It took a death for me to realize a hard truth: I'm not just the Sinners' lawyer. They're not just clients. They're family. But my family is broken, torn apart by politics and dangerous factions who want to control us. It's no longer enough to stick to the sidelines. It's not enough to be the face of the law amid the MC. It's time to ascend. Rex needs his First Lady. It's time to rain hell.
USA Today and International Best Selling Author Serena Akeroyd aka G. A. Mazurke is most known for her mafia and MC series set in the Five Points Mob Universe.
Avid reader of all things romance, she first started her career as a why choose author in both contemporary and paranormal.
She eventually made her way to MF romance where she found her groove with the O’Donnelly brothers, the Satan Sinners and most recently the Valentini Family.
In her back list you can find some MM, MF, MFM and Why Choose romances. HEA guaranteed!
When not writing Serena is either reading, traveling or coloring.
Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Trope: second chance Angst: 😱😱😱😱 Smexy: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
An absolutely epic conclusion to my favorite MC series of all time! The writing is superb, the action is non-stop, and the twists and turns will have you tied up in knots. Rachel shows more of her dichotomous nature in this part of the duet. The super vulnerable side she is opening up to Rex and her bad-@ss motherf*cking b!tch side she's worn like an armor for the past 20 years. It really feels like she had to go through all the troubles and all the things to get to the right place with Rex, and finally the Queen has arrived. But there's no rest for the weary (or pregnant) and there's brothers to save, epic throw downs to be had, daughter relationships to grow, and babies to be born.
As I mentioned before, Rex and Rachel's story is far more grand, more epic, than I could have possibly imagined while reading the rest of the series. I laughed, I cried, I had pregnancy brain sympathy cringes, lol. If you're going into Rachel, you've obviously read Rex and there are SO 👏🏼 MANY 👏🏼 UNANSWERED 👏🏼 questions you need answers to!! Loops to close, holes to fill, and crowns to seize. Serena does it brilliantly. I thought for certain I was going to be super sad that the series was ending, but surprisingly I just felt awesome. Complete. Just all the feels - sooo many seeds sewn for future stories - I'm just super excited!
Rachel is the second part of the Last Bachelor duet and cannot be read as a standalone, but must be read after Rex. Rachel is best enjoyed when read in series order with the rest of the Dark and Dirty Sinners. Rachel is told in first person, from multiple perspectives.
This conclusion to Rex and Rachel's story was awesome! This couple has had so many struggles and catastrophes in their lives, it's a wonder they survived at all, never mind whole, intact and together! And my heart broke for Wynter, and what she was put through. It was devastating to think a parent can do that to a child. I love how Serena expertly wove the characters from her other series into this book, including the five pointers, Lodestar, and more! Serena always gives the reader such deep and dirty stories to keep them coming back for more!
This is the second book in The Last Bachelor Duet and the final book in A Dark & Dirty Sinners MC - New Jersey. I am so sad to see this Chapter of the Sinners come to a close, but am very much looking forward to the next Chapter - Ohio!
Rachel is an amazing book! I absolutely loved this story. It is the perfect ending to this incredible series. It brilliantly wraps up the stories of this generation of Sinners.
Rex and Rachel’s journey to their HEA was a long one, full of heartbreak, regret, sorrow, tragedy, yearning, personal struggles, distance, and most importantly, love! The story is full of emotional moments, intrigue, suspense, twists and turns, and of course the answers to all our burning questions. My advice, grab a box of tissues and dig into this amazing book, you won’t regret it!
I highly recommend this book and am super excited for more books from this marvelous world and it’s wonderful creator!
Rachel (Dark and Dirty Sinners’ MC #10) Written by; Serena Akeroyd
Author Serena Akeroyd has taken her one-percenter MC chapter and made it one of reader’s most beloved series. She has given us not one, not two but three intertwined series that has taken hold of so many.
Rachel is the last book in the current Dark and Dirty Sinners MC and as neatly as possible tied up all of the current ends for all of our beloved characters. From Bear, Nyx, Storm, to Rex and Rachel she has done this generation proud.
I’m passing on my feelings and thoughts now, so number one, have tissues close by, there will be tears…both happy and sad tears throughout, but none the less Serena plays with our emotions. As she did in Rex’s book, this book has Rachel finally coming to terms with not just her backstory, she also lowers her emotional walls that we once thought unbreakable to a character who has begun to make changes, changes for her, changes for her family and changes that will affect the MC.
Do not read this book quickly, you may miss something and believe me you want to savor every word, every paragraph and every page in Rachel. Your jaw may drop a time of two but that’s ok, because we get so much in this book. Like Rex there are times when it feels like Pandora’s box has been opened. In fact it was opened in book 9 and this book continues to give us even more insight to history and events we’ve read about but didn’t have all the information. Now we do!
Take in this book, everything you learn and you will find you are going…”Oh my, now (this event or that event) makes perfect sense, in fact in some cases so much sense you might wonder why you had not seen this coming before.
Know that Author Serena Akeroyd has taken care of her readers, she knows us well. She knows and understands what we need, how much we love these characters and she even leaves doors open to more. Know she isn’t done with the New World Sparrows or our Filthy Feckers. She has plans and you can see those plans as new characters have been introduced in both Rex and Rachel.
Personally, I am pleased and happy with how this book gives one generation not an ending but lets say retirement and am happy to know another generation will be around to keep our Dark and Dirty Sinners hearts beating in the future.
Rachel #10 is the conclusion to The Last Bachelor duet, and continues on from Rex, which left me teetering on the cliff edge!!!
It is also the end of an era and I am so happy that I could ride off into the sunset with the West Orange - NJ chapter of the Dark and Dirty Satan's Sinners.
Serena has made me feel as if I've grown up with these characters, and I truly have loved every moment that I've spent with them.
In Rachel she has once again blown me away There is intrigue a plenty and lots of loose ends tied up in this compelling story, with the usual twists and turns we have come to expect from Serena.
Not forgetting the truly humorous laugh-out-loud moments ("Lily is very hygenic") interspersed with tears, some joyful, some not. There is an abundance of romantic moments (the engagement ring!), steamy hot romps and well deserved justice.
The Posse ladies come out in force ably supported by their Sinner men throughout.
There are also a few cameos from my some of my favourite characters from The Five Points and The Valentini families too.
I cannot express just how much I loved Rex and Rachel and their journey in life and love.
Rachel was Everything I needed and then More!!! I laughed, cried, got shocked, mourned and rejoiced all in one sitting. This book is the perfect finale for the New Jersey chapter of the Satan’s Sinners. It was not with total sadness that I finished this book but with joy that the promised happily ever after for the First Lady and the Prez was waiting there for me, as promised. A fitting story for the couple that holds the MC together.
Rachel has loved Rex since she was 13. She has been steadfast in that love, never wanting or taking another in his place. He has always been her King, her protector, her loyal Old Man, even if neither one wears the brand of the other. She had to give up their daughter seventeen years ago and now she and Rex are reconnecting before their next child is born. Circumstances always seem to keep interfering in their plans. Rachel must overcome her past and stand tall beside Rex, to be the First Lady he deserves and needs to help rule the rough biker family they both love. Their peace will be hard won, with outside forces constantly battering against their fortress walls, but they will stand strong together. Rachel is the Ice Queen lawyer for the MC and isn’t afraid to stand her ground and fight hard for what she wants, which is Rex and their children. She will prove time and time again that she may not have been born a Sinner but she was raised to be their First Lady at Rex’s side. She’s ready to claim her Old Man.
Come on into the amazing world of the Dark & Dirty Sinners. You won’t be disappointed with a single moment spent in the company of the Prez and his First Lady, along with their council and the Posse. I guarantee they will rule your heart as they do mine. Long live the Queen Diva who writes the stories of these unruly bikers. This isn't a good-bye for the Sinners but I'll see you later. You just know there will be more crossovers into the other series. I'm looking forward to the next generation of these lovable bikers!
An emotional rollercoaster and absolutely phenomenal! That is how I feel about this book, and this sensational series. Rachel is the last in the Dark and Dirty Sinners NJ Chapter, and I absolutely love these characters and they will hold a special place in my heart! I still remember meeting these characters in Nyx, book one of this series, and how quickly I fell in love! This was the perfect conclusion to this series, and just made my heart fill up with so much joy, sadness, love, and brought tears to my eyes. It is beautiful to watch Rachel and Rex finally get the love they deserve from one another, and the growth of who these two really are. Strong, fierce, loyal, loving, honest, and incredible! Fantastic writing, epic story, and AMAZING characters! Just LOVED IT ALL!!
This story about tore out my heart! So many years lost for Rex and Rachel because of someone sick fu*** but, though it all, no matter what was happening or wasn't happening, they always truly loved one another.
I have to say I loved Rachel she was a bada** in her own right but, she really stepped up to the plate with her new role of being first lady. Rachel surprised us on more the one occasion, and we loved that because she always seems to be the peacekeeper the level-headed one but, this time round, we got to see the girl with fire in her belly.
There was so much going on in this story that kept you glued to the pages the entire time. We loved that second chances were involved. We even have to say we loved getting to know Wynter better, and are thoughts are she is going to be a handful.
Things finally come full circle for this couple, and things surrounding the club are more of a mystery than ever. Things are heating up yet again and more than a few surprises popped up. We loved the conclusion, to Rachel and Rex's story as they journey together, was an emotional tale that goes straight to the heart of the reader. Could not put the book down, read the story cover to cover in one sitting, and loved every minute of it.
I say this with my whole heart…If I could give a book infinity stars, it would be this one.
Rachel did not come to play. She knew what she had to do and she did that and more. Also, Rex is truly King because he mad my heart SING so many times. I love their love so much & seeing the growth was so so beautiful. I wish I could experience it all for the first time again.
From the relationship the posse has together to the love the brothers have for each other and their families, to appearances from some Feckers, Hunter & the Valentinis, and introductions to new characters. AHHHHHH I LOVED IT.
Rachel as Rex’s First Lady is badass & when Rex gets into Prez mode😮💨🦋 I thought this was a great conclusion to this series. My favorite scenes were the Welcome Back Party, Lodestar sticking up for the O’Donnellys, Harlow’s first time (IYKYK), the pet cemetery, ANDDD actually just everything. I loved it all and I thought delaying in writing my review would make my sadness about this series ending go away, but alas it only made me more sad. BUT TO THE SECOND GEN🙌🏽
“Still riding. Still dark and dirty, & we would be until the day we died.”
My mind and my heart has been in turmoil knowing that this is the last for this generation in the NJ chapter… Sad that my all time favourite series is finished and yet beyond ecstatic that all these guys I’ve fell for and the that ladies I have mad respect for, all finally have their happy endings. Rex was a minefield, but Rachel finally set my mind to rest on some of “what the” moments. This author though, is truly a phenomenal and teases me unlike any other, giving me similar moments that’s left me desperate for the future books in the five points mob collection. I’m on the edge of my seat, my mind racing with questions that I thought I already knew the answers to and yet might not be! Rex & Rachel are everything I hoped they’d be together and yet so much more. They are my new favourite book couple. Rex left me salivating and hot, during and not during steamy times. I love that man and he has become one of my book boyfriends *SWOON*. Rachel is amazing, and the changes she comes through in this book and seeing another side of her… it just makes me love her that much more. She is a Queen, and shows in this book just how much she was born to be with and to rule alongside her King. There is so much that I loved in this book, seeing all the other couples, the interactions between brothers, between families, between couples and posse, as well as some characters I love from other series’. It made me fall in love with a character that has been on my naughty list for a long time… that’s just how amazing this book truly is. I’m extremely excited (already counting the days down) for the other series (that interlinks with this) to come out! I’m praying that some of the special characters in this book, gets their very own love stories. This book is incredible and I strongly recommend that you read it. If I could have given Rachel more than 5 stars, then I would have. It is an incredible end to a brilliant series. Phenomenal!
ARC - the last books of this series have been less about the couples and more about the plot the author wants to drive and I'm confused on how to feel about that. Rachel was a big book of moments for this family. I would like to know what happens with Rain, North, Priest? They received a lot of teasing here. So far, only Star's book is on the horizon this year, I guess! I'm looking forward to that. Her moments in Rachel were intense & honestly sad & terrified at some points.
thankfully, rachel and rex were already together by the end of the first book in this duet, so this story was less about then getting back together and more about how they progressed as the ending of this chapter came to be. even though we're getting more books in the crossover series, this was the final one from the og generation west orange motherchapter; that prologue with them all coming together 30 years later soothed me after how storm's book ended. but lodestar was it for me in this book, from how her pov was left off in part one to her departure this time around, the roller-coaster she brought us along in. i won't survive her and conor's story if them in this book in particular was any indication. their love story has been the only constant since the start of this universe; in a way, star has had an hand in every single couple's story.
Rachel was the second book in the Last Bachelor Duet. This book really brought together so many things from the past to the present. We have Rachel finally realizing that she's not just the Mc's lawyer but also family. She is accepted as a member of the Posse and the interactions between her and Giulia are priceless. She also is able to start to put her past behind her and stand at Rex's side as his First Lady. Rex is able to once again rule as the Prez and make some new decisions and rules for the MC. There is a beautiful send off for Bear and some very emotional times. We get a glimpse of what the future may look like and what may come for the next generation for this chapter of the MC. We also got to see some faces from the Valentini’s, Feckers and of couse our favorite bikers from previous books. I don't want to say goodbye to these characters, but I hope to see them again when we see the next generation. I can definitely say that it was well worth the wait for Rex and Rachel to get their happily-ever-after.
Rachel is the last book in the Dark and Dirty Sinners MC series and the 2nd book in The Last Bachelor Duet.
You are gonna need lots of tissues, probably some wine and maybe even some chocolate while reading this book. You are gonna want to cry(which is totally okay, I cried 😂), then you will be laughing, then crying again. Sometimes happy tears, sometimes sad tears.
Take your time while reading this book, dont rush through, and just enjoy the amazingness that this book is.
Serena might have even left us with openings for what is coming next 😉
Rachel and Rexs story will have your emotions all over the place. Their story is sometimes painful, yet so beautiful. These 2 are soulmates, always meant to be together, and I adore their story so freaking much.
Serena, THANK YOU for this amazing series, characters we all love like family and a world that we adore. This was the perfect ending and i am so pumped to see what comes next 😘😘😘
I'm writing this review with tears rolling down my face. This book is incredible and i honestly didn't want it to end. This is the final book in the Dark and Dirty sinners NJ chapter and reading it was so bittersweet. Rex and Rachel's journey was everything i have been waiting for and so much more. Rachel proves she rightly deserves to be King's Queen and i just love everything about these two. Certain moments got me super excited for more future books in this universe . For me this book was the perfect ending to a phenomenal series , if i could I'd give it more than five stars. This series as a whole has blown my mind and I've loved every single second.
This book. WOW. It is a fantastic read that once you start you will not be able to put down. IT is an amazing read that has everything that you need in a book. It moves along at the perfect flow for the story, speeding up and slowing down when needed. The characters are so real that you feel as though you know them and you cannot help but love them. The story grabs you keeping you reading till the end. You are unable to put the book down as you need to keep reading. This book is a must read, you will not be sorry that you did.
I don't have words to express how I felt reading this book! It's the end of an era and I really don't want this story to end! I was with the Sinners from the beginning. Feeling every tear, every smile, every laugh, every bit of pain. It was incredible. Thank you serena Akeroyd for this epic story, this dark fairytale full of feelings. Rex and Rachels story was everything I ever imagined. I wish I could read their love story for the first time again.
4.5 stars, I'm not sure what I can say in this review because this is the 10th book in the series and the second book in a duet. Also it closes the chapter on a certain part of the Sinner MC. All I will say is that I laughed, I cried, I gasped and I think I will really miss my NJ friends. I really enjoyed this a whole lot. I volunteered to read and review an early copy of this. All opinions are my own.
Yes it’s the final book BUT is it really ever over? The thing with these books is, you can read them over and over and over again!! Rachel doesn’t disappoint, you can do this as with all the other ones in this series!! In fact, reading this one made me want to start at the beginning again!! So many answers to so many questions but so many new questions as Serena once again delivers yet another fantastic journey for all the characters involved!! It may be the end for these guys but I’ll be looking forward to the next gen!!
The final chapter of the Satan's Sinners in West Orange. It was emotional because we're closing the book, in a way, on this chapter of bikers and that is sad for me! But, I loved Rachel. This book was great in closing this part of the world. Rachel was a much less angsty book than I thought it would be. I was ok with that honestly because I just REALLLLY wanted Rex and Rachel to get the happily ever after that they deserved. Rex. Ugh, Rex. He is swoon worthy. Not because he's the dirtiest. Not because he's the prez of the mc. To me, he's swoon worthy because of his devotion to Rachel no matter the years, no matter the distance, no matter the iciness she built up and gave to everyone. I LOVE that his love for her was unwavering. Even when it hurt him so much. Even when SHE hurt him. He knew that she was it for him and that she was the way she was for a reason. He was willing to wait for her to be ready for him. I just really really loved that about him. I actually really loved Rachel too. I felt so emotional for her after everything she had endured over her lifetime. It made why she acted the way she acted and why she secluded herself make so much more sense. We wanna believe that she's just this rude, closed off, bitter woman. But there's a reason she makes us feel that way about her. It's a defense mechanism for her and I totally get that. It makes her feel like she's not vulnerable and that no one can see the vulnerabilities she has. I will say that we were so Wynter heavy in Rex that I was sad that we didn't get as much of her in this book! I really like Wynter and I can't wait to see her in the future! At the end of the day, I love that the angst was so low because I was just so dang happy that Rex and Rachel got the life they should have always had together. With their happy and healthy kids. With the brothers. With the Posse. I LOVE the dynamic between an mc. The found family is my favorite. So that ending though!! I love that we get a glimpse of the mother chapter 30 years from now. It makes them seem so much more real when I can picture them in their 60's! I love picturing everyone with kids and grandkids. I was kind of surprised to see Digger and MaryCat's son on the spectrum as well as Rex and Rachel's. I hope we get to see more of that in future books! I know it leaves Sweet Lips Old Lady unnamed but I REALLY want it to be who I think it is. It would make my romantic heart beat so fast because it would be so cute! I AM OBSESSED with Priest. Obsessed with him. I knew from the moment he showed up that he would be someone I would come to love. I and shipping Priest and Wynter so hard. I need that to happen! Sweet Rain. I can't wait to see how he's changed after enlisting. I really can't. I think he's going to come back a whole different person. Will he join the police force? Will he join The Sinner's?! Who knows?! I know we'll find out though! This series was so good! The interconnection with The Five Points is literally so great. I love how you get bits and pieces of so many series characters in every book! If you're on the fence about reading this series, don't be! It's worth every minute!
An Emotional and deep with all the feels Sensational finale to this series 😍
Make way for the Queen is here to stay and Reign!!!
🏷️Be ready for an Emotional continuation of a journey full of action and chaos and freaking finally with some answers.
🏷️This is the second book in the last bachelor duet and the series finale i.e. Book #10 in the Dark and Dirty Sinners MC.
My Goodness.. That cliffy in the previous book, I mean both the second last and last chapter had me so scared and nervous and this book couldn't have come fast enough.
We are straight taken into it with Rex after that phone call he gets from wynter.
Not only we get to see turns in Rex and Rachel's budding relationship with wynter but my heart truly felt glad in how things come to be with them. As especially because of all that Rex and Rachel have been through they more than deserve this second chance with their daughter.
Rachel was everything in this book. I can't say how much I was astonished and yet so happy to not only see her grow as a person, their shared love with Rex but also for all the trauma and pain she has gone through and now she's so much more stronger to come out braver and be the queen that Rex needs her to be.
Then there's also so much happening in the MC. With Nyx and Harlow being roped into a shared mission but in a Twisted fashion where they weren't even aware about it. Then there's lodestar always a freaking mystery and all the ton of secrets she keeps.
Then there's this mysterious person calling Rachel and making her do as per say if she doesn't want her bestie to be offed.
Giulia and the posse have developed into such a band of awesome fearless ladies that I love how they match as good as there men by giving back as good as they get.
I just can't even sum up with the entirety of what serena has given us in this Sensational finale. I feel her writing and her stories are definitely like a huge buffet and definitely not a straight curve. Along with the lead couple simultaneously there is so much happening with the MC and other brothers and some new and others unknown people all making this such a freaking page Turner for sure. I really am astounded with the way Serena spins so many twists and turns and plot that had my head spinning.
Especially that epic secret revealed at the end for Rachel. I was all wide eyed and couldn't believe how in a twist of things had arrived here.
Wow.... I'm so excited for lodestar's book with how things are left in this one where she goes all out guns blazing. Ahhh.. That ending... Bittersweet, emotional yet roaring for sure. Loved this one. 💕💕
“Not just an Old Lady, not just the First Lady, but the only lady worthy of reigning over this slice of hell with me.”
First things first, RACHEL is NOT a standalone. This is the 10th and final book of the New Jersey chapter of the Dark and Dirty Sinners series by Serena Akeroyd. It is also the second of The Last Bachelor duet, featuring Rex and Rachel from the series. This story also ties in with the Sinners/Five Points crossover series by Serena Akeroyd, so again, it is recommended that you do not treat this as a standalone story, but instead go back and start from the beginning of the crossover series to get the full, undiluted, beautiful experience.
This book is more than a romance novel. It is a love letter to brotherhood, supportive female friendships, survivors of abuse, healthy communication, personal growth, and so much more. Serena doesn’t just write a story about a couple who find their way back to each other, but back to themselves first. There is a minor “Grease” theme, which assists in illustrating Rachel’s transformation from the “Ice Queen” to Rex’s “First Lady”, but more than that, what really stands out is her acceptance of the Posse in her life. They have already accepted her, but through emotional and mental healing, she comes into her own and finally takes her place among them.
In the epilogue, “Let it begin where it ends…” Serena wraps up this chapter of the Satan’s Sinners with a peek at 30 years into the future. The author shows us the true happiness and contentment of all our main couples, with hints at future next generation couples and of those from other chapters, which have been promised to be written.
Along with the “Grease” theme relating to Rachel’s transformation, there is also a recurring theme of chess to Rex’s story. Not only the fact that he plays the actual board game itself, but there is a bigger game taking place in the crossover series. So much takes place in this book that would either give away spoilers or confuse anyone who hasn’t started the series yet, so all I can say is, buckle up and get ready; you don’t want to miss this ride!
“…we were still kicking. Still riding. Still dark and dirty, and we would be until the day we died.”
After reading Rex (book one in the last bachelor duet), I know that Rachel would be a harsh and magnificent read. You will experience a whole intersection of emotions from anger, to sadness to love and joy. This story not only ends the duet, but it also ends Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC - ten books series that follows the same MC. It's definitely on my radar to catch up! We know that Rachel had a harsh teenage time, and growing up was not the nicest time for her, to say the least (caution while reading advised). She had one person that she had developed feelings for - King vel Rex since she was still in her early teens. He was always her endgame, that needed to grow and manage to survive a lot of obstacles that fate had thrown their way. In the last book, we got to see one of the secrets - she had a baby, a daughter, that she gave up for adoption - now seventeen years later they are so close to connecting. This was the part that made my cold heart tremble, as her pain was so real for my mind, trust me you want to keep tissues close by as a must! Now it's time for her to ascend from the layer "Ice Queen" to her rightful place - Rex's Fiest Lady, that will keep the whole MC together as the stone under the construction - solid and unmoving. This position won't be easy to take over as a lot will be happening that could crash her and her whole family - old enemies are never sleeping, trust me. To be honest it was ideally centered on her when it comes to developing her character (the change - I love this kind of approach from authors, like going slowly, gradually with hesitations even) - let her take a lead and trust the author! I tried hard not to give away any spoilers, as there are A LOT of them for all ten books, so being vague is always advised here. For sure this story is putting tentacles on the readers and getting them deeper and deeper with each page while not giving readers a break and gluing us to the book till the very last sentence. Can't wait for another story from Ms. Akeroyd, as with those boos she proved herself as an author that can write masterfully long series - which is an achievement.
For someone who doesn't love duets, I would have read a third book about these two. I have so much to say, for starters I love the fact that this MC world created by Serena, is not the typical good girl falls for the outlaw, and they change for them. The entire group is so different, it was refreshing. There are not many MC series where I enjoyed reading all the books. I admit that it took me some time to warm up to Rachel in the first book, her copping mode with her abuse was interesting for me, her mind unique too. It broke my heart learning what she went through, but I admire her for not wanting pity, and the strength she acquired with her career. Rex is ...well...I totally agree with Rachel that daddy Rex is ovary melting. I could have read an entire book about him and Winter. I loved seeing all these sides to him, MC president to his brother, the man who stayed faithful to his woman and the loving father. He’s so different in these roles, yet the common thing is his love for all of them. This brings another point forward. I was curious how Rachel would change after agreeing to try having a real relationship with Rex, and what kind of mother she'd be. I was relieved that beside her pregnancy making her more emotional, she didn't get a personality transplant. She was her usual self, she'd stopped freezing people out , made an effort to be more social. "Into the maelstrom, we'd come out swinging, and by having her at my side, that burden was so much easier to bear. Not just an Old Lady, not just the First Lady, but the only lady worthy of reigning over this slice of hell with me."
If there are two people made for each other, Rachel and Rex are. I don't think their story would have the same impact if they wouldn't have been apart for so long. As much as it hurt them, they both needed the maturity and experience.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.
It took a death for me to realize a hard truth; I'm not just the Sinners' lawyer. They're not just clients. They're family. But my family is broken, torn apart by politics and dangerous factions who want to control us. It's no longer enough to stick to the sidelines. It's not enough to be the face of the law amid the MC. It's time to ascent. Rex needs her First Lady. It's time to rain hell.
This is the second book in The Last Bachelor Duet. You need to read Rex first or you will be really lost. This is the conclusion to Rex and Rachel's story and it is absolutely amazing. But you need to be ready with the Kleenex on hand because I had tears flowing in several places while reading this book. These two face so many struggles and absolutely the worst things happening to them. It's a wonder they are even still alive as individuals let alone a couple that is still together. She has always been the law in the MC and falling in love with Rex was a big surprise to her but now things are different and it is time for them to get down and dirty and the only way for them to do that is with her by his side. I don't want to tell you much about this story and give things away. I didn't even read the blurb to this book after the end of Rex. I just got it and dove right one in and did not look up again until I was finished. This one is a rollercoaster of emotions but it is also one well worth riding till the wheels fall off.
Rachel, the final book in the Satan’s Sinners series seriously packs a punch! This story is engaging, complex with constantly moving parts and even though this is Rachel and Rex’s book there are also many characters that you know from not only this series but the Five Points Mob series that make this interconnected book a page turner that I could not put down!
When the King finally gets his Queen all becomes right within the MC, well sort of. I just loved experiencing Rex and Rachels softer sides as they not only moved forward as the couple that was always meant to be but they also finally got the family that they always deserved. Is life always easy for them, absolutely not because they live in a world filled with darkness and violence yet somehow they are also able to find hope, love and family.
Since this is apparently the last book in the series many loose ends were tied up but it seems like the door is still cracked open for other characters to tell their stories and I am definitely excited to see what comes next!
Love the five points Love the sinners mc Love the valentinis Rex and Rachel's intense emotional heartstopping 2nd chance All the feels Ready for filthy king