USA Today Bestselling author by day and superhero by night... Seriously, though. I write Contemporary Romance that will tear my readers apart and put them back together again. As long I have coffee, I legit think I can conquer the world.
OK, so I was really really looking forward to this story after reading the synopsis but sadly I can't help but feel let down. It definitely didn't live up to "my" expectations for sure:(
The writing itself was good...the storyline itself is where it just didn't come together....It was for lack of a better word...weak, weird, I just didn't care for their storyline (back story especially with damn "odd")...I loved Remy..Parker, ehhhh, I just couldn't "warm" up to her, I didn't hate her but I def didn't love her.
I am interested in Linc and Kennedy's story for sure but this one...ehhhhhh just not my cuppa tea this time.
This book had me from the very first chapter, it broke me and shattered my heart to pieces. The tears fell so hard and so fast at times I wasn't able to see the words on the page. My heart ached for what they had lost, for the lies they had told and the secrets they held. This was a story that took me on an emotional roller coaster ride that touched my heart and soul in a way that it will remain with me long after the book has been placed back on the shelf. Remy and Parker had a chemistry and a connection that you felt deep under your skin and one that radiated through the words of their story. Their story had passion, depth and an intensity that took you by surprise. For all the tears I cried, I also smiled equally as much. As the story drew to a close and we were treated to an epilogue that will make you laugh till you cry and then have you swooning for a love that was written in the stars.
Dang! I have no words to adequately describe the beautifully emotional journey this was One of the best romances I have read this year
The relationship between Parker and Remy wasn't the back and forth should I shouldn't I game - They knew they were destined for each other they just needed to empty their closets of all those pesky skeletons that stood between them once and for all. Sometimes the hardest thing we will ever have to do is face our own lies
I really enjoyed how even when they came to the point of acceptance the author kept us on the edge of our seats with scenarios that were engaging and believable. The whole story from cover to cover is tangible. The cast is so easy to fall in love with. Even the antagonists made an impact - speaking of what happened to "nurse ratchet" and why was she such a bleep?
I felt for Parker she stood her ground even when the truth(s) would have provided some ease for her And Remy - your typical stubborn male thinking he knows what is best And Nox - little dude you are the man!
If you are on the fence about this one I can say with all certainty Hop on over the grass is greener over here!
Just a warning in the 1st chapter in, you better have some tissues handy especially if you’re an animal lover, like my self, a young child and his mama loses their best friend a Newfie named Boo. A puppy that was given to Parker by her late husband. Now I’m off to read more.
Very touching story that will make you laugh, cry and rage at the characters.
Balls to the Wall is a very emotional friends to enemies to lovers romance. In my opinion, this book felt a lot like a second chance romance except it wasn’t really one because Remy and Parker never really dated each other. But there were a lot of past (and present) feelings between them. I was a bit confused at first when I started reading because I couldn’t quite figure out what could’ve possibly happen between Remy and Parker. Honestly, it took me a while to really grasp how their friendship, or lack thereof, and their feelings evolved through the years. There were so many hidden feelings, so much angst, so many hidden emotions and misunderstandings. There was so much history between these two that my heart broke mainly for Parker.
This is a very emotional story. Parker went through a lot in her life, living in a small town where everyone shared opinions on what she should do and everyone thought they knew what really happened between her, Remy and Danny, her husband, before they were deployed overseas. Remy was a cop now, back home, but he kept his distance from Parker even though he promised Danny that he would watch out for her. Slowly, we get the full picture of what really happened between Remy and Parker. Which brings me to the reason I didn’t love Remy, his motives for staying away from Parker didn’t make sense to me. I definitely understood why he pushed her away before his first deployment but it just didn’t make sense how he was still keeping himself totally removed from Parker’s life in the beginning of the book. Also, Parker should have definitely made him grovel. I think there were a lot of secrets and guilt that just generated a lot of hurt especially in Parker’s, and also in Remy’s, lives.
Remy had some redeeming qualities: the letters were amazing (you’ll get it if you read the book) and his relationship with Nox was heart warming and cute. His character development was good but he never really won me over. Parker and Remy had a lot of chemistry between them, so I certainly enjoyed when things started happening between them. I really enjoyed the secondary characters, the small town setting and I’m very intrigued about the next book in this series that will be Kennedy, Parker’s best friend and my favorite secondary character, and Linc’s story. I’ll definitely read the next one in this series.
So Im not sure where this title fits into the story but that is just the first of many times this book had me scratching my head.
This book is built on a drunken night that led to a tangled web of misunderstandings, built up resentment and misguided anger.
Remy and Parker are friends and have been forever, but always wanted more....when Remy knows he is going to boot camp with his best friends, he pushes Parker away saying some horrible things. Parker gets drunk - to the point she doesnt remember half of it, with another of their best friends Danny and they have sex with her ending up pregnant. Even though Danny and Parker dont love each other and know their drunken night was a mistake, Danny wants her to be taken care of so they get married while he is about to be deployed. Fast forward, everyone thinks they are in love and happy and all along they are lying. Meanwhile, Remy regrets pushing her away because now she belongs to Danny. I just didnt get this whole scenario and it put a damper of the rest of the story.
Danny passes away and Remy has guilt for pushing Parker away all those years but he also made a promise to Danny that he would look out for Parker and his son if anything happens to him. So when he comes home, Remy keeps an eye on them both but from a distance. UGH, this book and all the dumb secrets had me skimming a lot of pages. So much drama among this group for no reason at wore on my nerves. There is also a random "stalker" that takes up some space throughout but literally makes no sense and I feel like it was thrown in as just "filler". I never got all the secrets everyone kept - seemed silly and didnt feel the connection between the two main characters and how they went from hating each other to loving each other.... Sadly, wasnt a fan of this book.
Feels 0 Steam 1 Storyline 3.5 Overall Rating 3.5 Kindle eArc provided by Author Reviewed by Ladyballs
I'm not sure where this title fits into the story but this book had me scratching my head. The plot is based on a drunken night that led to a tangled web of misunderstandings, built up resentment and misguided anger.
Remy and Parker are friends but have always wanted more. When Remy knows he is going to boot camp with his best friends, he pushes Parker away saying some horrible things. Parker gets drunk with one of their best friends Danny and after sex she ends up pregnant. Although Danny and Parker don't love each other and know their drunken night was a mistake, Danny wants to take care of her. They end up getting married while he is about to be deployed. Everyone thinks they are happily in love while all along they are lying. Meanwhile, Remy regrets pushing her away because now she belongs to Danny. I just didn't understand this whole scenario and it put a damper of the rest of the story for me.
After a tragic incident, Remy has guilt for pushing Parker away all those years. But he also made a promise to Danny that he would look out for Parker and his son if anything happens to him. When he comes home, Remy keeps an eye out for them both but from a distance. UGH, this book and all the secrets had me skimming a lot of pages. Quite a bit of drama among this group for no reason at frustrated me. There is also a random storyline that takes up some space throughout but literally made no sense to me. I never got all of the secrets everyone kept. It seemed childish and I couldn't feel the connection between the two main characters. How they went from hating each other to loving each other. This wasn't story for me but perhaps it will be the story for you.
This book had me glued from the beginning, and then kept me cause there was so much going on. Remy is former military, and now works as a hometown cop. Parker is the girl who Remy has known since they were practically babies and used to be best friends. There are feelings between Remy and Parker, but there is also hurt and a marriage to one of Remy's best friends who Parker also has an amazing son with that his daddy never got to meet cause he too was military, and never came home and Parker has had to basically raise him on her own. She's had Danny's family as so much support, and they know the truth and love her anyway, and support her through everything. Parker has to deal with so much in this book, including her feelings regarding Remy, and things that were said so many years ago that shattered hearts. And of course Parker is having to deal with people in town thinking they "know" what happened, but do they really? Will Remy and Parker be able to work through the hurt that was caused, will they find out the truth, and will they be able to find their way back to each other once they learn those truths? Y'all are just gonna have to read this AWEMAZING book and find out!! I can't wait to continue with this series, and read more of anything from Birch County!!
I really really liked this book! What a great start to a new series. One that I’m already looking forward to the next book.
Remy & Parker hurt each other so much throughout the years, one more than the other in my opinion. My heart hurt for Parker & everything she went through. No one deserves to have that much heartache, death & hate thrown at them. She was an incredibly strong woman to have stayed in that small town in order to give her son an amazing life surrounded by family.
Remy was an idiot. Granted he was also an incredibly sexy, brooding, marine turned police officer. And he also loved Parker & Nox with everything that he was. Remy had his reasons for doing what he did but it’s because he was young & dumb (in my opinion) that decision he made was the wrong one.
I loved seeing these two fight through their pasts to get their happily ever after. The crazy person twist was a huge surprise. I am wondering what happened with that nurse though.
Nevertheless I’m really looking forward to Linc & Kennedy’s story.
April Canavan is a new to me author, but when I read the blurb for Balls to the Wall I knew I wanted to read it. It was full of angst and push and pull between the two main characters that drew me right in. Remy and Parker had a connection, but Remy pushed her away and hurt her. Now Parker is a widow and he promised to watch out for her, but how does he deny the pull he still feels for her?
There is so much history between Remy and Parker and not all of it good. There are secrets, regret and misunderstandings between them and they cannot find a way past it. But they still feel a connection that neither can deny. I enjoyed reading Balls to the Wall by April Canavan and look forward to reading more of this author. This story was angsty and full of so many feels.
Read and reviewed for Sultry Sirens Book Blog. Happy reading!
Go grab your box of tissues and get ready for an emotional ride that starts from the very first chapter. Remy and Parker have a long history where they started off as friends and after one horrible night they became enemies. There is a lot of push and pull in this book as secrets are finally revealed and Parker and Remy work to repair their relationship. Remy's reason for pushing Parker away didn't really make sense, she should have made him grovel a little bit more. There character were all fantastic especially Parker's son Knox, he was such a little sweetheart. I really enjoyed this story! There was action, danger, laughter, tears and romance. A great read and I can't wait to read the rest of the series!!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This book is my first one by April and I am totally blown away!! This story had me from the very beginning and I couldn't put it down!! This is such an amazing story with some angst, suspense, second chance and a single parent. It has it all... And it will leave you with ALL THE FEELS!!
Remy and Parker are an amazing couple and I loved their story. Their connection and love is one you want for yourself. The way he loves her through all that they went through is the rare kind of love we all want!
I loved the added suspense to it all makes this book an amazing read!! I can't wait for more from this series...
Grab some tissues! You will need them! It was an emotional roller coaster! This is a “second chance love story” but Its complicated!!! 💔 Remy and Parker were like besties growing up, wanted to be a couple but one night change everything. Regrets, miss-understandings, and the “what ifs” are huge deal here! Its a mystery reading it because the author gives you bits and pieces of that faithful night and flashbacks and your dying to know the full story! Grieve is a bitch and guilt is even worse sometimes. It was raw and the characters were not perfect. I think thats what made it special.💙
First it has the suspense, the angst, tragedy, and the single mother, making it an interesting read. Amazing way to blend and create the characters and at the same time letting us know them pretty deeply. Is an quick enjoyable read that could be devour in hours and definitely a worthy read.
This book was phenomenal! The emotions I felt while reading this was very real. I was invested from the first to the last page. Cant wait for book 2 w.Linc and Kennedy.
Secrets and Lies, Honour and Passion – it’s all here!
This is my first taste of Author April Canavan’s writing, and although I knew from the blurb it was going to be an angsty kind of book, she had me crying into my drink from the first chapter. Her words were emotive, poignant, and nothing short of heart-breaking. How much loss could a mother and her 5-year-old son live through?
Balls to the Wall is the first book in Ms Canavan’s new small town police romance series, Birch Police Department, and while I get the impression that the characters have been around before, I didn’t feel I’d missed out on any story. If anything, it made me want to check out her backlist. And yes, she does have an earlier Birch County Blue series.
What made me want to try this new author and this new series was the intriguing blurb and the mention of an ex-military man, now in a police uniform! What is it about a man in uniform *sigh*?
For the most part, I did adore Remy Townsend. I did. And I do sound like I’m trying to convince myself of this fact, but I believe this is the way that Ms Canavan wrote him. Imperfect, yet honourable, it was his initial abysmal behaviour in denying his true feelings towards Parker that set this whole book plot in motion. He judged Parker, the whole small town judged her, but they didn’t know the whole story.
Parker, married and widowed, left with a son who never knew his father, was a character that I admired. Her young son is a testament to the amazing mother that she was, and I respected everything that she did with him to teach him about the father he never met. Secrets and Lies. She did better than I ever could have, but the amazing family of characters around her offered great support, and will feature in some amazing books in the future, I’m sure.
Yeah, there was a lot of secrets, lies and half-truths between the characters of this book, and Ms Canavan certainly didn’t spoon-feed her readers any plot leads, meaning that often I was as frustrated as the characters at the misunderstandings going on!! Is that a good or a bad thing? I’m not sure to be honest, it would depend on the mood of the reader at the time.
Overall, I loved this book, and I’m looking forward to the next one in the series. Recommended read for sure 4.5 Stars ★🖤★
Parker Hayes is raising her son on her own since she lost her husband in the war. Life hasn’t been easy since they married, and she lost him. Growing up in the small Maine town has been a curse on her since everyone knows everyone’s business and everyone in the small town believes that she broke Remy’s heart by cheating on him. Too bad the only people who know what really happened that night six years ago aren’t talking. Parker doesn’t want to tarnish Danny’s reputation. His family knows most of the truth and they have always stood beside her and helped her, but the rest of the town has shunned her and treated her as though she broke Remy’s heart.
Jeremy “Remy” Townsend made a promise to his dyeing best friend when they were overseas and he’s having a hard time making good on his promise. He would do anything for Parker Hayes, but he truly believes that she hates him and he’s having a hard time being around her. That is until he is pushed back into her life when her dog dies and then some weird happenings start at her home. They have to talk and they both need to come clean and be honest with each other.
This is a story about second chances, coming clean, and fighting the fear of losing someone you love so that you can move on in life and both be happy. It's full of suspense, secrets, deception and danger. I love the characters and am looking forward to more in the series. There’s a lot of men in this series that need to overcome their fears and pull up their big boy panties and step up to show the women they want that they are worth the fear they have deep down. I give this story a 4.5-star review and look forward to reading more of the Birch Police Department stories to come. The men may be ex-military and police officers, but deep down they hide a fear of the unknown when it comes to the women, they want in their lives but are too afraid to let them know it. The back and forth between the characters is steamy and fun to read. I look forward to more.
Balls to the Wall is the first book in the Birch Police Department series, but make sure you bring some tissues. Parker and Remy have a convoluted past with a lot of love and hatred and secrets on both sides. But when Parker is threatened, will they fight together for so much more than just safety, or will Parker‘s worst nightmares come true?
Listen. I didn’t expect to read this book in one sitting. I didn’t expect to feel my heart shatter and then fuse back together while reading this book. And I didn’t expect to bawl my eyes out, experiencing every emotion my heart could possibly handle by reading Parker and Remy, but dang it, all three things happened and I know I’ll be having a major book hangover after reading this book! Wow! Parker and Remy are absolutely amazing. There’s so much angst, hate, passion, and love between them, so many secrets and half truths and downright lies that they need to wade through and you can’t help but cheer for them to succeed right from the very beginning. Parker is such a strong woman, experiencing so much pain in a short amount of time with not a lot of support behind her, but her character truly shined. I loved her protective nature of those she loved and she was so loyal, too! Remy is definitely a tortured soul, and while I don’t always understand his reasoning, I know he constantly tried to do the best thing for Parker the best way he knew how. I loved his devotion and the way he brought Parker and Nox into his circle, too! So good! I loved this book! I think I cried from the very first chapter and I’m not sure I stopped until the end, but there’s sad, angry, swoony, and love filled tears for this book and I loved every second I spent reading it. I know I’ll read this book again and I’m already looking forward to the next book in the series!
This is the first book in the new Birch Police Department series. It's fire stars, two thumbs up kinda wonderful for me. I definitely have a new author to add to my favs list! There is a prequel novella Whiskey Tango that introduces some of the people in this strong and gives a little background on them and takes place well before the start of this book. It is not necessary to read it first to enjoy this book. This is a second chance romance with a little suspense thrown in. Remy and Parker are hot together. There's a very thin line between love and hate. Grab your box of tissues, you're gonna need them. Now this one was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but I loved every minute of it. The epilogue had me laughing which was pretty great since this book kept breaking my heart. I can't wait to read Linc and Kennedy's story. I have a feeling its going to be another hit to the feels.
Remy has been in love with Parker for years but before he left for the Marines he pushed her away because was scared. This set both their lives on a path away from each other. It was even harder for Remy because his friend got Parker pregnant and married her. Remy came home but Danny didn't, he died on their first deployment with Parker months from giving birth. Now Remy has to find a way to keep his promise to Danny to take care of Parker. Parker hates Remy now. Is there any chance for him to convince her to give him a chance? Will Parker forgive him for the lies he is told her?
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
After reading Bent, I couldn’t wait to find out the story between Remy and Parker!
Parker and Remy have so much history together. But feelings changed, someone got rejected, and the course of both of their lives were forever altered. Both of them regret some of their words and actions.
I was completely engrossed from the very beginning! It took a little bit for most of the story of what really happened to be revealed. And there were a few shocks that I definitely wasn’t expecting. I loved how strong Parker was and had to be. My heart broke for her and everything she went through.
At one point, I really felt that someone should have knocked some sense into Remy. And then reasons were revealed, and then my heart broke for Remy, too.
I loved them both and the amazing chemistry between them. And Nox was so adorable. I did like the way Danny was involved in the story.
I’ll admit that I thought the story surrounding the threats were leading one way and I was way off! So I was kept guessing until everything was revealed. My heart was in my throat for a while there.
The last chapter was so hysterical that I had to mention it! Linc is quite the character! March 30th can’t come soon enough! I’m desperate to find out what happens between him and Kennedy!!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
There's always a new day to get it right.... by and1515
Some days are better then others but today wasn't one of them and it just kept getting harder with every passing moment. There wasn't much he could do but he'd make sure in the morning she'd have a shoulder to cry on. Parker had never thought she'd wake one morning to find her son's bed empty. Remy didn't need to be asked twice he and his four legged tracking friend would find him in two shakes and a woof. Yeah this was another one of those days she didn't need and here she was staring at the ceiling all because of one rude customer. Remy really didn't have a clue he'd made certain promises but she and he have a complicated history that left both of them with plenty of hurt feelings. But each has the key to heal the other if only one of them would finally decided to open and honest. However elusive truth can be it tends to come out when you least expect it. He'd been such a coward back then but now he'd wished he'd done things differently. Yet on top an already emotional day it just got tougher and he wasn't sure how well any of them were going to survive if the bottom fell out from under them.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Get the tissues ready. I am not a crier but this book got me from the very first chapter. Living in a small town, everyone knows your business or they always assume to. Parker has been living with this for 6 years and almost everyone has treated her poorly from what they think they know. And the worst of them all is Remy. And when you live in a small town you also see the same people over and over, even if you don't want to. She tries to avoid Remy but what she doesn't know is that he is always there to watch out for her and her son but from a distance. He promised her dead husband to always watch out for them and that's part of the problem since he wants to avoid her just as much. But when someone tries to harm Parker he has to step up. This book is full of secrets and although it's the first in the series, I think it may be a spin off or related to another series. You get the answers you need about Remy and Parker but the rest will be revealed in the rest of the series. The boys in blue are all a big family and help out when one is down. Sometimes you want to smack some sense into the characters (and some do) but overall it was a good read. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
April Canavan reaches down your throat and grabs you by the heart from the get go with Balls to the Wall.
Parker and Remy have a tempestuous past, and neither one of them can bring themselves to straighten out the hurt and misunderstandings between them. When Parker has to make an emergency trip to the Vet, the last thing she expected to happen, was to come across the man that despite having broke her heart several years before, still holds it in his hands. Past hurts, misunderstandings, secrets, and lies have built a wall between them, that even a close knit community, closer family and promises can't break through. But, throw in a few unexplainable coincidences, an accident here and there, Parker's son, the constant match making, and an uncontrollable urge to press Parker against the wall and devour her, and Remy doesn't stand a chance. Parker on the other hand is just trying to keep the balance of indifference, anger, and lust from controlling her heart. But seeing the boy she always knew was the other half of her heart, who pushed her away, but will get down on the floor to play with her little boy melts her heart to marshmallow fluff. Now, to figure out who wants her dead and out of the way so her life can get back to normal.
Balls to the Wall was a very angst filled story with a lot of it caused by miscommunication like crazy. Parker was truly a great person who was best friends with Remy, but when she let him know that she wanted more, things took a turn that broke her heart. She ends up marrying someone else & has a kid with him, but he didn't come home from deployment because of dying in combat. Now she's on her own with her son, and the only reason she hasn't left town where everyone treated her very badly is because she wanted her son near his father's family. Remy hasn't been home for a long time, but now he is, and runs into Parker who hates him (I didn't blame her one bit as she was a good woman all the way around) because he had no clue as to what he set in motion that night so long ago. Of course he didn't help his case when he started running into her because he still treated her badly so I had a very hard time actually forgiving him. The angst of this story was out of control & a lot of it could have been alleviated if all the adults knew how to communicate better. They finally do so, but now the story takes a more dangerous turn as new twists are coming in hot. It was truly impossible for me to put this story down, and I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!
Balls to the Wall by April Canavan is an emotional,entertaining,intriguing and steamy filled with drama and a bit of suspense.. a second chance romance story of Remy and Parker..Remy,a tatoed ex marine and a state police..Parker,single mom,and being a pariah in her small town.;Remy and Parker is childhood friends and both inlove with each other when Remy and the rest of their friend enlist and go to a boot camp and Parker told Remy ho she feel about him but young Remy is stupid he thinks hes doing her a favor because hes leaving so for him its better to let her go and hate him than to suffer but it backfired because of the hurt Parker make a bad decision hooking up with their other friend and Parker got pregnant and before he deploy they got married so Parker and their unborn child is secured but Danny got killed and thing turns upside down for Parker..Now Remy have a secret,because when he told Pärker the things he told her to make her hate him is all lies and everyday he wright a letter for Parker that he didnt send it just put it in a box and put it aside untill Parker found it when someone tried to hurt them and when her son dissapear..
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This is book three of this interconnected series, told in dual first person POV and leaves you with a HEA. This story can be read as a standalone, but IMO, is way more enjoyable if the books are read in order.
I have enjoyed reading this series, but this one wasn’t my favorite. While it held my attention, I do wish we would have gotten more of Remy and Parker’s history. Mainly Remy’s reason for pushing Parker away in the first place (it didn’t really make sense to me). I think Parker should’ve made him grovel more than she did. Regardless, Rue Lennox has once again caused my tear ducts to leak more than once in this story. Which means I highly recommend reading it since my tears don’t flow as fast as they did or as often as they did when I read. I used Speechify to read it to me at work and had my coworkers thinking something was wrong at home. 😅
Nox stole the story with every scene he appeared in! I loved the family bond/banter between all the characters. I loved that Remy and Nox bonded so quickly. Aside from my previous statements above, I loved everything about this story and I am so excited to read more of this series and Rue’s other books past and future! I was provided an advanced readers copy via Booksprout. These thoughts and opinions are my own.
When a book makes you so frustrated because of the lack of communication and the secrets they won’t divulge then I just can’t stop reading! The first few chapters made me so emotional and had me falling in love with every single character. The further into the story I got, the more I discovered. So much drama and anxiety, it was delicious. The plot just got better and better; Stalkers, tragic secrets and so much love, fabulous writing and character building it made me unable to put my kindle down.
Parker has the weight of the world on her shoulders, she’s a mother and a widow but nothing seems to go right for her. My heart absolutely shattered with her throughout this book. She has a massive secret and a broken heart but she is a strong woman, she may finally get her man.
Remy was a pain in my side. He has a secret too, he’s stubborn, pig-headed and downright stupid. I have no idea what goes through men’s heads sometimes, but I did love that man. He redeemed himself in a big way... eventually.
This book was such a great read. The other characters were wonderful and I simply can’t wait to get their stories too.
Parker & Remy and her son Nox have a history. Nox's dad is Danny who sadly dead in action had some words of wisdom for them. I love the second chance romance and the suspense! Danny Spirit has been visiting both characters and I loved ot cause it give more depth to the story. Especially the secret she been keeping for Danny and he told her you must go and tell Remy you love him. Danny been telling Remy to go for Parker. He said that to them when he was a live and in death.
This is a second chance romance for two high school sweet heart crushes. The letters broke my heart !! This small town is full of former military soldiers and we learn how much a letter can give them hope to return home.
🐶Daisy made me laugh so much & she a action hero too. I love that we learn about working dogs especially in the military & police department. I want a Daisy and how she protects Nox from that fire ball that was thrown at Parker's house and in her past at the military. She a retired working dog cause of a injure.
☆MUST READ☆ Suspense , Action and a love that is finally happening !! You can feel the love !
All I can say is...there is much more to the story! The town, friends, family none of them know the whole story. Parker is the only one who knows what led to the events that put them where they are. She has an adorable son that everyone loves. He never saw his dad but honors him and speaks to him every night. She is strong and will be the best mom ever. And she is.
Things had gotten a little easier until Remy came back home. He seems to hate her and they are no longer the best friends they used to be. What are they? It will take a while to find that out.
This is a story that will grab you from the beginning (tissue warning). It will make you cry, laugh, worry, feel the steam, and so much more. There is never a dull moment. Family is big in this town. These connected families are part of the Police Department. Daisy, a retired K9 from the war now works for PD. She is quite a character in her own right. They will need the whole team when danger strikes.
Do. Not. Miss. This. One. Reviewed for Words Turn Me On