 2021
Biker Brit

Gosh I just love this series of books on so many levels. Maybe it’s my love of all things SOA, which this series totally reminds me of. Or maybe it’s the fact that these characters and this storyline is just so gripping and keeps you hooked in a mystery while giving you a beautiful love story at the same time!! This book, which is about Tank and Holly, is book 3 in this series and though they all tie together, they can also be read as standalone. But if you’re following the underlined story, you will want to read all the books from the beginning. Tank and Holly both have painful pasts - things that they have to overcome to try to be together, and it’s a complicated journey together. After a violent attack, it becomes even more complicated for the two of the as the MC becomes even more vigilant! This book as well as this series so far is a definite must read!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
1,142 reviews7 followers
February 16, 2020
Love that these big tough biker's have such a soft spot for women and children, not just their own. They make walk a fine line between what is legal and not but they are always on the side of right. Biker Brit has someone coming after their own and they will stop at nothing to figure out who it is. Holly and Tank both have traumatic pasts and are just out for a good time fling. When life goes to hell around them they just might find they need each other.

This just might be my favorite of Audrey's series yet. I love the sassy women who can hold their own against the Hero's Pride MC men. I love that the men once they find their woman are totally, 100% committed. Audrey gives us fun, sexy and bit of suspense to keep it interesting. Can't wait for Biker Boss. I know Tammy and Champ will give us a great story.
Profile Image for Magali Gagnon.
480 reviews
July 21, 2020
Comme dans les tomes précédents, nos bikers nous offre une histoire d'amour a la hauteur de leur image. Cependant, des la première page nous avons droit à une scène de sexe a la hauteur de ce qu'Audrey Carlan nous a habitué dans ses séries précédentes. 

Deux personnes blessées par le passé, qui les rattrape a chaque soir, vont s'entraider - sans le vouloir necessairement - pour former une équipe digne du Prise Héro! 

On introduit également un nouveau personnage dans l'intrigue, qui pour une fois n'est pas résolue a la fin du livre, ce qui nous laisse croire que le prochain tome portera sur ce personnage. Deviendra-t-elle une Biker Girl a son tour? 

C'est a croire que l'histoire de Roméo et Juliette a le droit a sa fin heureuse! 
Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews

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