Deadly Affairs
Cover Reveal: July 29
Teasers: Aug 4, 11, 18, 25
Excerpt Blast: Aug 19,
Release Blast: Sept 1
Review Tour: Sept 1-7

A couple found brutally murdered in the Coronado Cays pulls San Diego CSI Holly Jennings from a bliss-filled morning with her new baby and husband into a twisted maze of cheating spouses and Hollywood gore. As Holly and her team track the bloody trail left by the killer, the questions and the body count continue to rise like the damned who've been drowned.

An expert knife thrower. A precision gunman. Deadly accurate and strong enough to bludgeon a woman to death. The killer fits the profile of a professional. But Holly can feel the rage and need for redemption behind these deaths that tells her that for the killer--or killers--this is all intimately personal.

While Holly chases leads as far as Dallas and the Big Easy, the shadow of her own secrets threatens everything dear to her at home.
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Cover Reveal: July 29
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Teaser Blasts: Aug 4, 11, 18, 25
Excerpt Reveal: Aug 19
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Release Day Blast: Sept 1
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Review Tour: Sept 1-7
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