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Fragile Ties #3


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"No one will tear us apart."

Everything would be easier if he could just tie her up.
Lock her away and keep her safe.
Well... from everyone except him.

But that's not how love works.

David chose Lianna over his hate. Every part of her.
Love of his life. Heiress to a dangerous crime family.
Prior focus of all his rage and obsession,
and current focus of his... everything.

Her family is the only thing standing in their way.
But family isn't everything, no matter what they say.
She may share their blood, but those can be fragile ties when put to the test.
In the end, it's who we choose that matters.

And he will always choose her.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 3, 2020

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About the author

Jennifer Bene

64 books1,936 followers
Jennifer Bene is a USA Today bestselling author of dangerously sexy and deviously dark romance. From BDSM, to Suspense, Dark Romance, and Thrillers—she writes it all. Always delivering a twisty, spine-tingling journey with the promise of a happily-ever-after.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for Louise H  -  ⭐ Life in the Book Lane Reviews ⭐.
1,983 reviews313 followers
April 11, 2024
Damn you Ms Bene, you left me on such a floaty and wondrous ending. And I should have known better than to trust that you wanted me to be happy, but no! So I foolishly sallied forth and read the bonus scene. My advice to other readers is DON'T DO IT!, well at least for a few days. Not unless you want to have all that warm gooeyness ripped from your grasp only to be replaced with utter heartbreak and devastation.

It's said that good things are worth waiting for and that was never more true than when referring to the conclusion to David and Lianna's story, which is so very, very good indeed. Redemption took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions, though it was like riding one blindfold, never sure when the next drop, twist or turn would occur. I want to say I devoured this book but at times I felt more like it devoured me, as it caught me in it's tangled web and did with me as it pleased.

Their connection had started in the darkest of places, fueled by pain and rage, but they'd both changed. Become someone new. Evolved together, and she hoped that continued even though the Faures had a place in her life now.
Because as messed up as their story was... she didn't want anyone else at her side.

There are a lot of new characters introduced in this book, some good, some not so good. Who to trust, who is lying, who is being honest... not only is it difficult to know, but Lianna and David struggle to agree on it. Just as things seems to be working out for them, meeting the Faures imposes untold stresses on their relationship and you just know there will be trouble ahead.

The whisper of the belt moving through the air wasn't near enough warning for it to crash down onto that impossibly agonizing strip of skin... She cried out, tears burning her eyes as she kicked, digging her toes into the floor to try and move, but she was caught. Each blistering strike only hurt worse than the last, building on top of each other, bleeding together until her ass and thighs throbbed and she couldn't hold the sobs back anymore.
Finally, he stopped, releasing her wrist and removing his knee from her back so he could rip her off the floor by her hair. She only made it to her knees, but he leaned down to look into her eyes.
"God, I love it when you cry for me."

This pair have a complex relationship, rooted in all that is wrong and twisted, but from it has blossomed something that is their beautiful. The sex scenes are not sweet nor gentle, because neither of them want that. Theirs is a love that is brutal, extreme, violent and furious, all encompassing and no-holds bared. David has a darkness to his cravings, a darkness Lianna craves. They may have been softened by love but there are times when you wonder if he truly has them under control.

She wasn't even halfway there when he slammed into her back, his arms coming around to squeeze her tight, lifting her off the floor as he laughed in her ear.
"You know I like it when you struggle, so feel free."

I re-read Destruction and Inheritance in preparation for reading this. I wasn't sure if it would (a) live up to the magnificence of those books and (b) just what exactly would be in store for me. It totally surpassed all my expectations. Jennifer Bene wrote a conclusion to the Fragile Ties series that was unpredictable, captivating and I quite simply couldn't have wished for better than this. Oh and the scene at the prison, I cried at that one too!
Profile Image for Cécile Smits .
1,325 reviews249 followers
August 9, 2020
After David’s Destruction of the life Lianna knew,the Inheritance was a new and better life.
Her light shining on his dark,his dark filling her needs,they were perfect together.
Until the Faure family entered their lives.....
David does his best to support Lianna,understanding she wants to get to know them.
But it’s hard.....knowing their background makes him weary.
Is the life they’re showing them real,or is it all a façade?
Are they all the loving,caring people they appear to be?
Seeing Lianna being enamored with them is stressful,not understanding the language makes it worse.
Who will she choose for in the end,him.....or them?
However sure he is of hís choice,what about Lianna?

A final note.....
I’m glad i took Louise’s advice to wait with that bonus scene.
Because that scene was devastating!
I understand why Jennifer added it,but it HURTS!
Profile Image for Jacqueline Chappell.
1,402 reviews18 followers
July 21, 2020
The final book for David and Lianna brings all the feels. It delivers on the promises made in the first two books between the main characters and the families involved. Can an anti-hero really turn out to be the dark savior- yes. Can a pampered princess find her strength and stand for what is right and ultimately find forgiveness in her heart fir her tormentor and her family. This was the ending they both deserved since the very beginning so long ago. It is fini.
Profile Image for Renee.
4,715 reviews66 followers
August 5, 2020
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review.

Everything would be easier if he could just tie her up. Lock her away and keep her safe. Well...for everyone except him. But that not how love works. David chose Lianna over his hate. Every part of her. Love of his life. Heiress to a dangerous crime family. Prior focus of all his rage and obsession and current focus of his...everything.. Her family is the only thing standing in their way. But family is the only thing standing in their way. But family isn't everything, no matter what they say. She may share their blood, but those can be fragile ties when put to the test. In the end, it is who we choose that matters. And he will always choose her.

Redemption is the conclusion of the Fragile Ties Series from Jennifer Bene. You need to have read Destruction and Inheritance before you even begin to read Redemption. This is the pay off the end and it is such and amazing book that I am not even sure how to review it and not give anything about it. It is the story of a crime family princess who is going to have to find all the strength she has hidden in her and stand up for what she wants and be able to forgive a awful lot of people. He is the hero you would never expect to be one because he is a dark dark savior deep down inside. He just has to do as much work as she does to find it and let it out. This is the final piece of the puzzle that will bring everything together from the first two books. I loved Redemption and is everything you want the conclusion of this book to be. It will not disappoint. I loved it, devoured it and am so happy with the conclusion of this series.
Profile Image for Badh.
3,309 reviews61 followers
August 5, 2020
The last entry in the Fragile Ties series is a knockout. It's everything I didn't know that I wanted, and more.

I understand how and why David is feeling the way that he's feeling during this one. There is a lot to worry about and a lot for him to have to deal with, especially when it comes to Lianna's family. I think that he has a hard time dealing with those feelings, because his father told him how evil that family is. I think, in general, he tries really hard because of how much he loves Lianna. Of course, it's not easy, but no one thought it would be.

Lianna is really strong. She stands up for what she believes and for people she thinks needs it. She still needs David by her side because they love each other. She's not afraid to tell people what she thinks.

I like her family, mostly. I think her uncle has done what he can to make her feel at home, and her cousins are definitely all about making her family.

Profile Image for Jo.
1,131 reviews3 followers
July 30, 2020
What an emotional ending to an intense series!

Lianna heads to France to see the Faure family. David goes with her because he has this deep fear that she'll leave him for her family.

What develops through the pages of this book will hit you hard. Insecurity, loss, betrayal, but also growth, clarity and redemption.

This is a great ending to a very emotional series.
Profile Image for Madeleine.
4,089 reviews10 followers
July 30, 2020
The only words that come to me are captivating. Because that's exactly what this phenomenal series was. Captivating all the way through. David and Lianna have been through so much and ask came out of it in the end. This book was so worth the wait.
2,450 reviews
July 21, 2020
This is a stunning conclusion to the Fragile ties series. David and Liannas story continues with plenty of passion and action! Love these two characters and their strange and kinky journey.
Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Shane Starrett.
Author 14 books836 followers
August 4, 2020
Achingly beautiful, Redemption is a nuanced love story that will pull at your every emotion and leave you begging for more.

I use the word haunting in my intro because what happens to the Faure family in this book is far worse than I think any reader could have imagined from the previous two in the series. We’ve always thought David’s story tragic; but what happens here to Lianna and the Faure’s makes that pale in comparison.

That being said, in many respects this is David’s story. Without spoilers or going into too much detail, we finally see a David who has grown far beyond the angry, vengeance-filled person he was in Destruction, without having lost any of his fiery passion, especially where it concerns Lianna. In Inheritance we saw Lianna’s growth and discovery of who she really was, but in Redemption we see David really come into his own. He’s lost none of his craving and hunger for Lianna, however because of his love for her he’s learned to temper some of his rage so he can be with her while she explores her connects to a family David still does not trust fully. That he can do this without flying off into paroxysms of fury speaks volumes to the differences of David from Destruction to David of Redemption. He becomes oh-so-much a stronger person for Lianna, and his transition really is a driving force throughout the story.

It is interesting to note that Lianna actually becomes the more volatile character in this story than she has in past. Obviously, a part of this has to do with the plot driver of this story: her meeting with the entirety of the Faure family. Where this becomes a test of David’s mettle, it is the catalyst for Lianna to give into one of her deepest desires: to truly have a family of her own. Jean-Luc Faure makes it so easy for her to fall into this fairytale, and Lianna falls hard. Everything she could have dreamed of begins to appear as if it is falling into place, including David seeming to connect with her cousins. The only thing missing is a coach made from a pumpkin carrying her off to the ball.
Of course, it does not last.

Again, in another nod to showing us just how much David has grown, the plot twist which drives us into the last half of the book shows David showing remarkable restraint from how he acted previously, while also later showing Lianna reacting both impetuously and with furious passion. Again, no spoilers, but there were moments where it seemed that both these characters were channeling previous versions of each other, which I thought was fascinating and helped show how well-suited they were for each other. Janus-like, they were showing the opposite sides to their personalities that had once been mainly the focus of the other.

The toughest and most haunting of the scenes in the book fill the last half. Gone are the sweetness and joy of Lianna’s coming together with the Faure’s. Now we see how the long arm of Alain reaches from beyond the grave to play out one final tragedy, and it is crushing. No spoilers, but the author brings the story full circle in a way that will keep you turning one page after another.
There is a ‘bonus’ chapter that is… heartbreaking. I will say no more on this than that. If you really don’t want to have your heart ripped out, read it at your own peril.

This series has been a incredible journey of two people from the most opposites of circumstances coming together to show that true love can and always will overcome the challenges the world puts in front of them. Especially if those two people are as strong as David and Lianna are. If you’ve not read the two books prior to Redemption, I HIGHLY recommend doing so. To see the full extent of who they are and where they had to come from to achieve their well deserved HEA, I think it is important. And it will make Redemption a much more power ending to a fantastic series than it already is.
Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.7k reviews180 followers
August 3, 2020
Redemption is the conclusion to David & Lianna's story, so in order to actually know what is going on you HAVE TO READ Destruction (Book 1) & Inheritance (Book 2) FIRST!  I actually will reiterate this by saying that each new book brings more pieces to the puzzle, and you won't know what the hell is going on if you skip steps.  I wasn't a big fan of David whatsoever at the jump, in fact I despised him in Destruction, but something happened in Inheritance, he started to grow on me which is all due to the brilliant Ms. Bene.  So by Redemption, I finally fell for him, though he never really lost that dangerous edge but he had developed as he journeyed with Lianna until feelings.  However, just when you think that these two will have some down time from all the chaos, BAM BAM AND MORE BAM!  The twists are the biggest they've been so my f-bombs are the loudest they've been.  Will these two ever get past everything for a shot at a happily ever after with their edge?!  Hit those one click buttons to find out!  HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!  
Profile Image for Leslie OBrien.
738 reviews14 followers
August 3, 2020
“Redemption” drops us right into the storyline as it continues from the end of “Inheritance” and it was an emotional rollercoaster for me. Once they were on the plane through to their visit to France, I kept wanting David to change his attitude. In fact, I was getting worked up over his behavior and would have to take breaks from reading the story because his all-or-nothing attitude toward the Faures was making my skin all crawly. And that there is the mark of good storytelling when a reader gets worked up over the behavior of a character and it wasn’t even over the sexy bits. Once I settled in to being uncomfortable, I was able to keep reading and every time I would start on that emotional ride, I would do an imaginary fist-bump toward Ms. Bene thinking, “Yea, you’re making me feel like this. Great job!” And maybe I’m a bit weird, but I love it when a story has me wanting to keep my feet off the floor, day drink (not really. Okay, maybe a little), and even throw the book across the room (again, not gonna happen but you get the idea). This series is dark. This series covers topics that will make you uncomfortable. This series is scorching hot in ways that will have you wanting to reread the sexy bits as you rev up your own lady bits. And well, I should probably quit before I dig myself too deep of a hole. Read the series. It’s good. It’s REALLY good.
Profile Image for Ri.
5,112 reviews11 followers
July 23, 2020
I have been waiting for this book for what feels like forever. This has been hands down my favorite trilogy/series from this author. That says something considering I devour everything she writes regardless of the sub-genre and love it all. This was everything that I wanted and more.

From the first book, there was just something about these characters. At first, it was David that held all the intrigue. He was definitely not a good man at the start. Yet, there was something about him that intrigued me. I hated him, but the author also created this little morsel of goodness in him that made me want to delve deeper. In the second book, my intrigue shifted to Lianna. There was just something about watching her grow and come into her self-worth that I enjoyed. David still had his moments of vacillating between being good and bad but it was in watching the promise of these two together and Lianna's ownership and acceptance of the changes that David brought home that sealed the deal for my love of these two characters. While I was solid on my appreciation of them as a couple, there were a lot of unanswered questions in regard to Lianna's family which is what I was wanting this book to be about and why I was so excited for it.

I was right to be excited because it answered all the questions and then some. It shed new light on why things happened the way that they did and also gave closure in some other areas. Perhaps what surprised me the most, however, was how David and Lianna grew even stronger. It shouldn't have but it did. There was no doubt as to their devotion and love towards one another. They were 100% committed. Even though this was not a traditional relationship in certain aspects, especially, with how they started, I couldn't have imagined them not being together. They worked. And in today's world, anything, even something not 'normal' that brings happiness is something worth being celebrated.

Huge congrats and an even bigger thank you to this author for giving this couple the conclusion that they deserved. Even bigger thanks for some sexy steamy times!
760 reviews5 followers
August 2, 2020
Visual eroticism clutched at my soul with just the first few words and then everything got better and better. Lianna and David are about to start a new adventure in France. Part of me is excited about what will happen and part of me is terrified about the difficulties that might ensue. Will David feel comfortable with this wealthy, privileged family? How will Lianna react? Will they comfortably tolerate David?

Each page pulled me deeper and deeper into a family looking to embrace their newest member. Is it all a sham, or is it truly caring? Can everyone understand the many aspects of love? What will happen if they do not? Will Lianna and David find a way to survive and possibly thrive in her new family?

This story was deep and exciting and full of surprises. It managed to touch my heart in a variety of ways that made me eager to finish, yet sad when I did. This brilliant story was exceptionally well-done, and I truly loved every word. Thank you, Jennifer Bene.
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,953 reviews417 followers
August 4, 2020
This is book three of the Fragile Ties series. Redemption is the conclusion so you must read the previous books first.

David and Liannas story was so worth waiting for. While reading the previous books I had questions that needed answers and thankfully they were all answered. As much as I loved the previous books this one was my favourite.

If you enjoy dark romance then I highly recommend you read this series. All I want to do is re read these books- yes it’s that good.
Profile Image for Wendy Livingstone.
18.7k reviews235 followers
August 2, 2020
This is the 3rd and conclusion to this amazing series. Lianna and David’s love is dark, challenging, brutal, violent, and extreme, and neither of them would have it any different. We are introduced to some characters, bit who can be trusted, and who is being honest, only time will tell. Will their bond be tried and tested as David struggles to contain his vengeance and darkness? This is a fantastic conclusion to this amazing series, and is filled with twists, and complex characters, and is an emotional roller coaster throughout. I was totally enthralled throughout this epic tale. I cannot wait to read more from this talented author, whose work I highly recommend for all lovers of a dark romance.
74 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2020
Wow, my heart! This book was everything! The story of David and Lianna’s journey was full of heartbreak, intrigue, forgiveness and love. David had to do a bit of growing up in this book to overcome his insecurities and fear of losing Lianna to her new family. Their bond only grew stronger as they faced challenges from every turn. Just when you thought things were going smoothly, bam!, something else would happen. The twists and turns in this book kept me riveted to the story. I actually felt sorry for people I shouldn’t have, you’ll know who I mean when you read the story 😉. An amazing ending, but the bonus scene just broke my heart. This has been one of the best trilogies I have read in ages and this last book was well worth waiting for, loved it!
2,636 reviews10 followers
August 3, 2020
I reread the first two books in this series, so I got the full effect, and I am glad I did.
David wears his anger like a cloak. It wards off anyone getting close and creates a strong barrier, so his emotions won’t soften. His intense hatred and mistrust make you feel sorry for his childhood and his life with his father. He is so broken and hate-filled that he breaks your heart. His darkness is creeping closer even while he tries to keep it at bay. I love how he wants to fight it for Lianna.
David and Lianna are yin and yang. Their brokenness calls to each other, and they need what each other offers to make it right. I thought this was the perfect ending for their story.

I read and reviewed a copy of this book.

Profile Image for Hanan .
1,861 reviews18 followers
July 30, 2020
The conclusion to David and Lianna’s journey.
David is struggling with his feelings and emotions towards Lianna’s family.
He trying his best to put them aside for her sake.
His struggles are real and are interfering with the relationship he holds the most valuable.
David harbors the feelings of not being enough and his own insecurities come more into focus.
Lianna is overjoyed with her new family.
While she knows David doesn’t trust them she has really fully understand the depth of his fears.
Their relationship will be questioned.
Their bond will be tested.
I loved the balance Ms. Bene gave in this book.
The darkness to the light.
The need to be be hard with the times of gentleness.
I liked how the author had the relationship between Lianna and David evolve.
Neither tried to change the other.
But both trying to understand the needs and feelings each was going through.
Great ending to a very hard fought turbulent journey.
4,614 reviews
August 3, 2020
I've been a Bene fan for a while, but have been reading so many new authors, it was wonderful to get back to some of my faves! If you are a Bene fan as well, you will love Redemption. If you're new to this author, I definitely recommend her work.

Never a dull moment, you'll be turning the pages as fast as you can! Thoroughly entertained each and every time. Get ready to FEEL! Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but you are guaranteed emotion!

I received an advanced reader copy, and this is my honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Monadh.
208 reviews30 followers
August 11, 2020
Conciliatory end (sort of)

I think I might have been reading too much really dark romance, since I actually found the final book of the Fragile Ties trilogy rather mellow, especially compared to the first book, which was some heavy stuff.
Lianna needs quite a bit of pain to really get going, and David likes to dish it out. Their respective kinks compliment each other, but ever since David took a bullet for her, sex has been consensual and actually quite playful.

After her uncle Jean-Luc has helped to get the FBI off Lianna’s back in the wake of the events that culminated in her father’s death and the collapse of his criminal organization, Lianna has decided to go to France and to get to know the Faure family. David has a bad feeling all along, but since he gets that he can’t change Lianna’s mind, he insist to accompany her.
Lianna is received by her uncle, aunt and cousins like a long lost daughter and they all seem genuinely nice and not like criminals at all. While Lianna is drawn into the Faure’s net deeper and deeper, David remains sceptic. It appears his distrust stems mostly from his prejudice, but then everything changes and David’s greatest fear comes to pass as he is separated from Lianna…

Also, after focusing for years on getting is revenge, David must learn to lead a normal life and reconnect with his family, if he wants to have a change at a happy ever after with Lianna.

Really loved this trilogy!
752 reviews9 followers
July 23, 2020
This was well worth waiting for!
Finally we find out how Lianna is received by her family in France and how David is coping.
It seems everything is going swimmingly, Lianna is warming up to all the new cousins, uncles and aunts, and David is teeth-clenchingly, almost, civil.
Until the happy-family-reunion facade is slightly crumbling and then falling apart altogether.
And the blows keep coming. Not only are they in even more danger than before, but there are revelations that nobody saw coming.
Through it all Lianna and David grow even stronger together. The mutual give and take in their unique relationship makes sizzling reading.
And then Ms Bene delivers an ending with bells and whistles!
7 reviews1 follower
August 10, 2020
What a perfect and amazing conclusion for this series.
David and Lianna’s journey has been an absolutely roller coaster of heart ache, trauma, self discovery and love. After everything they’ve been through this was such a fitting HEA for the two of them.
Ms Bene writing magic is so spell binding that you can’t help but fall in love with all the broken parts that make David who he really is and bleed for Lianna’s need for family and acceptance. Both characters evolved so much from the beginning of the series and the challenges they faced as a couple in Redemption is what really proves the depth of their love and the scarifies each is willing to make for the other. The storyline was captivating with surprising twists and turns. If you love dark romances with edgy characters that have hearts of gold this series is a must!!
Profile Image for Mom2three.
1,982 reviews16 followers
August 7, 2020
Sometimes I really hate those words, and this is one of those times. This has been an intense series from beginning to end, and even though the ending was everything I could have hoped for I didn't want it to end. The range of emotion I felt throughout this book, and really the entire trilogy, left me feeling drained after I reached the end. It's a wonderful drained, but the book hangover is real with this one.

The relationship between Lianna and David has finally reached the sweet stage. That doesn't mean there isn't still the dark elements, but there is a sweetness between them. They are completely committed to each other and I love the way David is so supportive. That commitment is going to be needed as Lianna and David meet the rest of Lianna's family and have to deal with all the ugly that brings to their lives. There is a lot of things going on in this, and Ms. Bene does a fantastic job of wrapping up all the loose ends. The danger, suspense, intense sexiness, darkness, and passion are all there and the ending was absolutely perfect. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Kat.
755 reviews23 followers
August 3, 2020
This was such an amazing and fitting conclusion with well deserved hea for David and Lianna after everything they’ve been through.
Ms Bene created emotional roller coaster that had me smiling, screaming, crying, and smiling again. But it was absolutely worth it to see these two amazing characters get their hea.
I always liked David, even when I couldn’t completely understand him in the first book. But I absolutely loved him in this final book.
Both characters were already complex and well developed but Ms Bene managed to show us even more of their deeper layers.
And their relationship just continued to evolve with each page and grew even more stronger.
I simply decoured this book in one sitting. The storyline was captivating with surprising twists and turns.
It was truly the path of redemption and more than well worth the wait.
Profile Image for Rose Howse.
914 reviews15 followers
August 3, 2020
Family can destroy you, family can complete you but family cannot make a relationship, that needs only two people that love each other beyond boundaries. Lianna has an invitation to meet her family in France and David will not let her go without him. David's insecurities complicate things but Lianna is very happy to finally meet the family she wasn't allowed to even know about. There is happiness when meeting her extended family, but also so many questions to get answers to. I wanted to love Jean-Luc but needed to hate him too. There are some heartwrenching twists and turns, loyalties to question and reassurance of love to embrace. This story hit all the emotions in one fully involved read for me. The final chapter to a complicated love story, I was exhausted but very satisfied with it all.
Profile Image for Zelda.
1,382 reviews
August 5, 2020
The final book in the Fragile Ties series. I had a quick re-read of Destruction & Inheritance before reading Redemption (you have to read them in order). The books all have a different feel to them, and it showed their relationship over time. David & Lianna have come so far since their first book in the Fragile Ties series. The best aspect of this book was the psychological-David has spent to much time researching, you can’t tell if his perspective is accurate or skewed. The waiting for something to happen ramped up the tension for me. This book really made me reflect on the best parts of family-ties, loyalties, acceptance-as well the worst-abuse, neglect, violence. I loved David & Lianna and they'll forever be favourite characters by this author. A brilliant ending to their epic story.

I received a copy of this book. My honest opinion is voluntarily provided.
Author 1 book12 followers
August 5, 2020
I waited for this, and I was in no way disappointed! This is one of my favorite series, it started so dark, wasn't sure I could ever truly be on David's side. But as each book has shared more and more of their story, Lianna and David have become one of my favorite couples. They know who they are, this book shows who they have become and how important family is, along with some twists, turns, sexy times, unexpected secrets from the past. This one just brings it all together, the good, the bad, nothing left to hide. Highly recommend this series if you want to go to the Dark side a little, it makes the happy ending all the stronger!!
3,900 reviews31 followers
August 4, 2020
David and Lianna's love gives them the strength they need when a family reunion brings up more questions. It seems not everyone is so eager to bring Lianna into the fold, and David is more than a little worried. This finale brings some closure to the accusations and fingers being pointed. I loved how David wanted to protect Lianna, especially how vulnerable he felt at times. Lianna stayed strong, and I loved how important her family had become to her. Great ending, with some kinky dark love between these two!
Profile Image for TINA WILLIAMS.
1,991 reviews22 followers
August 1, 2020
Redemption is an intense, beautiful, emotional conclusion to the Fragile Ties series. What a difficult journey that David and Lianna had to go through with so many obstacles to overcome. I fell in love with this couple throughout this series. They fell in love in the first two books, this book determines if they have what it takes to make it last forever. This book was action packed, emotional and steamy, I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Jo-Ann Forrest.
2,782 reviews20 followers
August 4, 2020
This is the most exquisite end to an emotionally charged love story. The story picks up where we left off and the conclusion answers all the questions you may have had over the course of their journey. Their HEA is well earned and Jennifer Bene delivered a captivating story for us to read. I volunteered to review this arc.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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