Rachel by Serena Akeroyd
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Rachel by Serena Akeroyd is releasing on April 14.

We would like to invite you to sign up for the following events:

Teaser Reveals - March 24 & 31, April 7

There is a review option for all books in the series.

Rachel is book 10 in the Dark & Dirty Sinners MC Series and part two of The Last Bachelor Duet and cannot be read as a standalone. Review copies of all previous books are available.

PLEASE only sign up if you have a blog, book related Facebook page or public Instagram account, and you will definitely be able to post on the date of the events you have signed up for.

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It took a death for me to realize a hard truth:
I'm not just the Sinners' lawyer.
They're not just clients.
They're family.
But my family is broken, torn apart by politics and dangerous factions who want to control us.
It's no longer enough to stick to the sidelines. It's not enough to be the face of the law amid the MC.
It's time to ascend.
Rex needs his First Lady.
It's time to go to war.
Dark + Dirty MC Romance
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Rachel releases on April 14
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