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Biker Beauties #3-4

Biker Beauties Volume 2

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Biker Brit (Biker Beauties #3)

From Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

The tragedy that controlled my past led me to move as far away from my home in England as I could get. With a degree in library sciences and a will to live life on my own terms, I crossed the pond and headed for the West Coast. I ended up in Grant’s Pass Oregon as the county’s much needed librarian.

I was amazing at two things in this life. Books and blowjobs.

Men were a fun past time, nothing but scratching a physical itch when needed. Until I attended a Hero’s Pride MC party and met Tank. The man was massive, and I wanted nothing more than to climb him like a tree. Turns out he was into fiery redheads with one thing on their minds.

We swore no strings attached.

Until we met up again and he decided he wanted another taste. The man had serious ability in the bedroom so I gave it to him. Again. And again. The lines between our no strings started getting knotted up with every new day.

Then someone started threatening the old ladies and Tank became more than my shag buddy, he became my protector. When the world around us got truly scary Tank decided things between us were going to change. Forever.

I wasn’t ready to be a man’s girlfriend or anyone’s old lady. My Romeo in jeans and leather had other plans for his silk and stiletto wearing Juliet.

In the end, I feared star-crossed lovers weren’t meant to be.

He believed otherwise.

Biker Boss (Biker Beauties #4)

I needed to escape.

To Run. Hide. Whatever it took to get away from my ex and his hold over my life.

Being a female in law enforcement had never been easy. Until the day I got an offer that gave me a chance to disappear. I took the leap without a moment’s hesitation.

Over the past few months, rogue bikers had been assaulting, violating, and vandalizing the Hero’s Pride MC’s women and their businesses. My role was to go undercover as the Enforcer’s old lady and serve as bait to draw out those responsible and bring them to justice.

I would live in the same house as Derek “Champ” Layton, a handsome, huge former pro boxer, and pretend he was my man. I had to let him hold me in public, ride on the back of his bike, and stare at me with those soulful eyes as though I was the very air he needed to breathe.

There was nothing fake about Champ… or his touch, his kiss, his everything.

Champ made it clear from day one that nothing between us would ever be pretend. He was in it for more than the case—he was in it to win me.

What he didn’t seem to understand… I was no prize.


Published March 3, 2020

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About the author

Audrey Carlan

229 books6,649 followers
Audrey Carlan is a No. 1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal best-selling author. She writes stories that help the reader find themselves while falling in love. Some of her works include the worldwide phenomenon Calendar Girl serial, Trinity series and the International Guy series. Her books have been translated into over thirty languages across the globe.
She lives in the California Valley, where she enjoys her two children and the love of her life. When she’s not writing, you can find her teaching yoga, sipping wine with her “soul sisters,” or with her nose stuck in a sexy romance novel.
If you would to hang out and learn more about my books, find me here:
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,265 reviews605 followers
March 3, 2020
Okay, so they’re growing on me LOL

When i first started reading the Biker Beauties stories, I wasn’t too big a fan. For me, they were full of shock value OTT and not enough substance but then I read the second, and now the third and fourth, and you know what I’ve learned? They did have shock value but only because it was new to me with this author and I didn’t expect it. Once I started reading them for what they were and not for what I wanted or expected them to be, they turned out super enjoyable, sexy, passionate and full of heartfelt moments!

So, #lessonoftheday: Don’t judge a book for what you’d want it to be, judge it for what it is. It’s not that easy to do because perception and interpretation and all that but I’m glad I had my lightbulb moment with these or I would have been missing out on some serious sexy sexy :)

Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,566 reviews192 followers
February 25, 2020
4.5 Star Review Biker Beauties (Biker Beauties Volume #2)by Audrey Carlan

This volume is comprised of book three, Biker Brit and book four, Biker Boss. Ms.Carlan wove stories with characters that you cannot help but like and become fully invested in their happily ever afters.

It’s such a funny term, to become an “old lady” but with that title, as a biker’s claimed woman, you are entitled to a great deal of respect and no where is this more true than to become an “old lady” to a Hero’s Pride MC member.

These men are men of honour, who serve their community and protect Grant’s Pass. They have seen things many of us can only imagine and the women that capture their hearts are just as special as you would expect.

Although neither of these stories are particularly long , Audrey Carlan certainly manages to pack a lot into the stories. Is it insta-love? Yes, pretty much, and if not insta-love, then it is most assuredly insta-lust. These are hot, steamy, extremely well written, entertaining stories that will draw you in and keep you engaged throughout.

The banter between both couples was entertaining and Ms. Carlan’s characters were strong, the women feisty and the men so darn Alpha it almost hurts. They love hard, they play hard and there is just something about these men and their women that really intrigues me.

Looking forward to reading the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews863 followers
March 3, 2020
In Biker Brit, librarian Holly Hatfield keeps men at arms length due to her tragic past. Somehow, Theodore “Tank” Bradshaw sneaks past her defenses and makes himself a part of her life. They are both struggling with their own demons, but are growing to depend on each other. When the club and their women are targeted, Holly gets caught up in it and is hurt, Tank realizes that he cannot live without her. Biker Boss is the story of undercover deputy Tammy Hamilton and Derek “Champ” Layton. Tammy is running away from an abusive situation and heading undercover as an old lady to Champ. Champ has had a terrible time with the ladies in the past, but there is something about Tammy that he really likes. As they get closer to figuring out who is causing all the trouble, Tammy and Champ realize that they are meant to be together. I really loved both of these stories. The guys are so alpha and demanding that it is very sexy. Neither of the ladies is a pushover, so that means their is some issues, but it is always hot when they make up.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Jackie Wright.
5,780 reviews135 followers
February 25, 2020
4.5 Stars for Biker Beauties Volume 2 by Audrey Carlan.
This volume is Biker Beauties #3 and #4 and it’s 2 stories that will draw you in an captivate you from the first page to the last line. Both books are about woman needing to find themselves and to embrace the new life as Old Lady’s to the men they have fallen in love with from the Hero’s Pride MC.
Two woman from very different walks of life realise what life is really about when you have the love of biker men, none of these couples were looking for more than maybe one night but when you meet the one all logic seems to go out the window and you can’t seem to get them out of your mind.....
“The lines between no strings soon start to get very knotted with every new day “
If you love hot MC romances this book and this series should be a must read, like all of this authors books it’s well written and has characters you can connect to as well as a plot to keep you turning the pages. It has the perfect mix of passion, love and banter and even though it was a quick read it still packed a mighty punch. Looking forward to where this very talented author takes us next.
Profile Image for Tracey Vuolo.
698 reviews18 followers
March 3, 2020
Audrey Carlan is making a name for herself in the MC world with Biker Beauties Volume 2 because this series is blowing others I’ve read right out of my mind as these stories are branding themselves onto my heart. Biker Brit is heart pounding, soul searching, full of shagging and I could not get enough. Tank and Holly bring their own demons to the table and it breaks your heart while it fills you with so much hope for them. They have this insane chemistry that will blow your mind and this protective pull that will capture your heart.

Biker Boss has this soul-consuming intensity that will have you holding onto your seat until the ride is done! Derek and Tammy may start off because of a unique situation that effects the entire club, but they are destined from the start. Tammy has a heart of gold and makes me grin when she gets all bossy with Champ. She takes quite the pounding in more ways than one, but I love how strong she is and she doesn’t let it kill her spirit. I lost my breath and had tears in my eyes and you don’t want to miss a single second. Any girl would be lucky to have Derek or “Champ” fighting for her freedom; little did he know that his bossy cop would save him from his past demons as well. Biker Boss takes second chances to an extraordinary level. I hope Audrey writes Biker Beauty stories for years to come because they are explosive, enticing and full of love.

Tracey, Life Reads With Friends

Profile Image for Stephanie.
809 reviews5 followers
February 27, 2020
Live wild. Ride free.

Biker Brit is book #3 in the Biker Beauties collection. Audrey Carlan puts her own spin on MC and adds a huge dose of sexy! It contains all of your classic MC ingredients: alpha males, “old ladies,” “club business,” and lots of motorcycles! Like the previous Biker books the story hits the ground running! It is fast paced and packs a punch! Biker Brit is the first one in the series that has a bit more grit and seriousness in the storyline. Biker Brit is Tank’s story. He is the Hero’s Pride MC Enforcer or Sergeant of Arms.

Tank works hard and plays hard. He does not do serious. Holly is Grant’s Pass County’s much needed librarian and best friend to Anya. Always looking for a good time with no strings attached, Holly and Tank hook up at a wild Hero’s Pride party. Things don’t always go as planned and they can’t get enough of each other.

“Hard, wild, crazy, filthy shagging. I’m afraid that’s all I’m willing to offer, and Tank seems to know this about me. I see much of the same in him.”

I loved Tank and Holly. Holly is sexy, smart and full of life. Tank is hot but also sexy and caring. They both have heavy, dark issues that they are dealing with in silence. They slowly begin to lean on each other. I love how they evolved. Tank is so alpha and protective. Holly is so strong and supportive. I also loved all the British terminology used like shagging and going to the loo. So cute!

Biker Brit is a fun & sexy read but has a surprising darker storyline. The only thing I didn’t understand is that there is an unresolved issue in the story. I think it will be addressed in Biker Boss. The issue did not take away my love of the book or series, I was just surprised that it was not resolved. Biker Beauties are definitely great poolside/vacation reads! I look forward to Biker Boss which is next!

#AuthorAudreyCarlan #BikerBabe #BikerBeauty #TankAndHolly #Love #MC #Hero’sPride #Blogger #BlushingBabesAreUpAllNight #HotAndSteamy #1Click #INeedMore

Biker Boss

Biker Boss is book #4 in the Biker Beauties collection. Audrey Carlan puts her own spin on MC and adds a huge dose of sexy! It contains all of your classic MC ingredients: alpha males, “old ladies,” “club business,” and lots of motorcycles! The stories are interconnected and fun! Biker Boss is by far the grittiest book in the series with some dark features and seriousness in the storyline. There was a nice recap of the previous Biker Beauties books. Biker Boss is fast paced laced with insta-lust/insta-love! This is Derek, aka Champ’s story. He is the Hero’s Pride club Enforcer.

Derek is a dedicated member of the Hero’s Pride MC. A former pro boxer, he is alpha, protective, possessive and hot!

“…when a biker falls, he doesn’t fall. He catches. He grabs. He snatches up the women he chooses and never lets her go. He claims her”

Tammy is an undercover cop brought in by the local Sheriff to help the Hero’s Pride. She is in need of her own escape from her ex-husband and this gives her an opportunity to escape.

My role was to go undercover as the Enforcer’s old lady and serve as bait to draw out those responsible and bring them to justice.

Derek and Tammy are hot together! He is so considerate, thoughtful and protective. Tammy is strong and compassionate. They start out working together but it quickly escalates into more.

Biker Boss is a fun & sexy read but has a surprising grittier story line. The unresolved issue from the previous story is the setting this time around. Things get real! I have enjoyed the Biker Beauties collection. They are definitely great poolside/vacation reads! I look forward to more stories in the future!

#AuthorAudreyCarlan #BikerBabe #BikerBoss #DereckAndTammy #Love #MC #Hero’sPride #Blogger #Sexy #BlushingBabesAreUpAllNight #HotAndSteamy #1Click #INeedMore
Profile Image for World Of Books 65.
2,919 reviews55 followers
February 24, 2020
These two stories should come with a 'be prepared warning' be prepared to be blown away by two emotional gritty stories. You will definitely need your tissues for the 2nd volume of the Biker Beauties book!

According to Champ - when a biker falls, he doesn't fall. He catches. He grabs. He snatches up the woman he chooses and never lets her go he claims her .

The men of the 'Hero's Pride' MC are those bikers and will do anything to protector and love the women who become their 'Ole Ladies' - branded on their hearts forever!

Join Tank and Holly and Champ and Tammy as we once again enter the world of this unique MC!

Each couple have their own story even though there is a threat to the club that spans both books but don't worry there is no cliff hanger!

Both Tank and Holly as dealing with emotional issues - Tank due to his time in the military he has recurring dreams of his time in Afghanistan; and Holly coming to brutal murder of her sister years ago back in home country of London England. When Holly's best friend Anya falls in love with Whip the VP of the 'Hero's Pride'MC Tank and Holly are thrown together both only looking for a good time and nothing more but the friends with benefits become more and Holly becomes Tanks Juliet and he comes her Romeo- but as the two get closer a rival gang and a incident that the club thought had gone away comes roaring back with devastating consequences for the 'Ole Ladies' of the MC. Can Tank protector the woman that means more to him then life itself!

With the threat against the 'Hero's Pride' MC getting more dangerous and more ugly Tammy and police office is brought in to try and sniff out the gang that are causing heartache to the MC then only way to do this is to pretend to be the Ole Lady of Champ the enforcer of the MC - ex prize fighter now owner of the MC gym but pretending soon turns into real life as the two can't keep their hands of each other. But Tammy has scars of her own both external and internally and is running from her ex husband what better place to hid than an MC!

With the danger getting closer and closer and more heartache for the club then only way to find out who is behind this is to do something drastic after all that is Tammy's job - but Champ protectors what is his and he isn't going to loss Tammy now that he has found her!
Profile Image for Sarah Reads "Reading in Sarah's Corner".
414 reviews35 followers
February 28, 2020

Biker Beauties Volume 2 was so stinking good. For me, it blew Volume 1 out of the water. This one was filled with depth, a web of lies and deception. We dove right into the action and had to solve the mystery right along with the characters from the beginning.

Both stories have an interwoven mystery that is going on with the Pride. It started in Volume 1, but it is insane in this Volume. Both stories are action-packed filled with some much goodness you must flip the pages and see what will happen next.

The leading men are dominant as sin and love their women with their entire being. They also love their Pride. I am going to miss the characters that Audrey Carlan has brought to life over the past four short stories.

Biker Brit (Biker Beauties #3)

Man, did I love the saucy Brit Holly Hatfield aka Juliet. Her Romeo, Tank to the Pride but to her Theodore Bradshaw was awesome as well. He loved his little nympho and would do anything for her. She was his everything.

They both had demons and together they fought their demons and helped the Pride with the Hell it was going through.

I loved how Holly instantly become one of the women of the Pride and dove right into what needed to be done. She would do anything for any of them. Tank and Holly were a great balance.

Biker Boss (Biker Beauties #4)

This was my favorite of all for short stories I do believe. I adored Book 3. But something about Champ and Boss. Made my heart swell.

When Champ, Derek Layton meets his woman Tammy Hamilton it is fireworks. She is undercover to help solve what has been happening to the Pride women. But to Champ, she is instantly more than a fake Old Lady. She is his Old Lady.

Champ has a heart of gold and knows Tammy has a past as well. He will do everything in his power to protect his girl. I loved that tug of war. That slow smolder this two were working at the very beginning.

This book started off with an explosive intro and never slowed down until the very last line. This one kept me flipping the pages. I had to know what would happen to the Pride, Tammy, Champ.
3,350 reviews19 followers
February 27, 2020
Tank and Holly

Biker Brit
Neither Tank nor Holly wanted anything more than one hot night—until they had that night. She swore it was only the one time. She'd left England to mourn her dead sister. The job as librarian and being near her best friend promised to give her that time. She didn't plan on meeting Tank or anyone like him. He had demons as well and she was determined to help him fight them.

While the two fought for and against the inevitable connection, someone was targeting the MC brothers' women. Who all would suffer and would they find the enemy?

There is pain, pleasure, love, loyalty, and a great story. Biker Brit is only half of the book – I'm on to read Biker Boss—part two.

Champ & Dimples/Tammy

Biker Boss
Going undercover to find out who was going after the MC's women was just the opportunity she needed to get away from her controlling, abusive husband. The system failed her even though she is a cop. He had connections she couldn't fight. All she had to do was go to another state (win 1) pretend to be the woman of the MC enforcer, Champ (win 2) Heck, the guy was huge, gorgeous, and volunteered to pretend she is his woman. Tammy soon learned there was no pretending with Champ. He made that clear. Not what she had planned.

He wanted her from the first time he saw her at the meeting to put the plan up for a vote with the MC officers. He just made sure he was the first to volunteer. Have that hot, fit woman live with him, ride at his back, and he got to touch her, kiss her around the club. WIN-WIN. Teaching there was nothing pretend would be fun. He just had to figure out how he could protect her when she was there to be the bait to the guys going after their women.

This is such a good read. Emotions spread from humor to sadness, loyalty, love, plenty of steam and lots of MC involvement. Another winner from the author. Two for one price!
Reviewed for Words Turn Me On
Profile Image for Stacy (Romance Reading Diva).
613 reviews5 followers
March 2, 2020
Biker Brit

This Brit and her Biker have my love! 5 stars

I loved this story of Juliet and her Romeo! Holly, the brit of the title, called Tank her Romeo, and I loved that the author started us right in the middle of the action! They had insta-lust, and I was here for it! But Holly had her reasons for not wanting a relationship, and my heart broke for her once we found out why. I delighted in her fiery, sassy, smart, funny goodness! Tank may be a big guy physically, but he was a teddy bear inside that I adored. But he had darkness inside him that Holly helped make disappear, and I felt for him so much. She was his light out of the darkness which made me swoon! When bad things start happening to the MC, I relished that Tank wanted to protect her instead of push her away. The stakes were real and higher in this book than the others, and I was emotional reading it. Read this amazing, fun, steamy yet dramatic novella that I loved and recommend!

Biker Boss

This book was the boss of my heart! 5 stars

Tammy came to town as an undercover cop to help figure out why these bad things are happening to the MC. She went undercover as Champ’s “old lady,” and it was insta-lust! Tammy was afraid to act on it at first because of what happened with her ex. Champ wanted her from the beginning, and he was going to do whatever it took to make her trust him. After what she went through with her ex, I loved that Champ made her feel safe and protected. Tammy was a strong survivor, and I admired her so much. Champ really was a champ - a good guy with a heart of gold who just wanted to love Tammy and have a future with her. But what happens when she puts herself in the line of fire to catch the bad guys? What happened was that I got emotional, and this book became the boss of heart! So I recommend you read this amazing, steamy, emotional novella, and let it become the boss of your heart!

*I received an advanced copy of this ebook for my honest review.*
Profile Image for Misty’s Corner Reviews.
263 reviews11 followers
March 4, 2020
My oh my. This one has all the feels! Biker Beauties Volume 2, comprised of Biker Brit and Biker Boss, are by far my favorite novellas within the erotic romance series that I have ever read! What I LOVE the most about them is that they aren't just about the sex (although let's face it, Audrey Carlan has a real knack for ...um... "setting the scene") there's a true love story behind them! The love of a biker and his old lady extends far beyond the couple, right into their family - the Pride. When brothers of the Pride fall, they fall HARD and FAST!

I laughed and cheered (especially at the many one-liners, my favorite being: "There are two things I am an expert at. Books and blowjobs."), and binge-read my way through the suspense and tears as the old ladies were attacked one-by-one.

Biker Brit brings our sassy, yet sexy "librarian meets biker" fantasies to life with Holly and Tank! The town's beloved librarian teases herself into thinking that the one night stands she's had with her motorcycle man were just that, no-strings-attached flings. You can almost hear Holly's saucily articulated British accent through the pages!

Biker Boss illustrates the true meaning of a boss babe and a biker beauty! Tammy barely escapes her ex with her life, only to fall head-over-heals while undercover with The Hero's Pride enforcer Tank! I applaud the skill it takes to bring such depth vulnerability to a novella, Tammy's strengths and weaknesses, utterly SHINE right alongside her old man's.

Audrey cleverly connects the reader to each individual storyline, the instant love and lust attractions do nothing to deter the reader from falling in love with these biker beauties and their men! Thank you to the author, Audrey Carlan, and Give Me Books for this complimentary copy of Biker Beauties Volume 2 in exchange for my honest opinion. I'd recommend these to anyone looking for a short, yet captivating adventure, with several sweet spots thrown in for good measure!
Profile Image for Me_myself_and_romance_ Books.
482 reviews
March 7, 2020
I was lucky enough to have read the two other books in this series and knew I had to read this as an arc. First book is about Tank and Holly. When they were introduced in the second book I knew I’d love the book. Holly is a takes no crap from anyone sort of girl with her own demons she fights (loved her) and tank is an ex marine with demons that he battles on a daily basis which he keeps close to him but when he loves he loves with all of him. They started as a one night hook up but obviously leads to more. Feelings the both didn’t expect grow. I love how funny they were together, I laughed quiet a bit but things occur and your left there thinking omfg. When holly is threatened things become heated. I did not put this book down not once and highly recommend it. At the end of the third book your introduced to Tammy an undercover cop who has to play the role of old lady and here comes our champ. This is the set up to book four. There is instant attraction between the two but with Tammys past things progress slow. Champ knows what he wants and doesn’t stop until she realizes she deserves him and everything good. I loved how beautifully their relationship grew and how similar they were. If your looking for a series that has an alpha mc who goes for what he wants and doesn’t stop until she’s his then this is the series for you. I cannot wait to read more from Audrey Carlan thank you again for such amazing books. I received this set as an arc to give an honest opinion and I would re read these two over and over again. It has everything you need laughter, tears, steamy scenes and happily ever afters.
Profile Image for Elysian Fields.
2,101 reviews36 followers
March 1, 2020
This is books three and four in the series, I don’t believe you have to read books one and two; I didn’t and had no issues. I chose this book set because it was set in Oregon and as that is my home town, it was fun to read a story in a location I know well. The author took some liberties and made the background, plot and details of this story so much fun to read. I would have liked them to be a bit longer so I could really get to know the world better.

These stories were enjoyable and fun to read, short and instant love and all that implies. I liked the setting and the characters. I think the author did a good job of creating interesting personalities. The scenes were steamy and there was action as well. I liked that the MC was you “typical” story for these romantic stories; it made the development of the romantic relationship the focus and allowed me to feel at home within the story. I will check out more in this series at a later date. I received an ARC and am leaving an honest review. 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for K.  Ramjohn.
2,369 reviews
March 3, 2020
Biker Beauties Volume 2 comprised of two novels: Biker Brit and Biker Boss. Both these novels were steamy, fast paced and well-written and although short they were very highly entertaining.
I loved Tank and Holly from Biker Brit. These two complex characters had intense chemistry and their steamy scenes were off the charts hott. In addition to the insta-lust, we are given an action-packed, almost darker storyline with some nail-biting twists and turns and it will all have you hooked from beginning to end.
Biker Boss is the second book in this volume and again has a gritty storyline. You will love the push and pull between Tammy and Champ and their steamy scenes were hott. The story will evoke a range of emotions from you and have you furiously turning the pages to know more.
There's an interwoven mystery that ties both books together and I enjoyed every minute of this two book. I would highly recommend this novel to all lovers of MC romance
Profile Image for Heather  Chaotic Creatives.
1,132 reviews50 followers
February 26, 2020
3.5 stars
Biker Brit--- This book is based on Holly and Tank
The both of these characters carry emotional issues they really need to work through. What better way to do that than with your soulmate. Now granted these two start out hot and heavy, and they really do not slow down. Their chemistry is off the charts, and could quite possibly melt the pages on your kindle. As the danger to the club gets worse Tank and Holly take their relationship to the next level....

Biker Boss---- Champ & Tammy
With the dangerous situation heating up Tammy goes "undercover" as an ole lady of the club. Who better to go undercover with then the clubs enforcer. As the two of them "work" on their undercover the charade starts to turn into something so much more. When Tammy's past reappears Champ does what a man in love does and protects to what is his.
Profile Image for JudyAnnLovesBooks.
1,987 reviews73 followers
February 28, 2020
There’s just something about a well written MC Romance that I cannot resist and no one does this trope better than Audrey Carlan. When you read one of her MC novellas you are guaranteed the following:
✅ Sexy Alpha MC heroes that are kind, gentle, sweet and utterly devoted to their women
✅ Ballsy, beautiful, strong heroines that own themselves and their men
✅ InstaEverything - Love, Lust and Heat
✅ MC brotherhood and family that is all encompassing
✅ HEA storylines with a side of suspense that will have you engrossed from page 1
✅ Growly declarations of love and commitment that will turn you to mush
✅ Kindle melting sexy times
“Biker Brit” and “Biker Boss” make up Audrey Carlan’s Biker Beauties Volume 2 and are guaranteed to give you all of the above and so much more. TBR this fantastic collection and enjoy. (I read an ARC and am voluntarily leaving a review.)
Profile Image for Barbara.
2,495 reviews54 followers
March 2, 2020
I fell in love with the Hero’s Pride MC when I read Biker Beauties Vol 1, (Biker Babe and Biker Beloved) and the series just got better with Vol 2. In Vol 2 we get two more great MC storylines filled with action, suspense and romance.

The men of the Hero’s Pride MC are a tight bunch, that will go above and beyond for their brothers and their women. In these two books, the club is being targeted by an unknown source. When the attacks endanger the ole ladies, the club is ready to take things to a whole new level.

The storylines in both Biker Brit and Biker Boss (the books in Biker Beauties Vol 2) are very well written. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat and the romance and care the guys take with their women warmed my heart. I highly recommend grabbing up both Volumes 1 & 2, you won’t regret. 2 Thumbs Up and 5 Stars.
Profile Image for Colleen.
237 reviews
March 3, 2020
Biker Beauties volume 2 includes Biker Brit and Biker Boss. These may be shorts but they are certainly not short on intense chemistry and gritty MC drama.

Biker Brit is Holly and Tank’s story. Hot british librarian who is confident, smart and sassy goes toe to toe with Tank a vet that is still fighting his own battle. This was certainly an insta-love storyline. Tank was not shy about what he wanted. Holly put up a little fight but really who is going to say no to a super hot alpha male who knows his way around your body. Sign me up!

Biker Boss took a darker and gritter turn as the attacks on the MC and their ladies are escalating. Tammy goes undercover to aide the MC. Derek aka Champ is the enforcer and Tammy must play his old lady. However there is no faking the fireworks that are ignited. The story and action had me on the edge.
Profile Image for April Symes.
5,013 reviews446 followers
March 3, 2020
Biker Beauties Volume 2 by Audrey Carlan has Biker Beauties #3 and #4 in it. The two stories are BB #3- Biker Brit with Tank and Holly and BB #4- Biker Boss with Champ and Tammy.
Volume 2 is fantastic to read! The Hero’s Pride MC is back and the men (Tank and Champ) in this volume get stories that are filled with action, steamy romance , mystery, suspense, intrigue, passion and their HEA. The women that they are paired with complete them. Holly and Tammy were looking to find themselves after what they had in their current lives/ situation which they are in and they both improved their situation greatly after meeting in their books Tank and Champ. The stories are hot, fast-paced, intense, amazing, steamy, entertaining and fun. I can't wait for more stories.

My Rating: 4.5 stars *********
Profile Image for Falling_with_the_leaves.
388 reviews31 followers
March 12, 2020
I love everything about these Biker novellas. When I first finished volume one, I needed more from this world that Audrey has created. I couldn't wait to start, Biker Brit and Biker Boss. The insta-love, insta-chemistry in these stories just makes my heart squeeze.

In Biker Brit, we have Holly and Tank. And boy, does it start off hot and heavy and last all the way through. Tank can't take his eyes off his little librarian. And Holly can't resist the charms of what was supposed to be a one night stand.

In Biker Boss, we have Tammy and Champ. These two were thrown into a working/fake relationship. But it's not hard to see that they want more. Tammy struggles with her past and Champ is here to make her see the good that's right in front of her.

Biker Beauties Volume 2, is funny, intense, and jaw droppingly sexy. I hope to see more of these in the future!
Profile Image for Jennifer Bowland.
112 reviews22 followers
December 16, 2021
Biker Brit:

I have no words for how much I enjoyed this book. I think Holly and Tank were meant to to be from the moment they met. They each have their own demons from their past but help each other through it. I fall more in love with all of the characters from this series with each book I read.

Biker Boss:

Biker boss, the final book in the biker beauties series was sooo good. I’m hoping one day that Audrey decides to give us more of the other members. I have fallen in love with all of the characters we’ve met.

My heart felt all kinds of emotions while reading this last book. There were happy times and even sad times. I feel like each book became my favorite after reading it. This one will stay with me for a while.

If you love motorcycle romance you will love these four books. Even if you don’t you should give them a try and I think you would change your mind.
Profile Image for Spunky N Sassy.
5,322 reviews117 followers
March 12, 2020
Spunky N Sassy Rating: 5.0

~~~~~~~~~~Julie's ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review~~~~~~~~~~

Awesome set

Biker Brit

I loved this book. Holly is one bada** woman. Her scars run deep. Tank has his own demons and the haunt him nightly. Together these two have the light and dark aspect going on. They are simply perfect for one another. Holly has her doubts but Thank can show her the way. EXCELLENT WRITING!!

Biker Boss

Tammy desperately needs to get out of town and away from her ex. She takes an undercover job but she doesn’t know that she is in for more than just a job. Champ is all alpha and he wants Tammy. Can she trust again? This book will take you on the ride of a lifetime. Excellent writing.
687 reviews
March 29, 2020
This is book 3 and 4 of the series
Biker Brit

Another great book in the biker beauties series. Holly and Tank both do not look for relationships based on demons in each of their pasts. This was a great steamy story but also has drama as the motorcycle club is being attacked. Can’t wait to read the final book.

Biker Boss
Tammy is a cop who volunteers to pose as a Hero’s Pride old lady to to figure out who is assaulting the other old ladies. Champ volunteers for Tammy to pose as his old lady but he has plans to make this real. We find out at the beginning that Tammy is also running from her “ex” and from domestic violence. This is a great conclusion to the Biker beauties books and the sexy motorcycle gang that really have great hearts. Another great book by Audrey Carlan.
Profile Image for Kathleen Mahieu.
211 reviews1 follower
March 2, 2020
This bundel was the first book I've read in these series of Biker Beauties and wow did I love them. Audrey Carlan never dissapoints. These books really made me fall in love with bikers and books in de MC genre. I've only read one book in this genre before and I already know I'm hooked.

Who doesn't love these big ass bikers and their old ladies. I love a protective and dominant alpha male who knows how to take care of his woman. The bond between the brethrenn of the club is unbelievable, they are one big family and they do everything for each other.

I hope the next book will be here soon.

This is a 5 star read just like all her other books I've read.
Profile Image for Pamela .
4,005 reviews36 followers
March 4, 2020
Both of these stories start off with plenty of action. The MC has been having their old ladies and people attacked by some unknown enemy. This mystery is weaved throughout both stories. I enjoyed the interactions between the Tank and Holly. They both agreed to one night but they can't stay away from each other. Holly is the town librarian. Tank is the mc's Enforcer. Derek "Champ" and Tammy are on the case to find out who is harming the people in the mc. Tammy is a cop gone undercover as Derek's woman. She also wants to get away from her ex husband. Derek is an enforcer in the mc and a former boxer. This was a steamy hot story.
Profile Image for Julie Jackson.
2,272 reviews10 followers
March 5, 2020
Reviewed for SNS

Biker Brit

I loved this book. Holly is one bada** woman. Her scars run deep. Tank has his own demons and the haunt him nightly. Together these two have the light and dark aspect going on. They are simply perfect for one another. Holly has her doubts but Thank can show her the way. EXCELLENT WRITING!!

Biker Boss

Tammy desperately needs to get out of town and away from her ex. She takes an undercover job but she doesn’t know that she is in for more than just a job. Champ is all alpha and he wants Tammy. Can she trust again? This book will take you on the ride of a lifetime. Excellent writing.
Profile Image for Shannon Stuckey.
714 reviews22 followers
March 1, 2020
I absolutely can not get enough of Audrey Carlan's Biker Beauties series! This volume contains book 3, Biker Brit, and book 4, Biker Boss. I just love these big bad Alpha bikers falling Harley over handlebars for their sassy, fiesty Old Ladies! Even though these books can be read as standalones, I highly recommend you read the entire series. My emotions were all over the place with these 2 books, from laughing out loud at the banter between all the characters to heart hurting for things these characters have to go through. I highly recommend you read this series!
Profile Image for Beyond The Covers Blog.
2,518 reviews91 followers
March 2, 2020
Biker Babes Volume 2 was a completely fun MC romance.  Both stories were full of alpha males who go after what they want and won't stop until they get it and the Biker Babes in each novel are fiercely independent women who are able to snare their men with just one heated look.  These books are hot, sexy, funny with a splash of romance and a great read to get lost in that's not overrun by drama or dragged out just to reach a quota.  Audrey Carlan knows how to spin an MC tale. 
Profile Image for Caroline.
1,369 reviews6 followers
March 4, 2020
Another fabulous read from Audrey Carlan. I love a good instalove story and that it what the Biker Beauties Series is all about. This volume contains two books #3 Biker Brit and #4 Biker Boss.
Strong female main characters, hot alpha males that fall in love hard and fast, smoking hot scenes, who could ask for more. Stories could be read as standalone but why do that to yourself, these books are interlinked and best read together.
Please write more of this series.
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews161 followers
February 20, 2020
Champ is nothing if not cordial, “yeah, I know but your **s are greeting me, and it would be rude to ignore them.” Champ is easily offended, “woman, don’t p*** me off. I take care of my old lady. Me. No one else..." I liked this book, I loved Champ.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews

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