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Planning Penelope

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Alexander George Bishop V has an obsession. He controls every detail of her life, and she doesn't even know he exists.

Everything always goes as planned ... until it doesn't.

224 pages

First published June 30, 2017

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About the author

Erin Lockwood

7 books273 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews
Profile Image for Ari.
343 reviews241 followers
July 5, 2017
Whoa. Talk about one creepy mindfuck.

But I really can't say that I did not totally love it lol.
Profile Image for Bex | TotallyBex.com.
559 reviews196 followers
July 13, 2017
Have you ever been so intrigued by a blurb that you just have to know more about the book immediately? That’s what happened with me and Planning Penelope. The tiny little blurb lead to me seeking out an excerpt of the story, which lead to picking up the book, which lead to me not putting it down for anything and reading it in one sitting. I mentioned this book to a friend recently and said, “It’s like getting a story from a “Criminal Minds” unsub’s perspective”. Yes, being inside the head of a sociopath like Alex is creepy and enthralling all at once.

Alex is a beyond-genius-level geneticist working on important research developments at a university. He has a tendency to be obsessive and the most recent object of his obsession is Penelope, a student who attends his school. He knows everything about her, right down to her genetic makeup. Alex likes to influence every decision Penelope makes and tends to take credit for her success and happiness. However, his need to control every aspect of her life begins to spiral out of control and the outcome wasn’t what I was expecting—at all.

At one point while reading, I began to question my own sanity because I started to care for Alex. The more I got to know about his upbringing and his daily life, the more sympathy I had for him. The fact that there is a happy ending for someone like Alex is a testament to the writing of Ms. Lockwood. She is so adept at making him a real (albeit disturbed) person and I have no doubt that you will be drawn into his twisted world immediately like I was. I enjoyed this brilliant book and look forward to whatever Ms. Lockwood writes next!

ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for eevee.
808 reviews21 followers
October 30, 2018
Alex spends his time whining and lamenting about how what’s-her-face is all his, while letting her shack up with other men.

That’s… that’s not how that works, friend.

Also, the story kinda peters out after the initial excitement of stalker! wears off. There’s no build-up because our boy Alex (and he is, for all intents and purposes, a boy) never interacts with the heroine until one scene where he screams at her like a crazy stalker. Which, okay, might be true, but Alex has none of the likability from Caroline Klepne’s You or the romantic smolder of the usual dark romance archetypes. He cries and pouts a lot without doing jack shit about it. Boo hoo.

Also, major spoiler but no surprise: our hero doesn’t get the girl. The ending is… sad. His obsession turns manually over to another girl — one who convinces him to let go of Penelope, but this takes awhile and he still admits to always loving Penelope even though he pursues this new tangible girl.

Wouldn’t re-read. Sigh.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Book Lovers Hangout.
2,747 reviews12 followers
July 14, 2017
I was so intrigued reading about this book. I had to know more. I signed up not quite knowing what to expect, but I was so glad I did.

This book is so different from anything I have ever read. It is deliciously dark and conflicting. I have never felt so conflicted over a character. To be in the head of the stalker and to get their perspective. It excited me and creeped me out. I wanted to know more. I even sympathized with the character some. However, there are so many twists and turns you will not see coming and you will be left reeling after this book.

This was my first book by Erin, but I will definitely be reading more.
Profile Image for Sara Blanchard.
Author 2 books4 followers
October 26, 2018
So I read and enjoyed the author's debut novel, and I have to say that this book impresses me even more than her first. It's so compelling!! Planning Penelope was an easy read but with a storyline that I've never stumbled across before - a stalker? From this perspective? A book that makes you even sort of sympathize ... until suddenly you're like whoa, who ARE these people? I won't give anything away, but it's definitely a book to pick up this summer.
Profile Image for Alison Repp.
1 review1 follower
May 19, 2017
I was a beta reader for Planning Penelope and the book blew me away! I've never felt anything like this while reading a book. The author told the story from a disturbed individual POV, but in a way that I could relate to, which was very unexpected. I was so conflicted on whether I loved or hated Alex. Just when I thought I was on his side, BAM, he does something that completely throws me for a loop. The originality and the writing were fantastic. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Danielle.
5 reviews
July 24, 2017
Planning Penelope! This book had everything you would hope for it to. The premise itself is so intriguing. We're getting a first person narrative from the point of view of a full-fledged stalker--a brilliant, fascinating man with a tendency toward obsessive and controlling behaviors. So the book is a multi-layered character study not only of him, but also Penelope through his eyes. It's a tall order but the author pulls it off. The plot delivers all of the suspense you would hope for as Alex loses his grip on Penelope and therefore himself over the course of the book, but the resolution is both satisfying and sweet.

The actual writing in this book is a treat to read, too. There is such a strong sense of voice, insightful descriptions, and some of the turns of phrase are absolutely lyrical. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Jamie.
1 review1 follower
May 16, 2017
I read this book in one sitting - I couldn't get enough! The author's writing is sufficiently descriptive to take you to the scene, but allow enough imagination to fill in the gaps. I've read another of her books and felt the same way - her writing really works for me!

Ms. Lockwood has written a compelling story to show that everyone has their secrets!
Profile Image for Caren.
6 reviews
May 5, 2017
I loved this book. I was captured by the very first line all the way to the very last line. It was soooo creepy. But I was still completely sucked into the main character's life. I really, really loved it. I've never read a book like it before .
Profile Image for Lauren.
4 reviews
May 5, 2017
I loved this author's first book. But I have to say, this one is even better! I never thought I could sympathize with someone so twisted. I couldn't put the book down, it was so enthralling. I read it in one sitting!
Profile Image for Melissa.
3,011 reviews23 followers
July 26, 2017
C-R-E-E-P-Y!!!!! And I devoured every delicious word. I could not put it down. Every free moment I had my nose in my Kindle. Erin Lockwood is a genius with the written word. A super fascinating and intriguing read following every mapped out moment of a stalker. Infinite stars!!!!!!
Profile Image for ♠️♥️Amy♦️♣️.
216 reviews
March 21, 2022
I am a bit conflicted about this book but over all I think 3.5 stars. It's not quite as dark as some of my favorites. There were also some relationships that could have been a bit more fleshed out, but I guess that helped keep the focus on the subject.
244 reviews4 followers
November 27, 2017
This book turned out to be really adorable, well in a twisted kind of way. BUT adorable none the less.

i loved how it showed us a glimpse of how an obsessive person thinks and acts around in public, i enjoyed being inside Alex's head, and how everything turned out.

in the end, humans are made up of spontaneous actions and a plethora of choices & experiences that make them unpredictable, yes there are some that be read so easily - predetermined as some might say but there are so many variables involved that at one point it'll just surprise you.

Profile Image for Emily.
33 reviews
September 18, 2020
I had like medium hopes - literally just medium - and I mean, it didn't SUPER let me down, but also - what was the point of this....? it's like off brand "You"
6 reviews
January 12, 2021
This book was awkward. The plot was hard to follow and the climax was... Nonexistent? I kept hoping it would get better or have some kind of interesting conflict but alas. Maybe I missed something!
Profile Image for alicia.
5 reviews1 follower
September 19, 2023
"someone's best quality is also their worst. it's the most extreme parts of us that are extraordinary but can also be very unrelatable."

still debating between awarding it four stars or simply giving in to grant it five instead bc while the writing and the narrative might not rise to the level of a pulitzer, possibly falling short of their full potential, i still derived genuine enjoyment from it, page after page. i may yet find myself harbouring a certain sentimentality and a protective inclination toward it, as surreal as it sounds. it is after all just a story about a stalker... or is it?

"maybe you need to be wrong before you can be right. isn't that the point of experiments?"

there's numerous intricate layers to this story. it diverges from the conventional tale of an obsessive individual, delving instead into themes of growth, habits, and inhibitions. it poses a fundamental question of whether human nature and behaviour are shaped by our genetic composition, the fundamental building blocks of our DNA. at its core, it contributes to the ongoing discussion surrounding the age-old debate of nature versus nurture. it is just right for a nerd like me!

"our worst qualities are also our best. there's a good reason for all of our habits."

i appreciated this story all the more because, despite alex's obvious flaws, you couldn't help but feel somewhat sympathetic toward him. the moment i realized in all of this, i began i don't know, despite its creepiness and uncanny topic, it had its endearing, heck, adorable moments, particularly in the second half of the book.

"we can be each other's bad habits."

okay pop off they just fit together and surely do make a great team. they can go people-watching whenever.

Profile Image for Katyak79.
676 reviews5 followers
August 23, 2021
This book came up on a list of Best books you've never read, so I picked it up due to the blurb. The most interesting thing about this book is that it randomly takes place in Sacramento, CA where I live! Some of the places like the candy shop and the parkway are real places that I am familiar with which made it kinda fun. The school isn't real though, and neither are many of the situations that occur in this novel. This comes across as a less graceful version of Kepnes' You and has a ton of missed opportunities and plot holes. The main character is certainly creepy but not charming or eloquent the way Joe was, and the whole thing with him being a brilliant genetics researcher never goes anywhere. He mentions cloning Penelope, and collects hair samples but the author never really does much with any of this, which would have been much more interesting. The author also hints at him being a psychopath but could have given him more backstory that would make him a fuller character. Also, what is so important about his research? Make something up. On top of this, Penelope sucks. I couldn't figure out why a literal genius would find her worthy since she has no real appealing qualities besides being hot. Lots of potential here, but pass.
Profile Image for Dalene Dawdy.
69 reviews1 follower
April 23, 2024
Imagine having someone so obsessed with you, that they are waiting outside your house, listening to you through bugs, and overall OBSESSING over you? Reading this book, I was so astounded by the lengths that Alex went to stalk Penelope. The story itself was very good however there were a few things I did not like throughout this book. I feel as if it was drawn out a bit too much and there was such a big climax of the stalking part, however it never got... good I guess? I just figured that there would be more shocking things, and that Alex would take his obsession to the next level but that never happened. It ended up being unfortunately boring, especially towards the end. I loved the beginning of this book and the way Alex acted on his stalking was so interesting, but I just craved so much more from this book and wish there was just... more! I loved Erins writing style however, and considering this was my first book by her, I am wanting to read another one of hers. Anyways, don't get me wrong, this is a very mild book about stalking, so if you cant handle violence or anything gory this is the perfect thriller/ drama book for you!
781 reviews7 followers
June 6, 2020
Alexander George Bishop V, Stalker Extraordinaire!

What a great story! Told from Alexander George Bishop V's POV, I at first thought that he would "accidentally" meet Penelope, and even though Alex was stalkerishly obsessed, they would hit it off, fall in love and get that HEA. Unfortunately, it was Nathan who quite literally bumped into Penelope instead, and none of Alex's careful planning and manipulations could alter the course of true love! Hmmm! Now I'm beginning to think that Alex is THE BAD GUY! Then we see Michele, girlfriend of Alex's only "friend" Kevin (really a decoy to help Alex blend in while he stalks Penelope at the club) who Kevin constantly cheats on and Alex is slowly developing protective feelings. Oror is it more? Five wonderful stars!!!
Profile Image for Betsy Mae Partosa.
62 reviews
July 14, 2023
Read this book in less than 24 hours! It was such a page-turner. But towards the end, I was a bit disappointed to see the plot changing. I think I watched too many seasons of You and thought Alex would be similar to Joe Goldberg. But it’s good to see a change in people with troubled pasts and psycho stalker tendencies. I felt a mix of pity and happiness toward him because of his upbringing. Goes to show that there’s still something good out of people that you would think would be the worst case. It had a lot of good moments as well as topics that made me ponder. A good read if you’re looking for something fast-paced.
Profile Image for Andrea.
622 reviews
November 26, 2022
What a whirlwind!! There's stalkers and then stalkers.......Alex has done many questionable obsessive things to the woman he is stalking....Penelope.

Whilst reading I was thinking where is this story going to go. Do we want him with Penelope (who has no idea he exists) Many thoughts and queries occurred....another woman enters his life....who does he focus his attention to....It was quite the read and liked the ending.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
11 reviews1 follower
September 29, 2018
I returned this book on Audible. I was so disappointed in how it turned out, if you're looking for the HEA the book originally alludes to, don't bother. The author emotionally sucker punches you and leads you to believe and enjoy one relationship and then throws you under the bus for another. I hated it, I felt totally betrayed.
Profile Image for vanessa.
5 reviews
September 27, 2023
Creepy 10/10
Would I read again? Probably not

By the end of book Alex kind of actually did creep me out and gave me an ick. In the end all he wanted was love and he was desperate for it. He was a weak guy with money. I was initially rooting for him, but did a full 180 on my opinion of him. Ending was kind of expected towards the middle of the book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lydia Kaye.
264 reviews52 followers
October 17, 2023
Not what I expected (3.5 ⭐️)

I assumed I was reading a stalker-romance and although a “relationship” does form in the end it is not what you expect.

The reason of the stalking/obsession was unique and not something I’ve read before.

Reading solely in the stalkers POV was interesting and creepy.
Profile Image for olivia.
119 reviews
December 25, 2023
3.5⭐️ pretty good, but nothing memorable. very short, which was what drove me to read it at first, but i found a lot of wasted potential. the main character was insufferably entitled and we only scratched the surface of his complex personality and obsessive issues. this could have been a psychological thriller but it was far from it. too bad.
Profile Image for Winter.
2,043 reviews7 followers
January 27, 2024
This was unlike any stalker book I have ever read. It was so incredibly original. I am glad I didn't read any reviews because it kept me guessing for awhile. Even though there is basically no steamy scenes I did not necessarily feel like I was missing anything. The end was chefs kiss! I was so intrigued at the end that I would read a whole other novel about those two.
Profile Image for Ronda.
48 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2020
I feel like I'm saying this a lot about many different authors and I don't know if it's the author's fault or the publisher. This book could have been so much.....more. It could have been taken to the next level, but it seems as if everyone involved in making this book were afraid to go there.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 46 reviews

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