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354 pages, Paperback
First published July 27, 2020
We start with the classic: she let herself be destroyed and used in depraved manners and she MISSES THE SALT OF HIS C*M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who the fuck has ever said that about d!ck juice. This is mind blowing to me (or maybe I am gay idk), but whatever, I kept going.
She just left her fiancé, to go back to this town where she apparently got the best dick of her life, this shall be good.
No, it wasn't good. Cecelia managed to develop every single daddy issue in the f*cking world and NONE of the fun ones. She is whiny, weak, desperate, childish, Bella Swan has a backbone and is the role model I would pick for my daughters next to the f*cking waste of space Cece is. *takes a deep breath* But I promised her a chance. So I keep going, until we meet Sean.
Sean, the worst thing to have ever happened in the history of literature. The worst character ever written in the whole history of human kind. The shittiest fucking male love interest and sadly, the closest thing to reality: a living and breathing fuckboy.
The red-flag walking parade. He calls her PUP!!! He gave her the classical fuckboy speach: "WhY WOrrY AboUT ThE fUtuRe When WE Can FOcus On tHE NOw pup?" *pukes*.
He BROKE HER APPLE WATCH, he grabbed it out of her wrist and smashed it with his foot to prove a point. Afterwards he went on to tell her that he doesn't have social media because: that is the worst thing we have ever done collectively, to give everyone a microphone and that much attention.
Well Sean, the worst thing your mother has ever done was developing your arms in her uterus just so you could destroy private property to prove a fucking point. We all make mistakes.
HE SAYS IN THE BOOK HIS IDOL IS DAVE CHAPELLE!! Have you guys learned nothing from life? He takes her on a date and complains about how toxic his ex-girlfriend was and that they broke up because he couldn't handle being controlled. This author spent 10 pages making Sean tell the history of weed to Cecelia. I am starting to think a fuckboy actually ghost wrote this book.
Cecelia on the other hand, is clueless. She is mind blown by her nights sitting in a dirty garage on his lap, while Sean and his friends smoke pizza, eat weed (or is it the other way around?) and ignore her presence. She even dares to say that is the happiest she ever felt. She says and I quote: that they are nothing like the boys in her high school, that these were men.
When Sean and Cece get on a fight he says, and again, I QUOTE: She was expecting him to use his gemini side and he is a virgo.
This could go on for a while but I will spare you. Oh there is also something about a brotherhood? These d!ckless men thought it would be fun to play robin hood and kiss Karl Marx' ass and talk about how GREAT 1984 BY GEORGE ORWELL was. Oh go fuck yourself.
Of course, Cecelia was down. She had the mental maturity of a fucking turtle. She thought it was so hot they had tattoos, smoked week, drove camaros, gave her nicknames and fucked her in a group. (And no, this is not a reverse harem, don't sell it to me like one). There was also a character named Dominic, who got a total of 2 chapters and he could have been the best thing about this book but that is expecting way too much of this fiasco.
One star, half for every chapter Dominic was in without Sean being around opening his big fat fuckboy mouth.
Reading this was like reading a slow torturous death, a mix of the worst aspects of After by Anna Todd and the most toxic scenes of Twilight and you get yourself the worst written book I have read in a long time.
“It’s time to keep your secrets.”
At this point, I just want to make peace with who I am, no matter what ending I get.
Cecilia: “What are you thinking Sean?”
Sean: “Lots of thoughts”
Sean: "Don’t play bitch, I like you too much."
*She doesn’t know if she wants to kiss him or slap him* bitch slap that mf
Cecilia: "You hurt me..."
Sean: "That's what I'm trying to avoid. But you twisted the whole situation into what you expected to happen. You expected me to show my Gemini side, but I'm a Virgo, remember? I had no chance against your imagination." Not him using his star sign to gaslight her??
🏃 painfully boring
🏃 skimmed from start to finish
🏃 it might be bcs of the writing style
🏃 or the story or the characters, but
🏃 i did like sean
🏃 dominic could grew on me
🏃 the heroine on the other hand..
🏃 yeah she might be one of the reasons why
🏃 but chill im in for a pound
🏃 so exodus & finish line, here i come
🏃 lets just hope theyre near as good as the cover
My greatest hope is to be in all-consuming love. My biggest fear is to be in all-consuming love.
The only love I’ve ever known or craved is the kind that keeps me sick, sick with longing, sick with lust, sick with need, sick with grief. The distorted kind that leaves scars and jaded hearts.